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Renegade x server info please


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hii all sorry if im doin this worng but didnt know where to start.

1st renegade x is the best mod i have ever seen ive been a big fan of renegade and still am i play on da orignal just 2 weeks ago i found this mod you guys r legends for this i went out and bought unreal 3 but im a bit dissapointed because no1 is ever playing this mod im still waiting for players :(

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Hi and Welcome

things have been slow lately ive seen some life on the server (MP-Gaming's slaughterhouse server) but only 1 or 2 people at a time :( i think a nice event or something would bring the numbers back up (Hint Hint Dev's ;) )

if you use irc or even if you dont look at this >>>Clicky<<< you will be able to see and talk to players on the server

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