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Epic Games and UDK join the awards


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With the 1st Annual Indie of the Year competition well underway with 35,000 votes logged and the 9th Annual Mod of the Year on record pace with 90,000 votes logged - we interrupt the current proceedings with the most awesome news. If you are currently making a game with UDK this competition applies to you, if not we suggest you hang your head in shame and check it out. The free edition of Unreal Engine 3 is undeniably one of the coolest game engines (check out those screens below from only a handful of the hundred's of UDK games in development) out there which puts all the tools you need to create amazing games, lifelike scenes and fantastic worlds in your hands.

Thanks to Epic Games, in 2010 the Top 20 UDK Games (which have a playable demo released by December 7th 2010) as decided by players votes will then be narrowed down into the top 10 by judges from Epic and IndieDB. Then in late December (or possibly even early January depending on how distracted we get blasting away judging the games) we shall announce the top 10. The ultimate winner will receive a flight to the Epic offices in Cary, NC for up to 5 of their developers. They will then meet Epic's developers, tour the brand new studio facilities and give a demo of their UDK game on the 16'x9' display in the area known as The Arena.

... pretty darn awesome prize if you ask us (I can squeeze into your suitcase for the trip)! So if you are making a UDK game we suggest you get a demo out before December 7th and get people voting for your game to give it the best chance of winning. Best of luck developers!


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  • Totem Arts Staff

To be honest this is way too short of a notice. I saw this yesterday morning, and a week is not really enough time to polish up Black Dawn and release it. I also don't see much of a point of releasing a "Black Dawn demo" since BD itself is a demo of what's later to come. An unfinished demo is not that valuable. For this to be possible by December 7, BD would have to be ready right now, but it still needs more time.

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