PerceptionRedemption Posted December 21, 2010 Posted December 21, 2010 Noobsuniverse Renegade-X Server The Noobsuniverse server has been updated to improve your game experience even further. You have probably noticed new interesting changes. For the newcomers, here's some useful information : Features Comprehensive Commands A set of useful commands is available to get information from the game, server's settings, meanings, tips, etc. It is provided as an extension of the command !help via the command !info. Further commands are shown to find the little details you want to find, or if you want to help someone who might ask something that is common, such as the server's location, how to kill yourself in the game, etc. They are integrated to ease everyone, from the newcomer to the regular player. Ingame Automated Messages They are integrated with the server to guide you of the updates, known issues, tips and much more. Taunts Sounds such as ^^, hehe, killem, are back on Renegade-X! Imagine how closer to the old Renegade the gaming experience is. The Noobsuniverse server is customized to make you feel like at home and it might even become your new home. Prerequisites Map Fixes The server has two known fixes in which you can download here : It is highly recommended to do so to save time and frustration while you can do other tasks. We feel that it is better than staring at a screen waiting for the downloads without even knowing how it progresses. Doing so will decrease the number of automatic downloads by joining the server. When your downloads are complete, extract the maps to in \My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade\Published\Maps. This might differ if you have chosen a different path to install Unreal Tournament 3 and Renegade-X as this is merely the installations' default. In this case, extract it in your Maps folder located at where you have chosen to install Unreal Tournament 3 and Renegade-X. In-game Download Process By connecting to our server, the game might download files for you. That usually means that you don't have the file(s) required to play or that you have issues with your Renegade-X or Unreal Tournament 3 installation. You should only see the download progress for less than two seconds because of a bug. So, it disappears and you will not be able to see the download progress for the rest of your downloads. It should still download the files for you. Take a coffee, do something else on your computer or take your dog outside for a little while, or anything else that might seem to fit with the situation. Otherwise, you would probably be watching the main menu for a while. -=)-)NU(-(=- Clan We have the -=)-)NU(-(=- community clan at your disposal. The requirements are that you must avoid abusive, racist, sexist, hateful messages and content. The goal is to expand the entertainment and keep the gaming experience fresh, all in the great respect of the members. Anyone can wear the tag with no intervention and as long as you follow the requirements. However, if you want to participate in the events, you must report your presence as such and prove that you fit the requirements. So, how to connect to our server? You can connect to our server by looking at the server's name and IP below. Server name : -={ MiX | | MiX }=- IP : location : Québec province, Canada (Near New York and Ontario) For a deeper integration with the community, we invite you to join our IRC channel at #noobsuniverse-rx @ By doing so, you can benefit of the interactions with the game, follow your friends, see how many people are connected, and much more. Have fun on our server! Enjoy! If you have any questions regarding the server and its services, feel free to leave a reply on this topic or contact PerceptionRedemption @ Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted December 21, 2010 Totem Arts Staff Posted December 21, 2010 some good info there, might have a bash on it when i sort my ut3 back out on a side note ... the text is a bit intence, i cant see right after reading all that lmao Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted December 21, 2010 Author Posted December 21, 2010 some good info there, might have a bash on it when i sort my ut3 back out on a side note ... the text is a bit intence, i cant see right after reading all that lmao We feel the life in it, isn't it? Quote
woandre Posted December 21, 2010 Posted December 21, 2010 Wow nice lol Would it be possible in the future to disable the sounds as ^^, toy, hehe etc? I know some nubs love to spam it but others get annoyed by it after playing the game 3 days..... Hope it's possible Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted December 21, 2010 Author Posted December 21, 2010 Wow nice lol Would it be possible in the future to disable the sounds as ^^, toy, hehe etc? I know some nubs love to spam it but others get annoyed by it after playing the game 3 days..... Hope it's possible It is very possible. I've not seen any spam in this regard on the server. Also, it depends of your motives. If you ask me to do that, must I assume that it is the case for all the other servers that use this feature? Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted December 21, 2010 Author Posted December 21, 2010 It is also possible to get a dropped weapon when you kill someone. Quote
alexrirak Posted December 21, 2010 Posted December 21, 2010 You would need a custom mutator to make it possible to pick up dropped weapons. Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted December 21, 2010 Author Posted December 21, 2010 I've been able to pick them up with no problem. Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted December 21, 2010 Totem Arts Staff Posted December 21, 2010 ions and nuks can be droped with the ut3 mutator ... you need a custom 1 ... havent had a chance to play on your server been busy so dont know if you have the right mutator Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted December 22, 2010 Author Posted December 22, 2010 Not if I don't mind about the drop of nukes and ions. Quote
Jam Posted December 22, 2010 Posted December 22, 2010 Nice post there, I tried connecting a few times but either wasn't patient enough to let the client download all the files or my client just didn't want to connect. Would it be possible that you upload the maps and mutators on a webserver so we can install them manually? Quote
zunnie Posted December 22, 2010 Posted December 22, 2010 What is your guys website? I see you has a clan? Maybe we can do some friendly clanwars sometimes Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted December 22, 2010 Author Posted December 22, 2010 Nice post there, I tried connecting a few times but either wasn't patient enough to let the client download all the files or my client just didn't want to connect. Would it be possible that you upload the maps and mutators on a webserver so we can install them manually? Thank you. If you don't join for Under & Volcano, there is a message to tell you that you can download them via the Renegade-X website even though they are uploaded somewhere else, for the convenience. It is possible because it has already been done. In fact, you can look for some uploaded maps and other files there : What is your guys website? I see you has a clan? Maybe we can do some friendly clanwars sometimes The website is accessible via the links on my signature or in my profile. It is also shown as the server's name via the Renegade-X Frontend and my first post on this topic. -={ MiX | | MiX }=- I have started a clan. I am currently the only member for now. That will come with the time. For the clanwars, this is a good idea. Has clanwars ever happened on Renegade-X? If not, it will be a pleasure to be one of the pioneers. Quote
Jam Posted December 22, 2010 Posted December 22, 2010 There were plans for clanwars, but due to the small amount (Nod Elites and MP) of Renegade X clans it never really happened. Thanks for uploading the files, I'll hop in once I have the time. Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted December 22, 2010 Author Posted December 22, 2010 Okay. This is a good reason to see if I can help to make it happen. Quote
cybnetsurfe3011 Posted December 23, 2010 Posted December 23, 2010 Hey, its General_Cyber, how do u get on the server, i've been gone a while so i'm not sure whats up Quote
Jam Posted December 23, 2010 Posted December 23, 2010 This might help. Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted December 23, 2010 Author Posted December 23, 2010 Required files are @ You can let your game download stuff but that will take more time. I was going to add new things to help this issue and I am very busy now. Chances are that you were joining with a map or some other content you don't have. To know how to do this : Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted December 24, 2010 Author Posted December 24, 2010 Good luck. I've temporarily removed the custom maps but you absolutely have to download the map fixes provided by the Renegade-X team, as it fixes the harvester path in Under and fixes some CPU usage for Volcano. Quote
cybnetsurfe3011 Posted December 24, 2010 Posted December 24, 2010 is there any specific place the files have to go or do i just dump em all in the published folder. i no speak ut3 files Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted December 24, 2010 Author Posted December 24, 2010 As told in the link I sent you. I have noticed a problem the link because I have pasted it and the link goes exactly as it is shown in the link. This link should work, unlike the one above. Quote
cybnetsurfe3011 Posted December 24, 2010 Posted December 24, 2010 cool cant wait to check out the new stuff Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted February 1, 2011 Author Posted February 1, 2011 For anyone who might care at least a single bit only... for the others, there are other more important topics for you. You might have waited for long because the server has stopped to be there for quite a while. This information is now outdated and there is now a complete absence of this server on the list and direct connect. I originally intended to release the commands so it could be useful for the other server owners. I have chosen to delete them and anything Renegade-related, except the music and the screenshots. It would have been weird and harder to get many players to come by connecting directly when some are certainly unaware of such possibilities. They'd rather connect with the help of the frontend provided with the Renegade-X mod. I was unable to connect to the servers list server, either as a player or as a server host. So, the players would see my server absent from the servers list. Quote
halo2pac Posted February 2, 2011 Posted February 2, 2011 The auto updater downloads those files necessary for play. Quote
PerceptionRedemption Posted February 2, 2011 Author Posted February 2, 2011 The auto updater downloads those files necessary for play. I am aware of this. The issue is about my ability to fetch the servers list and to broadcast my server and it did that whatever my setup was. I had talked a bit about my connection issues that had or still have sudden appeared on at least another topic. So, I am limited to direct connect for both and this might be a real slowdown for nothing. I just came here to talk about the status and my intents about it. The server is officially closed because I cannot fetch and broadcast. I was unable to get to the MP-Gaming's Server neither when I saw people in. Quote
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