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Renegade X Community Q&A - Episode #11

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Episode number eleven of the weekly Renegade X Community Q&A series. This week we've got 12 questions (yeah, I mentioned 15 twice in the video, ignore that). If you've got questions for the Renegade X developers, submit them by posting a reply on this video and they'll be handled in next week's episode!



yay, i'm awesome! thank you!

thanks for answering my question! ^^

but still, i seem to have some more questions packed for you... > :D

1. will the st0rm-extreme co-op servers make a comeback in renX? especially the lvl 11 map was EPIIIC!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ-D55FAGns&feature=related

2. will the volt rifle ammo be made more ´´static´´? i mean, it's a VOLT rifle... and i barely see someone using it in MP... so, if you hit an enemy, and there is another one just a few steps away from him, will he also recieve a bit of damage?


Dear JAM, especial for you ;)

Here is my shot ;)

1) What possibilities will renegade-X offer to spend your money in when the airstrip/war factory and the barracks/HON is destroyed? We know there will be some kind of "call in an airstrike", and the original nuke/ion cannon. But will there also be cheaper investments like buying a package of grenades that you can use? (lets count this as one question :P)

2) Will we see in the future, some extreme tiberium weather effects, like big storms, of ion storms or things like that?

3) Will box-dropping make his return?

4) If they will return in renegade-X, will they look some cooler, and will they have some kind of opening animation when you walk on it, as that boring renegade boxes that dropped.

In some servers in renegade, they rebalanced the game by increasing the prices of units. Like the NOD artillery was 500 and the Stealth black hand was 800. For some reason did this fix a big balance problem. For example there were more NOD players defending, while normally they just where camping near GDI to nuke the hell out of them. Which was impossible when GDI was defending well ;) .

5) Will the NOD artillery have the same amount of damage as the MRLS, so the prices will keep the same?

6) Will the SBH still cost 400, or will it be upgraded to a higher amount, or will they only be able to stealth for a period of time?

7) will tanks automatically be the color of the environment? or will we have the change to decide this for yourself, or will they only have one kind of skin?

8) Stealth tank, keep it red, or camouflage it more realistic?

9) A lot of health is something we saw a lot in the time that renegade was made, will renegade soldiers keep holding this kind of game play? Or will we see some kind of a few hits is dead game play?

10) The barracks, beds to sleep? Yes or no? :P

11) Will we see rare buildings of renegade? And will we see them more often? For example the tiberium silo, and the repair pad?

12) If you give the tiberium silo and repair pad a comeback, would they also have some kind of weak points? Like the MCT of bigger buildings?

13) Will we see Urban environment in the future?

14) Will this Urban environment, when it will be made, also allow units to enter buildings?

15) Will snow have as side effect that tanks will slide a bit forward when they try to stop? :P

16) Will a crash against a tree with a humvee/buggy be deadly for a driver?

17) Will we see a rocket humvee?

18) Could tanks crush trees?

19) How will you make the end of a map? Mountains? Invisible walls? Or damage over time when leaving the field? Or dead in … seconds?

20) How will water function? As a blocker which nobody could enters? As a damage dealer? Or will it be able to swim over? Or will there no water?

This sounds like you could now fill 2 episodes with my questions :P


Few questions from me.

Will there be multiple difficulties for the Black Dawn? (So the noobs kan play against an easy AI and the hardcore players kan play against harcode AIs?

How much time will it take to complete Black Dawn?

For the multiplayer, we already have been told there'll be multiple game modes except the C&C mode. What kind of modes will be there as well? CTF, base-building, those kind of modes?

Sorry for my bad English. I'm Dutch. :P

Few questions from me.

Will there be multiple difficulties for the Black Dawn? (So the noobs kan play against an easy AI and the hardcore players kan play against harcode AIs?

How much time will it take to complete Black Dawn?

For the multiplayer, we already have been told there'll be multiple game modes except the C&C mode. What kind of modes will be there as well? CTF, base-building, those kind of modes?

Sorry for my bad English. I'm Dutch. :P

your english isnt bad at all ^^

the Black Dawn campaign will be kinda mini, 1 to 2 hours.

wouldn't C&C mode stay in multiplayer? or am i wrong?

your english isnt bad at all ^^

the Black Dawn campaign will be kinda mini, 1 to 2 hours.

wouldn't C&C mode stay in multiplayer? or am i wrong?

He probably means that there are more game modes as the original C&C mode. That question can you read on two ways ;) .

Also we Dutchmen are a big game addiction group on the Internet ;) . So bad in English are there probably a lot (like me).

I meant besides C&C_mode yes. And great, one question less to answer. xD

base building is for some kind of way C&C_mode, but this was not possible because of the engine limitations in 2001, the engine already lagged enough with that what it already had..... I have heard that they also planned CTF or stuff like that. They where already existing in renegade, but than more as a mod of a map. So probably they will come up with things like CTF, and maybe also base building... who ever knows :P

How ever once asked, JAM will answer them to you, but you have to wait in the lime, I was a bit faster with my 20 questions he has to answer ;) .


That Bam guy seems strangely familiar. :rolleyes:

Anyway, for some questions:

1. As much as I like C&C mode, for the sake of diversity will there be game modes in Renegade X that don't feature bases? Perhaps modes like infantry or vehicle death matches? If this is the case will there be dedicated maps for these game modes?

2. I remember hearing how it is planned to have game options to set how each server runs their games. Can you give some examples of some of the options that we will be able to adjust?

If you by some chance use my question(s) in a video, you pronounce my name r-315-razor.


3 questions

1.will there be a commander system like the one blackhand studio(i believe it was them not sure) tried to implement and was not full successful in?

2.are u going to make the campaign somewhat coop? were u can invite friend to help but they can't be havoc but one of the dead-6.

3. and how are the Chinooks going to work for multiplayer for side guns will the pilot control or a passenger?


Im not sure if these 2 questions have been already answered but here I go:

In the original Renegade, hotwire was able to capture the sam sites in a mission (The one, where a cathedral gets nuked).

Since there will be the ability to capture some structures, do you have to use the repair guns in order to capture it?

Or do we have to buy something first in order to capture it?

Another question:

Are we able to destroy these capturable structures? So you can't use it anymore.

So, these are my very first 2 questions :D

  • Totem Arts Staff

nice :) well done to who ever animated it :)


we have been told there may be a water element to the MP maps and as such will the APC become amphibious like in the original C&C RTS games ?

Im not sure if these 2 questions have been already answered but here I go:

In the original Renegade, hotwire was able to capture the sam sites in a mission (The one, where a cathedral gets nuked).

Since there will be the ability to capture some structures, do you have to use the repair guns in order to capture it?

Or do we have to buy something first in order to capture it?

So, these are my very first 2 questions :D

i don't think this question has been answered yet.

but i REALLY think this is will be a good addition to the game.

but what i would think you should do is that a sam site at the beginning of the game will be neutral, and will attack both GDI and nod, and can't be destroyed.

once repaired by GDI or nod troops, the same site will colour red or gold/yellow, and must be destroyed before it can be captured by another team.

this one goes to the suggestions thread, all credits go to lance ^^


Dear Jam,

Will Rocket Launchers have the secondary fire that fires three rockets like renegade was going to have?

What about granade launchers?

Are you planning to give flamethrowers a new secondary fire?

Dear Jam,

Will Rocket Launchers have the secondary fire that fires three rockets like renegade was going to have?

What about granade launchers?

Are you planning to give flamethrowers a new secondary fire?

Hahaha Secondary would be kamikaze mode.


(What, is the rocket launcher in the original game supposed to shoot three rockets?)

I'd like to know if there would be co-operative missions, it would take a lot of time to remake those maps so most likely we won't see it untill people can create custom maps, but it would be amazing.


Since there will be a auto downloader for maps I'm hopeing we will end up with a lot of maps of varying sizes like there used to be on Renegade servers that ran fan maps. I always liked playing on fan maps but one problem with them was that some times you would end up with tons of players on a small map or to few players on large maps. So....

Q: Will Renegade X allow servers to automatically change map rotation based on the amount of players?

And finally, will we have the option to replace sounds and textures with our own? Maybe with an Anti Cheat hash check?

I hope they will not allow it, editing means also hacking for some people out there... Give them a finger and they take your hand.

Imagen a stealth tank with yellow stealth effect, it will pop up a lot faster, so people will make skins that improve the way they play the game. But that makes the game a lot harder to play for they who just want to play the game as it was suppose to be.

However it should be cool to enable an option to select your music folder for background music... (but this also can be done by hand when you let your media player run in the background.)

I hope they will not allow it, editing means also hacking for some people out there... Give them a finger and they take your hand.

Imagen a stealth tank with yellow stealth effect, it will pop up a lot faster, so people will make skins that improve the way they play the game. But that makes the game a lot harder to play for they who just want to play the game as it was suppose to be.

YUP. They will take your children as well.

(but this also can be done by hand when you let your media player run in the background.)



I've got another question:

The tactical rifle, what character will carry it (Angus?), what will it cost, how will it rate? I can imagine it could be on par with the chaingun but with different specs, but it could also be a whole lot more powerful, a flachette-normal sniper combination.

Yours sincerely,


Will there be any anti cheat method? even with VAC a person could just create another account and continue doing it since it's free.

oh, but that isn't a problem, really. in most games, moderators have the possibility to give people an IP-ban, which disables the person of making any other account with the IP-adress he/she is using. this means that that person will not be able to make any other account with any of the computers in his/her house (unless you have multiple internet service providers) ;)

but you still have the possibility to log in with an already existing account.

Firestorm]yeah i'm sure as soon as ren-x full ver. gets released everyone will try to get cheats :rolleyes:

What is the point of cheating? When you cheat to win, why are you even playing the game? What is the fun a game if you win because a cheat, the whole point of winning is, that you like to win using own made tactics to kill the enemy.

What is the function of an AIMbot anyway? why should you use it? To let people say that your awesome? It is probably a little bit sick, and says "Hey I have no friends, so I use cheats to hear comlimpents".


Could they make some kind of anticheat engine that does the same as Red alert 2 when your serial is messed up. Destroying you each time your re-spawn ;) . Would be cool to hear them screwing all around the chat that they die time over time. Than you also know who is the cheater and the loser with the lowest k/d.

Late question! where have the Q&A videos been? also, have you tried to let Totalbiscuit know about the game? cheers.
Yea, it looks like JAM has blow hisself awai with fireworks on the start of 2012... Or maybe Totalbiscuit will answer the questions, he is asking and answering his own questions anyway :P.

Hehe, sadly for you guys I'm still alive. I've got a huge amount of questions for episode 12, and I'll be working on it when I've finally got some time.

Thanks guys


Can you Imagen I have still 10 more questions :P. Well it is already awesome that he takes the time to help the community. JAM I could understand when you skip some of my questions :P. Imagen how good it should be for EA Games when they did let EA-Cire do the same.

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