zunnie Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Download RenXBot Buzzer has finally finished his PHP IRC Bot for Renegade X. There is only one config file that needs to be looked at: config.php Edit it as you see fit and then run renxbot.cmd to start the bot. Before you download: It requires PHP5: http://nl2.php.net/get/php-5.2.11-win32-in...i/from/a/mirror list of available commands Public Commands: !msg: Sends a message into the server (requires voice +v) !pl: Shows the playerlist !gi: Shows game info such as mapname, amount of players and time remaining Admin Only Commands: !kick: Kicks a player from the server !tempban: Bans a player for one session !ban: Bans a player by IP !quit: Shuts the bot down. Usage: !quit !reboot: Will reboot the bot. Usage: !reboot !gdimsg: Will send out a message to GDI, NOD will not be able to read this. Usage: !gdimsg !nodmsg: Will send out a message to NOD, GDI will not be able to read this. Usage: !nodmsg !hostmsg: Same as !fds msg, doesn't add the (*@IRC) tag. Usage: !hostmsg !rotlist: Displays the current announces. Usage: !rotlist !rotadd: Will add a message to the auto-announcer. (Note: Add [MP] manually) Usage: !rotadd !rotdel: Will delete an existing message. Usage: !rotdel Quote
AlienXServers Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Nice going... But please - oh dear god, tell buzzer to look up the word indentation... argh lol Quote
=HT=Duro Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 nice, we will try this and report on your forum if we got problem Quote
Robs Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 ive downloaded it, but at first it wouldn't unzip, managed to fix that. ALso the PHP thing (ive no idea how to use it) dosent seem to work either. The php file dosent seem to do anything and i cant change it... Any ideas? Quote
Guest Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 QUOTE (AlienX2 @ Oct 26 2009, 10:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nice going...But please - oh dear god, tell buzzer to look up the word indentation... argh lol[/b] I know what indentation is. Most codewriters like code indentation, but I'm one of the few that's more comfortable with reading and writing code that does not have indentation.QUOTE (Robs) ALso the PHP thing (ive no idea how to use it) dosent seem to work either. The php file dosent seem to do anything and i cant change it...[/b] You can run the PHP file with the latest version of PHP on a command line. Navigate to the scripts directory, and type 'php renxbot.php'. Make sure you modify the config.php file first.A note from the author: this bot was designed as a quick solution for the lack of more experienced scripters with enough time to write something in MP-Gaming. It is in no way created to be efficient or easy readable/modifiable. It was written for very specific circumstances and I cannot guarantee it will work on other servers too. Quote
zunnie Posted October 26, 2009 Author Posted October 26, 2009 Bot was updated by Buzzer with 3 new commands: !kick, !ban and !tempban Redownload the bot. Quote
producepr Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Which file(s) changed? I really don't want to have to reconfigure the entire thing. Quote
Guest Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 QUOTE (producepr @ Oct 26 2009, 09:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Which file(s) changed? I really don't want to have to reconfigure the entire thing.[/b] Just renxbot.php, the configuration is the same.By the way, this is the changelog:QUOTE Release 2- Lowered priority level for output of !help and !rotlist commands- Fixed color issues in the chat relay- Added message if there are no players online with !players- Updated !help to show command aliases- Added !kick, !ban and !tempban functions- Modified layout of !game command output[/b] Quote
producepr Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 Thanks. Any chance I can make a few requests for the next release? - Oper support (Have a setting(s) in the bot to allow it to sign into an IRCop account to prevent lag from multiple lines not being "said" when they should.) - WebAdmin console support (Through a command similar to !fds in BRenBot, allow mods/admins to send commands straight to the console in the webadmin) - Have it detect when the server is empty, so it doesn't spam it when there are no players. Once again, Thank you very much for this. Quote
Guest Posted October 28, 2009 Posted October 28, 2009 QUOTE (producepr @ Oct 27 2009, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks. Any chance I can make a few requests for the next release?- Oper support (Have a setting(s) in the bot to allow it to sign into an IRCop account to prevent lag from multiple lines not being "said" when they should.)- WebAdmin console support (Through a command similar to !fds in BRenBot, allow mods/admins to send commands straight to the console in the webadmin)- Have it detect when the server is empty, so it doesn't spam it when there are no players.Once again, Thank you very much for this.[/b] Sure, I'll try to implement these things in the next release. The third release won't come as soon as the second though. Quote
zunnie Posted November 6, 2009 Author Posted November 6, 2009 How is progress on this going Buzzer? Quote
Guest Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 Currently the following things have been changed: QUOTE - Implemented idle mode (automated features such as the rotator pause while the server is empty)- Fixed issues with certain special characters in names (&"<>) not working well with some features - Made the maximum number of players displayed in !game configurable - Implemented support to log into IRC oper accounts [not tested yet] - !mute function is working - Added !console function for direct commands to the management console (write only)[/b] Right now I'm working on a command for player info and join/leave notifications of ingame players. Quote
zunnie Posted November 6, 2009 Author Posted November 6, 2009 Nice to hear that, keep this topic up to date Quote
zunnie Posted November 6, 2009 Author Posted November 6, 2009 You think you can code up a !ipsearch fuction? Make the bot log all players and their ips in a database simular to what brenbot does for renegade. Would be nice to lookup players like that for admin purposes. And maybe a nickprotection system so you cant simply change your name to a ingame name. Right now anyone can use the [MP]zunnie nickname for example by using the setname function. Maybe make it so you can register and have to PM the bot !password to authenticate the nick. Failing to authenticate would result in a session ban. So what needs to be done: - add functionality that allows players to register a nick !register - when a nick is registered make it do a message into the admin channel " registered by (then when someone spams the bot with regs it can be picked up by moderators) - a command to disallow certain irc users to register nicks or by ip lookup. Bots will login as oper so they can lookup ip's. - add functionatily that allows admins to remove registered nicks !removereg (in case someone thinks he is funny and registers other players their names. - add functionality to log the ips of all players into a database which can be looked up using !ipsearch or !ipsearch which displays a max of 10 results starting with most recent usage. Quote
producepr Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 Thanks for the update, as well as spending the time to work on the bot. Quote
Stumpy Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 Bot looks good, but why the hell PHP?! C++ would have been the best language to do this. Quote
Guest Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 QUOTE (zunnie) You think you can code up a !ipsearch fuction?Make the bot log all players and their ips in a database simular to what brenbot does for renegade.Would be nice to lookup players like that for admin purposes.And maybe a nickprotection system so you cant simply change your name to a ingame name.Right now anyone can use the [MP]zunnie nickname for example by using the setname function.Maybe make it so you can register and have to PM the bot !password to authenticate the nick.Failing to authenticate would result in a session ban.So what needs to be done:- add functionality that allows players to register a nick !register - when a nick is registered make it do a message into the admin channel " registered by (then when someone spams the bot with regs it can be picked up by moderators)- a command to disallow certain irc users to register nicks or by ip lookup. Bots will login as oper so they can lookup ip's.- add functionatily that allows admins to remove registered nicks !removereg (in case someone thinks he is funny and registers other players their names.- add functionality to log the ips of all players into a database which can be looked up using !ipsearch or !ipsearch which displays a max of 10 results starting with most recent usage.[/b] I don't have time right now to analyze whether this is possible but I'll look into it as soon as I do.QUOTE (Stumpy) Bot looks good, but why the hell PHP?!C++ would have been the best language to do this.[/b] Command line PHP is the only language close to a programming language that I can write code for. As already stated earlier in this topic, this project was not started to create an efficient bot, just something that works. Quote
producepr Posted November 8, 2009 Posted November 8, 2009 QUOTE (zunnie @ Nov 6 2009, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You think you can code up a !ipsearch fuction?Make the bot log all players and their ips in a database simular to what brenbot does for renegade.Would be nice to lookup players like that for admin purposes.And maybe a nickprotection system so you cant simply change your name to a ingame name.Right now anyone can use the [MP]zunnie nickname for example by using the setname function.Maybe make it so you can register and have to PM the bot !password to authenticate the nick.Failing to authenticate would result in a session ban.So what needs to be done:- add functionality that allows players to register a nick !register - when a nick is registered make it do a message into the admin channel " registered by (then when someone spams the bot with regs it can be picked up by moderators)- a command to disallow certain irc users to register nicks or by ip lookup. Bots will login as oper so they can lookup ip's.- add functionatily that allows admins to remove registered nicks !removereg (in case someone thinks he is funny and registers other players their names.- add functionality to log the ips of all players into a database which can be looked up using !ipsearch or !ipsearch which displays a max of 10 results starting with most recent usage.[/b] I'd settle for having it display the IP and hash of a player in the admin channel. I could script something for IRC to log it and manage searches. Quote
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