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Posted (edited)


We have started a new modification for the game C&C Renegade which will be standalone and free to play.

It will be taking place in the C&C 3 Tiberium Wars timeline and feature units, structures and objects from C&C 3.

So far we got the GDI Tiberium Refinery, GDI Barracks, Nod Tiberium Refinery, Nod Power Plant and the Neutral Tiberium Spike (which can be captured for money with an engineer) ingame.

Units ingame currently are a Predator Battle Tank, Raider Buggy, Pitbull and Mammoth Tank.

And we have the anti-infantry defenses GDI Watchtower and Nod Shredder ingame :)

Kenz3001 made a few kickass wallpapers for the mod which can be downloaded here:

GDI Wallpaper: http://www.moddb.com/mods/tcw/images/tiber...r-gdi-wallpaper

Nod Wallpaper: http://www.moddb.com/mods/tcw/images/tiber...r-nod-wallpaper

Scrin Wallpaper: http://www.moddb.com/mods/tcw/images/tiber...scrin-wallpaper

Some mammoth tanks in action video:


We have 4 maps ingame now:

C&C_Joipa (medium sized map with defenses)

C&C_Snow_Death (small map with 3 Tiberium Spikes)

C&C_Boxed (small map with 1 Tiberium Spike)

C&C_Moon (medium sized map with 2 Tiberium Spikes and Low Gravity)

We are currently looking for testers to test out the game from time to time on scheduled

events. If you are interested then please send me a message here on the forum or join

irc.mp-gaming.com #mp-tcw channel.

Greetz zunnie

PS: I started a new topic because i couldnt edit the title of my old one ;/

Edited by Guest

i saw the video of capturing the tiberium spike, and i seems that if you walk under the spike you instantly capture it, but what if the opponent and you are inside the tibspike? :confused:

btw mammoth was marked as a nod vehicle in the green box thing :o

Great job though, looking forward to see the final release ;)






PT Icons for most vehicles and characters have been added :)

Also sounds will play for each of them on the team that purchased the unit.

IE: A generic sound for purchasing a Nod Stealth Tank will play for Nod when a Nod player buys one.

Same applies to GDI units for GDI.

Purchase Icons done by Hunter-Seeker, the sounds by Bazil and Kamuixmod, code by me :)



Small changelist:

Nod Commando's now stealthed when standing still.

Depositing Tiberium now tells you how much you deposited.

Stealth Tanks and Nod Harvesters now destealth too when a unit is close enough that has stealth detection abilities.

When a friendly tank is blown up it will play the 'Unit lost' sound.

When a friendly harvester is under attack it will play the 'harvester under attack' sound.

When a friendly harvester is blown up it will play the 'harvester lost' sound.

Nod Harvesters are now stealthed.

Tiberium Spikes now send a TEAM message when a friendly unit is capturing it.

Tiberium Spikes now play the 'building captured' sound when captured.

Harvesting Tiberium now gives 50 points on deposit.

Rifle Soldiers and Militant Infantry Soldiers now drop their primary weapon OR a health/armor powerup.

Engineers and Saboteurs now drop their Remote C4, Repairgun, Mines or a health/armor powerup.

Nod Weapons Factory now plays under attack and destroyed sounds.

GDI War Factory now plays under attack and destroyed sounds.



06/21/2011 - 05:46PM


* Capturing a Tiberium spike will set off the sound "building captured" for the team that captured the

spike. If the spike was owned by the enemy team then the enemy team will hear a sound "our building has

been captured".

* Rocket guys do half the damage they used to do to vehicles since i overkill the done damage a bit.

* Zonetroopers do a little less damage to buildings.

* Peasant Repairgun is now able to disarm Beacons and C4 types as well as Buildings.

* Mammoth Tank Missile launching reduced greatly, with about 4-5 second reload delay it will fire 4

missiles to the enemy dealing great damage to infantry, vehicles and buildings.

* Added fire and/or start, loop and stop sounds for the following units: GDI Pitbull, GDI Mammoth Tank,

Nod Attack Bike, Nod Stealth Tank, Nod Militant Soldier, Nod Raider Buggy, Nod Militant Rocket Soldier,

GDI Rifle Soldier, GDI Zonetrooper.

* Stealth Tanks will now destealth when a Stealth Detection Enabled vehicle is nearby, such as the GDI

Pitbull and GDI Orca.

* Adjusted the Stealth Detection code so it does no longer destealth friendly units.

* Fixed Mammoth Tanks from not booting Commando's when entered. Now Commando's can no longer be the

DRIVER of a vehicle. Commando's can still enter APC's as a passenger.

* Map Mountain Pass now has blue tiberium and a brand new water texture.

* Map The Joipa now has a bridge connecting the two bases.

* Map Snow Death now has new texturing job done. It is still a snow map but with different textures.

* Map Backface greatly reduced in size because it was way too big. Backface now has Blue tiberium fields.

* The maps Backface, Boxed, Mountain Pass, Snow Death and Spikewar ported to 3DSMax8, future assets for

TCW will be 3DSMax8 files only.

* Added a selection of CnC 3 TW Music Tracks to the game files for use on (custom) maps.

* Added a selection of Frank Klepacki's CnC music to the game files for use on (custom) maps.

* All presets in Leveleditor recreated from scratch. Much better and clear structuring which will make it

a lot faster to create and/or modify content for the game which will benefit the (hopefully) future

modding community for TCW :)


I completed creating the code that handles the Composit Armor upgrade for Rifle Squads, Missile Squads and Grenadier Squads now :)

Zonetrooper upgrades i am working on still.

It will grant your character an extra 15ap and 15hp.

You press E on the "Upgrade Composit Armor" terminal which will add $500 of your money to the Upgrade

Composit Armor Fund, when the fund reaches $6000 then researching the upgrade will commence.

Researching takes 60 seconds after which the Upgrade becomes available.

Note that Nod Saboteurs are able to sabotage the research process simply by pressing E on the terminal

when researching is taking place.

The research will fail and the funds are reset and GDI will have to purchase the upgrade again.

I made the cost 6k which isnt all that much concidering the startmoney is $500 and when there are as little

as 5 or a few more players are on the team you reach 6k fairly fast.

This does not mean it is subject to change in the future to a lower or even higher price.


Obviously this terminal will be located in the GDI Armory building once it is ingame.

  • 2 months later...


We have spiced up the map Spikewar a bit as you can see below

Mauler added better bridging and some palm trees and rock formations

The tiberium field will have the blue tiberium crystals placed all

over it soon:


OLD spikewar


After Mauler had his hands on it lol:


We now use a sidebar made by Kenz3001 (based on scripts 4.0) in TCW:


Yes, i placed all of them 1 by 1 on the map All around the map



Here some screenshots of the map TCW_Snow WIPs and a final beta shot (last image):

Credit goes to dtrngd too as he originally made the terrain for APB Coop, i made the map double size and did the texturing and level setup.




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