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nvidia 2xx.xx drivers and the UDK


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  • Totem Arts Staff

ok i just thought i would show people this i just updated my Graphics Card from X2 8800GT to a GTX460 would of been a 480 but my misses stole it for her rig with out telling me hmmmm

any way i had bad preformance with the Nvidia 2xx.xx drivers with the 8800gt cards (could not use sli with the UDK btw) and now i got the same thing with the GTX460, in the editor its fine as long as i dont use lighting modes (lit, lighting only, lighting complexity and lighting only w/ texel density view modes) but when trying to play, well take a look ...


no GPU usage the whole thing is running of my pissy little AMD Athlon 6000+ CPU at 1fps, that is not that bad if you think about it lmao, but WTF the old Nvidia 19x.xx drivers worked better with my old 8800gt in, i was getting 25-30fps.

but the GTX460 only works with the new Nvidia 258.96 driver.

any 1 else got the same problem with the new Nvidia 2xx.xx drivers and the UDK ?

btw post your problems here for bug reporting

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