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Westwood's 25th + Petroglyph's 7th Anniversary


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October is prize-month.

Westwood Studios' 25th anniversary and

Petroglyph's 7th anniversary is coming up. Including EaW's FoC PC 4th anniversary, plus Halloween...

They want to do a big celebration for 2 weeks, with prizes each day (something small) and a grand prize at the end.

How is this related to CnC?

Some of the prizes involve Frank Klepacki. For example Frank's first cd from Tiberian Dawn, signed.

I don't know what the other prizes are, I'm guessing Petroglyph stuff, but that's great too.

They are going to post more soon on the Petroglyph Facebook page and on their Twitter:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/petroglyphgames?ref=ts

Twitter: http://twitter.com/petroglyphgames

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