DarkMart Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Hi, first, I impressed by your progress. You can be sure that I will play Renegade X when the standalone will be released! Great work ! I'm sure that players can have great ideas. The original game was great, but has some default too. I invite all fans to send their suggestions here. There's my suggestions: - In the original game, players rarely use Buggy, Hummvee and Transport Helicopter. We must add something to those vehicles. My suggestion here is to allow passengers to shoot with their own guns (infantry's guns with) with their own ammo. Some restrictions can be done if this makes Transport Helicopter overpowered, but don't forget that a destroyed Transport Helicopter in air represent many losses. For the Buggy and the Hummvee, that will be fun. - Players rarely are passengers of Medium Tank and Light Tank. So what about adding machine gun for the passenger (like the machine gun of Hummvee and Buggy) ? - One bot inside each structure. Those bots are engineers and they shoot with pistol and repair the buildings. That is a good solution against a single MRLS/Arty. - If free basic infantry have more ammo (i mean i lots of ammo), that can add another role to those caracthers (other than beginning a game). Quote
Demigan Posted October 14, 2011 Posted October 14, 2011 Hello Darkmart, Giving suggestions is good, but I think these suggestions would change the game too much, they are probably even overpowered: -The buggy and humvee are good as it is. They are used in early rushes to surprise an enemy, or to be able to kill the enemy harvester, giving your team an early advantage. Also, snipers use them to travel great distances when they know they are going to run out of bullets. One last application: When all else fails, do a buggy/humvee rush. They are cheap, and while weaker then APC's and with less carry capacity, it's harder for the enemy to keep track of every one of them, making it possible for people to enter buildings unnoticed in the mayhem. If infantry can shoot from the vehicle, they would be perfect sniperspots on the move, let alone the advantage that gunners would give inside a humvee. It would make the humvee and buggy far more useful then the price you pay for it. -There are lots of players who are passengers of medium and light tanks, they just don't stay in them when the tank reaches it's destination. A passenger enters any tank for just one reason: to get to a destination, get out and do their thing. A passenger of medium/light tank either wants to get to the battlefield faster, or wants to keep the tank repaired as a hottie/tech. They jump back in when they are endangered. Giving a medium tank a machine gun as powerful as a buggy/humvee would make them too powerful, those guns are pretty mean vs both tanks and infantry you know! -Bots might be an option in low player games, but in larger games, it's a skill to have everyone fulfilling a task, such as keeping the buildings repaired, or dealing with a lone MRLS/arty. Having bots that keep the building up and running would also make sneaking in and placing C4 on the MCT much harder, and it's hard enough as it is! -Basic infantry serves a mighty role throughout the game. Every time someone runs out of money, they have to use the basic infantry to earn more, which is more then possible. Sometimes I even have more then enough money, but still take the basic infantry because I want to try something ludicrously dangerous while their weapons are more then ready for the job. Basic infantry are perfect for timed games where lots of snipers are around. your deathcount doesn't matter, if you hit a sak twice with your bullets, you already earn more points than she can from you! Let them boast about the kills they made, they need to kill you about 30 times before they earn enough points to compensate for one death of theirs! Also, I don't really understand what better role they would full-fill with more ammo. I usually die before I run out of ammo, and when I do run out, I can safely return home and get some more. Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
DarkMart Posted October 14, 2011 Author Posted October 14, 2011 - And if we can shoot the infantry inside the vehicles (Hummvee, Buggy, Transport Helicopter), like other modern games (execpt the driver) ? If so, I don't think that is overpowered. Hummvee and Boggy have light armor. - The thing is that it can be fun to control a vehicle with another player. This is possible in a lots of modern games and i think that the great gameplay of Renegade needs some updates in 2011. - I agree with you with this point : bots are not needed in largers games. But when we have less then 10 players, i think that bots can make some defense and make a minimum of challenge for rushers. Anyways, those are only suggestions. I trust Totem Arts and i will be there online when the final version of Renegade X wiil be released ! Quote
Demigan Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 you are right that it would be fun to be able to shoot from a vehicle, and that shooting people inside would also be fun and might negate the OP of a passenger buggy. But Renegade is a bit more cartoonish, build on the strange mechanics of the C&C universe. If you add those new features, it would become more a generic shooter (with the most awesome WORKING gamemode in existence). I say, let's keep renegade-x as unique as we can, while, indeed, giving suggestions on how to improve the game. Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
Lance Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 What about these ones: In Red Alert 1 and TD, the units became slower when they reached an critical amount of health (Red/Yellow). Would it be good to add this idea? I'm actually imaging, what worth the mammoth would have, as slow as it is right now. (Though, it repairs itself) And an addition to this, what, if the damaged vehicle would be slower in reloading as well? Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted October 15, 2011 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 15, 2011 My idea ... just let the Devs do what thy wont and if you don't like it, you can make a mod later to bring you ideas to the game, apparently there will be an editor for you to make maps and mods. Quote
Lance Posted October 15, 2011 Posted October 15, 2011 I just wanted to discuss this idea What Demigan and the others would think of that, no need to put it in now. Quote
Demigan Posted October 16, 2011 Posted October 16, 2011 My first thought about letting vehicles become slower was: NO. But that is for the original renegade, where one obi strike can slow the first tank, and then stop the entire stampede, making tankrushes near impossible. But with the larger maps, and probably more diverse pathing you can choose... I don't know, it might actually be worth something. One tank, slowly heading back to base, praying he can make it... Yours sincerely, Demigan, Quote
TheGroundsKeeper Posted October 16, 2011 Posted October 16, 2011 Slowing vehicles will also make escape impossible, ruining some good chases :] Quote
DarkMart Posted October 16, 2011 Author Posted October 16, 2011 One problem in Renegade was if you join a game and your refinery is alrealdy down, you had not a lot of options against arty, havok and others. I think that we can at least give some extra credits for a player who join a game in mid-game. Quote
TheGroundsKeeper Posted October 16, 2011 Posted October 16, 2011 Take a engy and repair some buildings, or go shoot at the arties, they actually take ok dmg from machinegunfire and gives some credits atleast. Ofc its harder work, but doeble. Quote
cirex Posted October 17, 2011 Posted October 17, 2011 In modern game, is a tank, just a tank, Yea you have a tank that is more powerfull to other tanks, and you have a tank that is more powerfull to infantry. But in the end, they are both everything killers. In renegade has every tank his own job. -buggy, humevee = fast transport to the field, or a fast rush car. Not heavilly used on the field because it could be sniped down. -APC = a fast rush car that most of the times is filled with the max number of users, also well used against infantry. has sniper proof armor. -Arty = long range, but should be covered by other tanks or with a lot of engineers, since it gets destroyed fast, also its snipeable. -MRLS = the same as the arty, but comes with the additional option to shoot accros a hill, while the other tanks can't hit it. Since the bullets does not fly in a straight line. -MED-Light tank= the basic field tanks, they will make the front line move back or forward. but are not very effective against infantry. -Flametanks = they are nice to let a incoming rush falling back, you can use them to form a wall that deals heavily damage, very strong against buildings, tanks and infantry, but the downside if the story is that they are only made for close combat. they will be destroyed in no time in the open field. -STANK = the stealth tank is a tank used for suprice attacks, medium effective against tanks and very effective against structures. Does also not shoot in a straight line. The most loved tank of NOD. Also the most rushes are done with this tank. but the downside is that its only strong in surprises, if the enemy knows by scouting the NOD base, that they are coming, than they are easy to stop. -Mammy = the mother of all tanks, it has big armor and hits damage similar to the med. Its really slow, but is used for making a moving wall in renegade. Since the price is almost 2x a med, and the damage is the same, this tank is not loved that mush. But with good engineering it is the real unkillable tank of the game. Also good against airunits. Adding machine guns to every tank, will make the apc useless, also the second seat is used a lot to take cover from attacks from behind while repairing. So pls don't make it be able to shoot on the driver. Quote
Demigan Posted October 18, 2011 Posted October 18, 2011 -Mammy = the mother of all tanks, it has big armor and hits damage similar to the med. Its really slow, but is used for making a moving wall in renegade. Since the price is almost 2x a med, and the damage is the same, this tank is not loved that mush. But with good engineering it is the real unkillable tank of the game. Also good against airunits. good against air units? how so? The rockets have a limited arc and range, any flying unit comming in from high and hanging somewhere above the mammoth tank can stay there safely. This tank deals the same amount of damage as a medium tank for each shot, it also is capable of firing twice as fast, doubling his damage output, and it's tusk missiles deal more damage then the normal bullets, but they are close range. Those missiles also have a great splash, and due to their short range before they explode, they are perfect anti-infantry weapons should they dare venture too close. A base defence in it's own right, but needs support in the open field. Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
cirex Posted October 19, 2011 Posted October 19, 2011 good against air units? how so? The rockets have a limited arc and range, any flying unit comming in from high and hanging somewhere above the mammoth tank can stay there safely.This tank deals the same amount of damage as a medium tank for each shot, it also is capable of firing twice as fast, doubling his damage output, and it's tusk missiles deal more damage then the normal bullets, but they are close range. Those missiles also have a great splash, and due to their short range before they explode, they are perfect anti-infantry weapons should they dare venture too close. A base defence in it's own right, but needs support in the open field. Yours sincerely, Demigan. I have seen somewhere on this forum that mammy's will get anti air ability's in ren-x. But off course don't attack me if I'm wrong. While they where not that powerfull anti air in the original renegade, they where used in close combat trying to hit that NOD aircraft. It has at least a better change to hit as the normal shells. And yea mammy is the everything killer, but because his speed, and the place it needs on the field (almost 2 meds), less people could rush together because the roads where not that big. And because of the speed, a mammy could not fall back fast enough, so you lost it pretty fast if you had no repairs. Quote
Demigan Posted October 19, 2011 Posted October 19, 2011 I have seen somewhere on this forum that mammy's will get anti air ability's in ren-x. But off course don't attack me if I'm wrong. While they where not that powerfull anti air in the original renegade, they where used in close combat trying to hit that NOD aircraft. It has at least a better change to hit as the normal shells. And yea mammy is the everything killer, but because his speed, and the place it needs on the field (almost 2 meds), less people could rush together because the roads where not that big. And because of the speed, a mammy could not fall back fast enough, so you lost it pretty fast if you had no repairs. Allright, I didn't say nothin' Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted November 25, 2011 Posted November 25, 2011 okay, enough talking about the tank issue, it's my turn now :Þ okay, i have heard that someone in this forum has seen a gun emplacement in 1 of the singleplayer videos, but i do not know where, or if it only will be used in the video (like the Beyond Black Dawn video said at the beginning the images didn't represent the real game). I do know nod has invented the gun emplacement, i am not sure about the rocket emplacement... i do think so... what i would LOVE to see is seeing those things return in the multiplayer version, because of their good capability of destoying passing infantry/tanks, avaiable to both GDI and nod, and then this way: Gun emplacement: dropped by an airplane with a parachute, the dropping position will be showed by a flare you put on the ground, the airplane will show up 10-15 seconds later dropping the gun emplacement. this unit can also be used by other friendly people (or it automatically will be binded to you?) when dropped, you cannot move this unit to another positon anymore, so you can't use it in tunnels (or it will be overpowered) Price: 500 coins Health: 100 Armour: 50 Rate of Fire: 4 bullets per second, 100 per ''mag'' Damage: 20 - infantry 3 - tanks Advantages: 360° steering angle, taking out enemy infantry when they are in few or close to each other. disadvantages: terrible accuracy, weak when surrounded or when enemy is spreaded. Rocket emplacement: excellent against tanks or air units, but will most probably not last long, because they are exposed very easily and weak, so useless if destroyed quickly. will work the same way as gun emplacements. Price: 750 or 800 Health: 100 Armour: 50 Damage: 100 - infantry (max) 20 (minimum?) 75-80 - tanks and aircraft Rate of fire: 1 per second, 8 per ''mag'', 5 second reload. Advantages: 360° steering angle, effective against infantry close to each other, tanks and aircraft, good to defend entrances. Disadvantages: weak when exposed, Repairing won't do much because of its low health barrier (or it still will be overpowered ). okay, this is as far i can get in my own, cant make it perfect meself so suggestions will be welcome (or do you hate this idea that much?) Quote
Demigan Posted November 26, 2011 Posted November 26, 2011 okay, enough talking about the tank issue, it's my turn now :Þokay, i have heard that someone in this forum has seen a gun emplacement in 1 of the singleplayer videos, but i do not know where, or if it only will be used in the video (like the Beyond Black Dawn video said at the beginning the images didn't represent the real game). I do know nod has invented the gun emplacement, i am not sure about the rocket emplacement... i do think so... what i would LOVE to see is seeing those things return in the multiplayer version, because of their good capability of destoying passing infantry/tanks, avaiable to both GDI and nod, and then this way: Gun emplacement: dropped by an airplane with a parachute, the dropping position will be showed by a flare you put on the ground, the airplane will show up 10-15 seconds later dropping the gun emplacement. this unit can also be used by other friendly people (or it automatically will be binded to you?) when dropped, you cannot move this unit to another positon anymore, so you can't use it in tunnels (or it will be overpowered) Price: 500 coins Health: 100 Armour: 50 Rate of Fire: 4 bullets per second, 100 per ''mag'' Damage: 20 - infantry 3 - tanks Advantages: 360° steering angle, taking out enemy infantry when they are in few or close to each other. disadvantages: terrible accuracy, weak when surrounded or when enemy is spreaded. Rocket emplacement: excellent against tanks or air units, but will most probably not last long, because they are exposed very easily and weak, so useless if destroyed quickly. will work the same way as gun emplacements. Price: 750 or 800 Health: 100 Armour: 50 Damage: 100 - infantry (max) 20 (minimum?) 75-80 - tanks and aircraft Rate of fire: 1 per second, 8 per ''mag'', 5 second reload. Advantages: 360° steering angle, effective against infantry close to each other, tanks and aircraft, good to defend entrances. Disadvantages: weak when exposed, Repairing won't do much because of its low health barrier (or it still will be overpowered ). okay, this is as far i can get in my own, cant make it perfect meself so suggestions will be welcome (or do you hate this idea that much?) Hmm, in the last trailer you could see a gun emplacement. Unlike the Renegade emplacement, they do not protect you, they are simply a quad gun you sit behind and steer while firing. I would actually like a feature to drop such a gun emplacement. If you place it right, you could make a good defence. In fact, I would love to see a game, not this one, where you could also drop walls and sandbags to aid yourself in defence. Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted November 26, 2011 Posted November 26, 2011 inflatable sandbags :þ epic defence!!! Quote
cirex Posted November 27, 2011 Posted November 27, 2011 The last time I played renegade, there was a server that was modified to allow users to build defenses using chatcommands (even oby and AGT). Wich was pretty cool, and worked nice, but also did a bit laggy. I would like to see an option to build light defenses, but only for a price where for you should also defense your defenses, or lose a expensive investment. The only downside of the story is that, teams did get to mush a defensive player... for some reason, people love building things more, as destroying it... Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 The last time I played renegade, there was a server that was modified to allow users to build defenses using chatcommands (even oby and AGT). Wich was pretty cool, and worked nice, but also did a bit laggy. I would like to see an option to build light defenses, but only for a price where for you should also defense your defenses, or lose a expensive investment. The only downside of the story is that, teams did get to mush a defensive player... for some reason, people love building things more, as destroying it... i think this would outbalance the game too much... but i am not familiar with that kind of combat mode... and please, comment on my suggestion Quote
cirex Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 i think this would outbalance the game too much... but i am not familiar with that kind of combat mode... and please, comment on my suggestion And building lowtech defenses, will not matter to the balance, but it will matter to the campers, since 80%-90% will just camp and build... But it was not that good to play, just funny And because you ask for comment on your suggestion: "100 health, 50 armor is a bit less for something that could not hide it for enemy fire..." Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 And because you ask for comment on your suggestion: "100 health, 50 armor is a bit less for something that could not hide it for enemy fire..." sigh... i think you guys really don't know what kind of gun emplacement i'm talking about... too bad i can't upload an image, i couldn't find ANYTHING on google so i went to youtube and pressed ''print screen'' for a couple of times... then i saved it as an image by pasting on MS paint and office picture manager, but the only extension it would save as is .bmp, and if i convert it to .jpg, i still can't upload... i'll try to find post the links of the video's later, it's nap time. cya! Quote
Demigan Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 sigh... i think you guys really don't know what kind of gun emplacement i'm talking about... too bad i can't upload an image, i couldn't find ANYTHING on google so i went to youtube and pressed ''print screen'' for a couple of times... then i saved it as an image by pasting on MS paint and office picture manager, but the only extension it would save as is .bmp, and if i convert it to .jpg, i still can't upload... i'll try to find post the links of the video's later, it's nap time. cya! http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Renegade+gun+emplacement&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1280&bih=905&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=Q4w8V6aKVOKMsM:&imgrefurl=http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Gun_emplacement&docid=6if4N6S4WrztFM&itg=1&imgurl=http://images.wikia.com/cnc/images/e/ee/CNCR_Gun_Emplacement.jpg&w=750&h=536&ei=earUTvWxD8OcOvrExGw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=789&vpy=162&dur=5448&hovh=190&hovw=266&tx=146&ty=74&sig=105312784653011355380&page=1&tbnh=156&tbnw=200&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0 I thought you were thinking of the original gun emplacement as seen in the link? Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Renegade+gun+emplacement&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1280&bih=905&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=Q4w8V6aKVOKMsM:&imgrefurl=http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Gun_emplacement&docid=6if4N6S4WrztFM&itg=1&imgurl=http://images.wikia.com/cnc/images/e/ee/CNCR_Gun_Emplacement.jpg&w=750&h=536&ei=earUTvWxD8OcOvrExGw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=789&vpy=162&dur=5448&hovh=190&hovw=266&tx=146&ty=74&sig=105312784653011355380&page=1&tbnh=156&tbnw=200&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0I thought you were thinking of the original gun emplacement as seen in the link? Yours sincerely, Demigan. YES!! finally someone now you guys have an example... that thing is kinda hard to see in the dark, so putting it in a corner or on the edge of a reef or something really should camouflage it well enough. and that giant thingy with 2 edges in the beyond black dawn video (the new gun emplacement, if it is 1)? it looks ok, but i really don't think it suits the MP environment. and now we're talking about this... i just remembered it fires those shells tanks use too in mission the plot erupts, where it is called a cannon emplacement, and it looks exactly the same! maybe add it as a second function to the gun emplacement? and then give the rocket emplacement homing missiles? i'll give you a link: 5:41rocket emplacement link: 3:19 & 3:28 Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted December 7, 2011 Posted December 7, 2011 well, another suggestion from me, i would like to keep this topic alive, just because of the title ^^ allright, so in the beyond black dawn trailer, fobby said there will be tech building which gives advantages to your team, and he would mention it further in another video... so, this is my idea: the team in control of the tech center will be able to activate their ion cannon beacon/nuclear strike beacon quicker like 5 seconds? add sonar to your minimap, so SBH's will be seen blinks on the map for once in the 3 seconds? the hoster will be able to customize those features in a server? and one more thing... i think many people have already seen this, but still, some of the pictures may be good ideas to add to the standalone release (some pictures are from other then C&C renegade, beware): Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted December 24, 2011 Posted December 24, 2011 i REALLY think this is will be a good addition to the game. but what i would think you should do is that a sam site at the beginning of the game will be neutral, and will attack both GDI and nod, and can't be destroyed. once repaired by GDI or nod troops, the same site will colour red or gold/yellow, and must be destroyed before it can be captured by another team. all credits go to lance ^^ Quote
Demigan Posted December 24, 2011 Posted December 24, 2011 i REALLY think this is will be a good addition to the game. but what i would think you should do is that a sam site at the beginning of the game will be neutral, and will attack both GDI and nod, and can't be destroyed. once repaired by GDI or nod troops, the same site will colour red or gold/yellow, and must be destroyed before it can be captured by another team. all credits go to lance ^^ I would rather have a small tech building near each base, each tech building will control some AA defences. You can destroy the AA, but you can also buy them back/they will respawn after a while. A team then has another important thing to defend, if they fail, then the AA might well wipe out their own aircraft, if they don't have any aircraft, then they can make the enemy spend some recources trying to capture it. You could actually do the same for things like ceiling guns or other automatic defences. But like any automatic defence, they should be used sparingly and have some way to circumvent. Only the main defences should be tough as nails. Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
cirex Posted December 24, 2011 Posted December 24, 2011 New suggestion: Make some additional stuff you could buy even when the WF and BAR/HON are down. Like a package of grenades at a price of 250 credits... Or something like that. (buy able light defenses should also be cool, but yea, that will maybe require a build limit and require more code work to make sure there will not be made to many). Because I believe that the airstrike will be pretty expensive and not usable for combat fights. More to use against camping tanks. Quote
jenskai1 Posted December 24, 2011 Posted December 24, 2011 No, don't modern the game, i want a worthy and proper remake of the original game, if you want something that the original didn't have you're looking at the wrong game, i don't want fancy extra useless mechanics such as getting slowed down if you take damage. Quote
Demigan Posted December 25, 2011 Posted December 25, 2011 Well, this game is getting an overhaul, not the least of which bigger maps and more intricate infantry area's. Renegade had in most maps very few roads for both the infantry and the tanks to move from base to base, with bigger maps, more roads towards a base will be likely. So having additional automatic defences might actually be a neccesity, not a commodoty or gamebreaker. Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
jenskai1 Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 Yeah that stuff is perfectly fine, i just don't want game breaking stuff in it for the sake of making the game realistic and *modern*. Wich we shouldn't want and/or consider. Quote
Demigan Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 'modern' doesn't mean bad, the original Renegade was supposed to have a load more features, and like the C&C mode, some of those features are slowly seeping into current 'modern' games right now. Like an overview map of the current map. All I'm hoping for is that in creating new features for Renegade-x, they create it in a more unique way, like we've never seen before in other games. So far, they seem to succeed. yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted December 27, 2011 Posted December 27, 2011 'modern' doesn't mean bad, the original Renegade was supposed to have a load more features, and like the C&C mode, some of those features are slowly seeping into current 'modern' games right now. Like an overview map of the current map.All I'm hoping for is that in creating new features for Renegade-x, they create it in a more unique way, like we've never seen before in other games. So far, they seem to succeed. yours sincerely, Demigan. yes, i agreee with you. 'modern' isnt bad, but i think everyone is just so fixed with the images they have from CoD and BF3, because they are the ''must-haves'' for common gamers, and appear to be clones from their earlier releases. 'modern' isn't just CoD and BF3, it's 10x wider then that. people really should realise that. Quote
cirex Posted December 27, 2011 Posted December 27, 2011 yes, i agreee with you.'modern' isnt bad, but i think everyone is just so fixed with the images they have from CoD and BF3, because they are the ''must-haves'' for common gamers, and appear to be clones from their earlier releases. 'modern' isn't just CoD and BF3, it's 10x wider then that. people really should realise that. Was that not why renegade is still played even today? I mean, renegade has a unique fighting system, it was a perfect mix between using your mind and using the big guns. However even renegade could be improved, not just because the graphics or the net-codes, but also to fix the other problems we find on the battlefield. Also renegade was a rushed game title, so there is still a lot missing what could be included to improve the gameplay. I am not sure about the idea of using big maps, since the renegade small maps worked pretty good. They did give the infantry a nice change to fight back without tanks. But we will see what will happen when they put us in big maps. Probably it will work fine, since Totem Arts is doing well on coding there work... Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted December 27, 2011 Posted December 27, 2011 Was that not why renegade is still played even today? what do you mean exactly with that? because it is modern or not modern? Quote
Demigan Posted December 27, 2011 Posted December 27, 2011 what do you mean exactly with that? because it is modern or not modern? He means that the fact that Renegade was not mainstream in it's execution of the game. Renegade is only played, in my opinion, because of it's unique game mode, that allows for high tactical gameplay. Lonewolfing takes a LOT of skill to pull off, and usually still needs a lot of allies that happen to distract the enemy for you. Just look at how flawed the infantry system is, the money you get comes in so fast, that taking the lesser infantry rarely makes a good difference. Most people end up either as a mechanic, sniper, rail/PIC or SBH. While there is a shitload of extra infantry units you can take. They just aren't good enough for their price compared to the others. They would need only slight changes to be useful for their price, or a slight nerf of the snipers who earn too many points for their tank sniping. It's also in the tanks, the medium tank trumps the light tank so hard, that the 200 more it costs barely matters. People rather take a different vehicle like the artillery, that with backup can rip almost anything apart. The reason why the game is still played is not because it's flaws, it's because of the unique experience it offered. Some games, like crysis and UT3, now have half baked copies in their node-capture idea's and in crysis an incredibly weak spin-off of the economy system of Renegade. We know Renegade was flawed, it was almost BUILD out of flaws and bugs, the totem team is going to recreate Renegade now not as it was, but how it should have been, but with the modern infuences we would expect today. Now before you cry out 'but we don't WANT modern influences'. Who said they were the MAINSTREAM modern influences? The totem arts team knows perfectly what kind of unique game they have in their hands, mucking it up by giving it all the elements games like BF3 and MW#whatever give would only ruin the experience. There are a hundred games out there with influences we are dreaming about already in them! Dungeon keeper already was a stratagy-RPG-FPS hybrid, where you were allowed to be evil. Each element seperately usually scores highely, people always dream about these kind of hybrids, but in the end they lay forgotten. I think Totem arts knows very well that these kinds of unique, incredible idea's exist, and if it fits in the game, if it looks good, if it enhances the game, they will put it in, without ever dumbing the game down where the best shooter, not stratagist, wins the game. Let them update the game how they see fit, it will NEVER be exactly as we expect it, they can't, and even if they did, we would bitch about the flaws we didn't see comming. I'm sure that in the end, they will succeed nicely, so far there have been few people who actually have something really to bitch about. You actually rever them as gods in almost every update, however little they give (although they do throw in big news every time they make an update). Ooh, and for anyone who go tthis far: Bla bla bla, let me whine every now and then Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
cirex Posted December 28, 2011 Posted December 28, 2011 He means that the fact that Renegade was not mainstream in it's execution of the game.Renegade is only played, in my opinion, because of it's unique game mode, that allows for high tactical gameplay. Lonewolfing takes a LOT of skill to pull off, and usually still needs a lot of allies that happen to distract the enemy for you. Just look at how flawed the infantry system is, the money you get comes in so fast, that taking the lesser infantry rarely makes a good difference. Most people end up either as a mechanic, sniper, rail/PIC or SBH. While there is a shitload of extra infantry units you can take. They just aren't good enough for their price compared to the others. They would need only slight changes to be useful for their price, or a slight nerf of the snipers who earn too many points for their tank sniping. It's also in the tanks, the medium tank trumps the light tank so hard, that the 200 more it costs barely matters. People rather take a different vehicle like the artillery, that with backup can rip almost anything apart. The reason why the game is still played is not because it's flaws, it's because of the unique experience it offered. Some games, like crysis and UT3, now have half baked copies in their node-capture idea's and in crysis an incredibly weak spin-off of the economy system of Renegade. We know Renegade was flawed, it was almost BUILD out of flaws and bugs, the totem team is going to recreate Renegade now not as it was, but how it should have been, but with the modern infuences we would expect today. Now before you cry out 'but we don't WANT modern influences'. Who said they were the MAINSTREAM modern influences? The totem arts team knows perfectly what kind of unique game they have in their hands, mucking it up by giving it all the elements games like BF3 and MW#whatever give would only ruin the experience. There are a hundred games out there with influences we are dreaming about already in them! Dungeon keeper already was a stratagy-RPG-FPS hybrid, where you were allowed to be evil. Each element seperately usually scores highely, people always dream about these kind of hybrids, but in the end they lay forgotten. I think Totem arts knows very well that these kinds of unique, incredible idea's exist, and if it fits in the game, if it looks good, if it enhances the game, they will put it in, without ever dumbing the game down where the best shooter, not stratagist, wins the game. Let them update the game how they see fit, it will NEVER be exactly as we expect it, they can't, and even if they did, we would bitch about the flaws we didn't see comming. I'm sure that in the end, they will succeed nicely, so far there have been few people who actually have something really to bitch about. You actually rever them as gods in almost every update, however little they give (although they do throw in big news every time they make an update). Ooh, and for anyone who go tthis far: Bla bla bla, let me whine every now and then Yours sincerely, Demigan. Agreed on most part, but well every tank and most of the infantry has its function in renegade. Humevee/buggy = most of the time nothing more as fast transport. APC = anti infantry, and a tank to use in a "C4 timed rush". Arty/MRLS = good on long and close range, but they are weak in defensing themself. MED/Light = good in armor but are less effective on long range. Mammy = Slow, a bit more armor as de the med but not really better as the MED, because this reason this tank was a fail in renegade. Stank = Awesome for hit and run tactics, or for a suprise attack. Flame = A everything crusher in close combat. What about the infantry, the most important where, the SBH, the NOD laser machine gunner, the rocket soldiers, the 500 credits sniper (very nice to use because it has no trace, so you dont see where the shot was coming from) the technicals and hot-wires, and all the 1000 credits units. But the other units are almost never useful. and making more modern does means: "expanding the gaming formula", like they do with BF and COD, they just improve the gaming formula, making things modern does not mean that you start copy an other gaming formula. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted December 28, 2011 Posted December 28, 2011 hehe demigan, you sounded just like fobby in the beyond black dawn video... i like it ^,^ Quote
Generalcamo Posted December 29, 2011 Posted December 29, 2011 One of the newer maps in renegade, Fjords, showcases just how perfect renegade could have been. When Renegade X is released, I will hopefully make something out of that idea. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted January 21, 2012 Posted January 21, 2012 hey guys, i'm back again at the suggestions thread. ^^ i have been searching some c&c renegade vids on youtube, and i have found some interesting ones featuring the beta version of the game. 1. they were planning to feature AN A-10 WITH AN AIRSTRIKE!! 2. it also seemed that the nod transport aircraft could be destroyed??? there even was an animation in it! (same video) 3. the same aircraft also had a mounted gun on it? 4. there was an animation when entering an nod buggy?? so.. will this be added in renegade X? Quote
Jello Posted January 21, 2012 Posted January 21, 2012 One of the newer maps in renegade, Fjords, showcases just how perfect renegade could have been. When Renegade X is released, I will hopefully make something out of that idea. I disagree, that map was avarage at best. Too many trees. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted January 28, 2012 Posted January 28, 2012 quick suggestion: maybe let people require to register to the forums if they want to download renX black dawn? we already got 30 more people registed in the last few days... it could make the forums nice and active Quote
Jam Posted January 28, 2012 Posted January 28, 2012 That's a real bad idea, you want to keep the game as accessible as you can. Besides that, Renegade X: Black Dawn will most likely be available for download on tons of other websites after a short time. Quote
Jello Posted January 28, 2012 Posted January 28, 2012 Was that not why renegade is still played even today? I mean, renegade has a unique fighting system, it was a perfect mix between using your mind and using the big guns. However even renegade could be improved, not just because the graphics or the net-codes, but also to fix the other problems we find on the battlefield. Also renegade was a rushed game title, so there is still a lot missing what could be included to improve the gameplayI am not sure about the idea of using big maps, since the renegade small maps worked pretty good. They did give the infantry a nice change to fight back without tanks. But we will see what will happen when they put us in big maps. Probably it will work fine, since Totem Arts is doing well on coding there work... Renegade wasn't rushed at all. The first announced release date was 2000. Then it was delayed to 2001, and finally to 2002. The problems were related to management changes and game design changes. Just check out all the changes they made to the gun models. They have completely redone the guns/vehicles/units and other graphics atleast once. Some of them even twice. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted January 28, 2012 Posted January 28, 2012 That's a real bad idea, you want to keep the game as accessible as you can. Besides that, Renegade X: Black Dawn will most likely be available for download on tons of other websites after a short time. accesibility is no problem, as it only takes 5-10 minutes to register. besides, this game already is more accesible then most games. it's online downloadable, it's smaller then most modern games, it's free, and has multiple mirrors. but hey, that is an opinion off course. and a few facts. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted February 3, 2012 Posted February 3, 2012 okay, so i was thinking what to ask for the next Q&A, and i came up with this, 'strategious' addition to the HUD. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted February 4, 2012 Posted February 4, 2012 Looks pretty awesome so you like it? picture is not mine though, check out the '10 days until black dawn' thread :þ Quote
halo2pac Posted February 4, 2012 Posted February 4, 2012 ....and i came up with this, 'strategious' addition to the HUD.[ATTACH=CONFIG]309[/ATTACH] then dont claim it. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted February 4, 2012 Posted February 4, 2012 then dont claim it. i never said i'd claim it. neither did i think it was necessary to say i did NOT claim it, if by example it was posted at a thread with 140+ replies... Quote
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