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Version 0.0.9
* This mutator will let you run your Renegade X server in "Sandbox Mode". * For more info i created a link below to the forum : New Version: The way you need to input names is changed. Version 0.0.9 Compatible with Renegade X v5.285 Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "sandboxspawn ItemName" DONT USE : "sandboxspawn renx_game." "Rx_Vehicle_" Humvee Buggy APC_GDI APC_Nod LightTank MediumTank FlameTank StealthTank MammothTank Chinook_GDI Chinook_Nod Orca Apache A10 C130* Hovercraft_GDI Bus* "TS_Vehicle:" Wolverine HoverMRLS Titan Buggy ReconBike TickTank APB_Vehicle_TeslaTank "Rx_Weapon_Deployed:" ProxyC4 RemoteC4 TimedC4 ATMine IonCannonBeacon NukeBeacon "Rx_Weapon:" Rx_Weapon_CrateNuke (faster NukeBeacon) "Rx_Defence:" GunEmplacement (not mannable) RocketEmplacement (not mannable) Turret (Nod aligned) SAM Site (Nod aligned) GuardTower (GDI aligned) AATower (GDI aligned) Prefix : "Rx_Projectile:" Grenade MissileLauncher SmokeGrenade EMPGrenade Rocket_AGT * Disabled by default because of crash when spawn. New Version: Use mutator=Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007.Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007 Instead of game=Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007.Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007 Version 0.0.7 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007.u (Download) Source : Info : I've changed this gametype to a mutator, and increased the delay betweens spawns. SANDBOX SPAWN SECTION Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "sandboxspawn renx_game." Prefix : "Rx_Vehicle_" Humvee Buggy APC_GDI APC_Nod LightTank MediumTank FlameTank StealthTank MammothTank Chinook_GDI Chinook_Nod Orca Apache A10 C130 Hovercraft_GDI Bus Prefix : "TS_Vehicle_" Wolverine HoverMRLS Titan Buggy ReconBike TickTank APB_Vehicle_TeslaTank Prefix : "Rx_Weapon_Deployed" ProxyC4 RemoteC4 TimedC4 ATMine IonCannonBeacon NukeBeacon Prefix : "(not following Prefix)" Rx_Weapon_CrateNuke (faster NukeBeacon) Prefix : "Rx_Defence_" GunEmplacement (not mannable) RocketEmplacement (not mannable) Turret (Nod aligned) SAM Site (Nod aligned) GuardTower (GDI aligned) AATower (GDI aligned) Prefix : "Rx_Projectile_" Grenade MissileLauncher SmokeGrenade EMPGrenade Rocket_AGT EXAMPLES : sandboxspawn renx_game.Rx_Vehicle_Apache sandboxspawn renx_game.TS_Vehicle_HoverMRLS sandboxspawn renx_game.Rx_Weapon_DeployedNukeBeacon sandboxspawn renx_game.Tx_Weapon_CrateNuke sandboxspawn renx_game.Rx_Projectile_Grenade WEAPON ACQUIRING SECTION Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "gimme renx_game." Prefix : "Rx_Weapon_" AutoRifle_GDI AutoRifle_Nod Airstrike_GDI Airstrike_Nod ATMine Carbine Carbine_Silencer Chaingun_GDI Chaingun_Nod ChemicalThrower EMPGrenade_Rechargeable FlakCannon FlameThrower Grenade GrenadeLauncher Grenade_Rechargeable HeavyPistol IonCannonBeacon LaserChaingun LaserRifle NukeBeacon MarksmanRifle_GDI MarksmanRifle_Nod Pistol ProxyC4 Railgun RamjetRifle RemoteC4 RepairGun RepairGunAdvanced RepairTool PersonalIonCannon SMG_GDI SMG_Nod SMG_Silenced_GDI SMG_Silenced_Nod SmokeGrenade_Rechargeable SniperRifle_GDI SniperRifle_Nod TacticalRifle TiberiumAutoRifle TiberiumFlechetteRifle TimedC4 TimedC4_Multiple VoltAutoRifle_GDI VoltAutoRifle_Nod EXAMPLES : gimme renx_game.Rx_Weapon_Railgun gimme renx_game.Rx_RamjetRifle gimme renx_game.Rx_IonCannonBeacon Version 0.0.3 Compatible with Renegade X v5.281 Gametype : Rx_Gametype_Sandbox_v003.u (Download) Source : Info : Version 0.0.2 Not compatible with Renegade X v5.271 Gametype : Rx_Gametype_Sandbox_v002.u (Download) Source : Info : Version 0.0.1 Not compatible with Renegade X v5.271 Gametype : Rx_Gametype_Sandbox_v001.u (Download) Source : Info : Follow member Handepsilon Message Moderators -
View File Rx_Mutator_Sandbox * This mutator will let you run your Renegade X server in "Sandbox Mode". * For more info i created a link below to the forum : New Version: The way you need to input names is changed. Version 0.0.9 Compatible with Renegade X v5.285 Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "sandboxspawn ItemName" DONT USE : "sandboxspawn renx_game." "Rx_Vehicle_" Humvee Buggy APC_GDI APC_Nod LightTank MediumTank FlameTank StealthTank MammothTank Chinook_GDI Chinook_Nod Orca Apache A10 C130* Hovercraft_GDI Bus* "TS_Vehicle:" Wolverine HoverMRLS Titan Buggy ReconBike TickTank APB_Vehicle_TeslaTank "Rx_Weapon_Deployed:" ProxyC4 RemoteC4 TimedC4 ATMine IonCannonBeacon NukeBeacon "Rx_Weapon:" Rx_Weapon_CrateNuke (faster NukeBeacon) "Rx_Defence:" GunEmplacement (not mannable) RocketEmplacement (not mannable) Turret (Nod aligned) SAM Site (Nod aligned) GuardTower (GDI aligned) AATower (GDI aligned) Prefix : "Rx_Projectile:" Grenade MissileLauncher SmokeGrenade EMPGrenade Rocket_AGT * Disabled by default because of crash when spawn. New Version: Use mutator=Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007.Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007 Instead of game=Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007.Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007 Version 0.0.7 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007.u (Download) Source : Info : I've changed this gametype to a mutator, and increased the delay betweens spawns. SANDBOX SPAWN SECTION Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "sandboxspawn renx_game." Prefix : "Rx_Vehicle_" Humvee Buggy APC_GDI APC_Nod LightTank MediumTank FlameTank StealthTank MammothTank Chinook_GDI Chinook_Nod Orca Apache A10 C130 Hovercraft_GDI Bus Prefix : "TS_Vehicle_" Wolverine HoverMRLS Titan Buggy ReconBike TickTank APB_Vehicle_TeslaTank Prefix : "Rx_Weapon_Deployed" ProxyC4 RemoteC4 TimedC4 ATMine IonCannonBeacon NukeBeacon Prefix : "(not following Prefix)" Rx_Weapon_CrateNuke (faster NukeBeacon) Prefix : "Rx_Defence_" GunEmplacement (not mannable) RocketEmplacement (not mannable) Turret (Nod aligned) SAM Site (Nod aligned) GuardTower (GDI aligned) AATower (GDI aligned) Prefix : "Rx_Projectile_" Grenade MissileLauncher SmokeGrenade EMPGrenade Rocket_AGT EXAMPLES : sandboxspawn renx_game.Rx_Vehicle_Apache sandboxspawn renx_game.TS_Vehicle_HoverMRLS sandboxspawn renx_game.Rx_Weapon_DeployedNukeBeacon sandboxspawn renx_game.Tx_Weapon_CrateNuke sandboxspawn renx_game.Rx_Projectile_Grenade WEAPON ACQUIRING SECTION Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "gimme renx_game." Prefix : "Rx_Weapon_" AutoRifle_GDI AutoRifle_Nod Airstrike_GDI Airstrike_Nod ATMine Carbine Carbine_Silencer Chaingun_GDI Chaingun_Nod ChemicalThrower EMPGrenade_Rechargeable FlakCannon FlameThrower Grenade GrenadeLauncher Grenade_Rechargeable HeavyPistol IonCannonBeacon LaserChaingun LaserRifle NukeBeacon MarksmanRifle_GDI MarksmanRifle_Nod Pistol ProxyC4 Railgun RamjetRifle RemoteC4 RepairGun RepairGunAdvanced RepairTool PersonalIonCannon SMG_GDI SMG_Nod SMG_Silenced_GDI SMG_Silenced_Nod SmokeGrenade_Rechargeable SniperRifle_GDI SniperRifle_Nod TacticalRifle TiberiumAutoRifle TiberiumFlechetteRifle TimedC4 TimedC4_Multiple VoltAutoRifle_GDI VoltAutoRifle_Nod EXAMPLES : gimme renx_game.Rx_Weapon_Railgun gimme renx_game.Rx_RamjetRifle gimme renx_game.Rx_IonCannonBeacon Version 0.0.3 Compatible with Renegade X v5.281 Gametype : Rx_Gametype_Sandbox_v003.u (Download) Source : Info : Version 0.0.2 Not compatible with Renegade X v5.271 Gametype : Rx_Gametype_Sandbox_v002.u (Download) Source : Info : Version 0.0.1 Not compatible with Renegade X v5.271 Gametype : Rx_Gametype_Sandbox_v001.u (Download) Source : Info : Follow member Handepsilon Message Moderators Submitter Ukill Submitted 01/05/2017 Category Modifications