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Night Time Audience, EST


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  • Totem Arts Staff

As most of you know, most people play Renegade X between noon and 5pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5). We have more players scattered throughout the day, but generally speaking, those are our peak hours. This is because much of our fanbase is European (German, Dutch, British, etc.) For players in North America, this doesn't give too much play time. For players in the West Coast, as well as places like Australia, New Zealand, China, there are no real play hours.

Lately the team has been trying to get a night-time audience . Last night we played three hours in the AM's (midnight to 3:30am) with about 15 people. To help numbers at night, I ask our fans to help populate the servers. Get together with some friends and join in; more people will come when they see people in the server.

Thank you.

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