Demigan Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 One of the most interesting bits of renegade is the fact that you will achieve victory quickest with team tactics. Rushes are one of the best ways to finally end a game in marathon, or get back on top of the other team in normal games. What are the most genius rushes you've ever seen, did they fail or succeed? Why did they fail or succeed? I think one of the most effective rushes I've ever seen was a mobius rush. about 20 of the 25 people had a mobius, the rest was either sniper or lone wolfing it (damn noobs ). It was on Islands, both teams still had tons of money but the refinery was destroyed of both teams. We time-c4red the airstrip, when it was the Hon's turn, we realised that simply shooting from the outside did the job in seconds. Why did it succeed? Well, there are relatively short roads towards the bases, snipers don't have such an advantage for their range vs a lightning gun. So most mobiusses were still alive when they got to the base. The lightning gun is very powerfull even against buildings but rarely used, which had a nice surprise element when we torched the Hon. Dunno whoever started gathering mobiusses, but that was a genius move. What's your best rush you've witnessed? Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
Qbert987 Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 The most common rush is the stank rush. It failed because GDI was all PIC. I was on GDI playing on field when the rushed us with 5 stanks and 2 APC's we were all Sydney with PICs and when they rounded the corner they were decimated by our combine fire power. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Quote
Totem Arts Staff [NE]Fobby[GEN] Posted June 8, 2009 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 8, 2009 I've seen some pretty cool rushes in the past seven years. One of which my clan had pulled off on another clan. It was an 8v8 in a tournament, and I had commanded my team. It was City Flying. I split the clan into 2 squads. Each squad consisted of: 2 artilleries, 1 repair tech, and 1 blackhand sniper. We got all of these units as soon as we could near the beginning of the game, and each squad went their own way: 1 on the bridge facing the WF, and the other on the other side of the base facing the powerplant. We had artilleries to attack the buildings (4 on a building is a tough match), snipers to take out infantry resistance and engineers and possibly any Orcas, and techs to repair the artilleries when they got damaged. We managed to get both the Refinery and Powerplant in that one go. Another cool plan we pulled off in the same match was a funny one: 7 Nod APCs and 1 nuker. It's simple, the 7 APCs defended the nuke. No matter how many PICs the other team had, they were no match for that many APCs. And one we usually pull off every ReneGame or NE-Versary is the infamous SBH rush. We were once able to get 16 SBHs that had taken out a shit load of GDI vehicles. And of course, everyone's favourite, Gunner rushes. I've once taken part in a 27-man Gunner rush. It was epic. Quote
R315r4z0r Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 I remember one epic last stitch effort rush my team and I did on City Flying a while back. It was a marathon game and I was on GDI. Nod had taken out our Refinery, and Barracks and we were, at the time, rendered completely poor. We had to scratch up every cent we could find to get vehicles to combat Nod. Fortunately, we already had some vehicles lying around the base defending. We had a Medium tank, a couple MRLS, a Mammoth tank and I was an Orca. We were against the ropes and were awaiting Nod's next strike fearing it would end us. While waiting, we began to brainstorm ways of how to strike back instead of waiting for death to come for us. The offensive strategy we devised had to be the most complex and well thought-out scheme that I've ever seen in all my years of Renegade. If I can remember correctly, we scavenged up enough money to buy some more tanks. We hid those tanks from Nod and waited for their next attack. After they came, we managed to push them back, however we lost our War Factory in the process. After which, we immediately put our plan into motion. I flew my Orca out into the field to do some reconnaissance. I reported that there was no resistance at all. The field was completely void of any other person. That's when we sent our MRLS squad over the bridge and positioned them just outside Nod's base, in a way they couldn't be seen, there was one Medium tank with them. Then we had a second armor division en route to their Power plant side. Then the MRLS moved in and opened fire on the Refinery and took it out before Nod knew what the hell was going on. They moved in closer to attack the Air Strip but were mauled by a surprise attack from an Apache. I tried my best to fend off the Apache. As we were dog fighting, the armor division moved up the power plant side and begain harrassing the power plant. Then the Nod infantry ran to repair the powerplant when suddenly the tanks split off their projected path and attacked the Obelisk instead. I took down the Apache, however we lost all but one MRLS. We took out the Obelisk and continued to attack the Airstrip. I flew into their base, but was unfortunately shot down. However, I managed to survive the drop and sneak into the Hand of Nod and destroy it with C4. We soon after won that match in a surprising upset. But what really made the rush fun was how the team was communicating with each other while the plan was in motion. Definitely one of the most fun matches I've ever played. Quote
MightyBOB Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 I saw a giant Buggy rush on Hourglass once. >_> Quote
Qbert987 Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 Recently I was playing on Hourglass as nod and GDI mammy rushed us 4 times and finally broke our defenses. Quote
Jointn00b Posted June 9, 2009 Posted June 9, 2009 my best rush ever was an orca + flying coffin rush. it was in city flying, and although it sounds stupid and it actually was stupid we managed to kill pp, ref and air in one go. we loaded up 2 coffins with hottie's and engi's and we had like 6 orca's. then we flew to the pp losing 2 orca's lol. and because of the amount of remotes we had pp was killed by only remotes lol. and well then ref and air were killed by timed. that was without doubt my best rush ever lol. Quote
=HT=Duro Posted June 10, 2009 Posted June 10, 2009 chem rush ( like 20+) in volcano is a classic, and always work if enough ppl ... onlt 3 or 4 chem can takeout a building fast ... we had all the building in 1 rush .. not a long game i loved doing shotgunrush on mrl in City Flying hahahhah, when you see mrl coming in center or by bridge, get some Shotgun, like 10-15 and run on MRL. we destroyed like 5 or 6 mrl @ onetime with this lol Quote
epicelite Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Never gotten anyone to do this but... On hourglass if you are GDI right at the beggining get everyone to go engineer and run out the tunnle for the ob. It fires so slow it should only get 1-2 people and everyone else will blow up the op. :3 Quote
Demigan Posted June 12, 2009 Author Posted June 12, 2009 QUOTE (epicelite @ Jun 12 2009, 04:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Never gotten anyone to do this but...On hourglass if you are GDI right at the beggining get everyone to go engineer and run out the tunnle for the ob. It fires so slow it should only get 1-2 people and everyone else will blow up the op. :3[/b] Ooh, I don't mind trying that one out with you sometime. There's only one problem. When the obi fires, it will hit several people at once. I expect that everyone will try and take the shortest route, so we should have about 2 clusters or 2 lines comming from each exit tunnel. Which would mean about 2-3, if unlucky even 5, people dead each shot? Then we also have to break through all the noddies who are comming in the tunnels, killing lots of us, and probably returning there as soon as they are killed. Making the run at the obi even harder. Fat chance it will work, but I would like to try it with you Yours sincerely,Demigan. Quote
Combine 108 Posted June 14, 2009 Posted June 14, 2009 QUOTE (Demigan @ Jun 12 2009, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ooh, I don't mind trying that one out with you sometime. There's only one problem. When the obi fires, it will hit several people at once. I expect that everyone will try and take the shortest route, so we should have about 2 clusters or 2 lines comming from each exit tunnel. Which would mean about 2-3, if unlucky even 5, people dead each shot? Then we also have to break through all the noddies who are comming in the tunnels, killing lots of us, and probably returning there as soon as they are killed. Making the run at the obi even harder. Fat chance it will work, but I would like to try it with you Yours sincerely,Demigan.[/b] Remember that the ground from the tunnel to obi is sloped down, so the obi will only hit one or two people as its shots are somewhat perpendicular to the surface. Might work :]As for rushes, I haven't taken part of anything unique. Plenty of APC/Hottie, Med, Flame, Stank rushes, but nothing wildly unpredictable like Chem or Buggy rushes. Would be interesting, though. Quote
Qbert987 Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 I would join 4 a buggy rush. Would b awsome. :lol: Quote
=HT=Duro Posted June 15, 2009 Posted June 15, 2009 wait ... you are ppl from renegade and you never did that???lol i did this alot of time .. worked .. but i died alot ... work @ 10% lol ppl get of tunnel each side, OB only kill 2 or 3 ppl at time.. really fun ... but you cant do that in a good server ... theres always some nub and some BH sniper in tunnel or some Ramjet .. and @ begin, theres too much ppl who go in tunnel to kill time before the harvy come back to base Quote
Demigan Posted June 15, 2009 Author Posted June 15, 2009 QUOTE (=HT=Duro @ Jun 15 2009, 01:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> wait ... you are ppl from renegade and you never did that???lol i did this alot of time .. worked .. but i died alot ... work @ 10% lol ppl get of tunnel each side, OB only kill 2 or 3 ppl at time.. really fun ... but you cant do that in a good server ... theres always some nub and some BH sniper in tunnel or some Ramjet .. and @ begin, theres too much ppl who go in tunnel to kill time before the harvy come back to base[/b] Did you do that while in a clan or AOW servers?I've never done them on hourglass that I know off, I have done them on field a few times, but usually without success as it's more a late-game occurrence. as in 'It's the only thing we haven't failed in trying and is still in the manual of rushes that have at least SOME probability to work'.I've always been on the team that was buggy rushed, and I've seen them succeed about 40% of the time. Unlike other rushes, it's less concentrated, but just enough to keep everyone busy with that building while several others reach other buildings and blow them. I've been on the buggy rushing team only once on Under, they destroyed the airstrip before we had it finished however, and I was without a buggy. They destroyed the AGT, but we were too weak after all our tries to break their campers outside our base, so we lost anyway.Oh, and once on a Humvee rush, but that was just utter failure with people trying to preserve their K/D ratio.Yours sincerely,Demigan. Quote
danisnod Posted July 16, 2009 Posted July 16, 2009 The most interesting rush is a sneaky rush. We were on walls/flying, and we loaded up a STOLEN enemy chinook, and we just went into their base, used the !para command, and we paradropped stealth troops into their base, plus one normal guy. They all went for him, while the stealth guys destroyed a building Barracks, as i recall. epic win! the heli got shot down tho. Quote
ilovetiberiansun Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 Well, me it wasnt a rush but an MASS (love to do that) and both team had make 50 med-light tank, and we massed in the same time, its was soo epic :blink: Quote
EaZiE Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 Simple, Stealth marathon server when i first started playing Ren. Tank shells are active, the map is mesa. It's a full server and we spend a good good 2 hours whoring and massing lights In the end we have around 50-60 light tanks. We order EVERYONE to return to base and grab a tank. There are now 30-40 light tanks rushing the field with everyones FPS dropping to 10 and lower. We rush the base, andyone that dies immediatly enters a new light and rejoins the rush. We base kill. I wish I still had screen shots, it was beautiful. The amount of damage those lights dealt was mad, buildings were dropping. Quote
An4x1mandr0s Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 Thank god Ren X wont have the scripts thing :unsure: anyway , my bes rush was on islands , Nod was owning GDI back to the stone age , and then , we rush both through the tunnels and land at the same time...........biggest fail rush i had seen! h34r: .........tunnel side that is , we then bombed the Nod Base into submission using mrls , meds and the Cannon Quote
=HT=Duro Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 we made a good one yesterday ..mesa ... i was on nod .. we had pp and ob .. , gdi had pp and bar .. so only havoc ... we rush like 20 by the middle and nuke the bar .. after we left the base .. well we was around 20-25, only with engy and soldier and we rush pp epic win lol .. even with 20 and more havoc we got bar with basic engy hahahhaha Quote
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