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  1. City_Flying
  2. Hey guys, thanks for the explanation, these are my results:
  3. Can anyone explain the command against packet loss?
  4. Hi guys I've been playing again, I tried your command, nBab, but nothing happened... I typed it in F5...? Sadly I haven't been able to play on another server than CT, no players. But tbh I also think it's a problem on my side.
  5. No, I haven't done anything like that. Nor do I have any issues with any other game, offline or online I will check and update my drivers tho, I don't think this could be the problem as they should be kinda actual, but I'll try it anyway. I would love to check if it's the server, but as you probably know, there's mostly only one filled with players. Also, the fact that hardly any other is experiencing the same and that the ping is so low wouldn't suggest it's the server, right?
  6. Hey guys, First of all I want to thank the Ren-X creators for what they've built with Ren-X, it's really impressive and I love some enjoying Ren-X action from time to time! However, I'm expieriencing some wicked lag issues lately, probably especially since the last major update, the one when veterancy was introduced and stuff: I have low ping around 50, am playing on a EU server and my internet connection is normally flawless but I'm still having bad, recently really terrible lag. It's rather heavy lag spikes than continous lag, where other players run straight for 1 or 2 seconds before spawning somewhere else or I'm moved around several meters, around every 10 to 20 seconds. Now, do you guys know this issues? Or do you know any porrible solution? I really miss playing Ren-X, but I can't satisfyingly play a round with this horrible lag.
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