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  1. Ok cool thanks for the info. Can dev's increase it to 100 players please?
  2. Hi frens, I'm looking into renting a USA based RenX server but I can't find any except PingPerfect and it only has 40 player slots. Does anyone know of any good hosts that support RenX with 64-100 players? Thanks.
  3. Carbine is OP.
  4. The remastered version looks like some shitty mobile game. The tanks shooting big ball shells. Wha da fook m8?
  5. Have you turned on gore mode in game settings? It has most of that.
  6. Oh wait I just got it lmao
  7. No, it's ds14
  8. The pink stuff is brains
  9. I sure did lol.
  10. Like this
  11. How about admins or somebody doing more to enforce bans against aimbotters/wallhackers. It's happened so many times the past couple weeks. People with crazy k/d ratios and like 200+ ping. Constant headshots. I asked in another post, and did mod request in game, but nobody seems to care. It's either server admins doing it themselves, or they just don't care enough to bother checking or enforcing it. Or a combination of the above. We know how it works, just like any aimbot in any other FPS. It aims at the head of the closest player within a certain weapon range, you pull the trigger, rinse and repeat. Would like to see some more action taken here. I know you're just going to say; "Some people are better than you" "Your game must have lagged" "They're both on Teamspeak, so they're co-ordinated" "They see you on the map because of they have the Command Center" "Stop sucking" etc... But it's bs. It's so easy to tell when they're cheating. The most obvious one is when someone gets Laser Chain Gunner and just holds down fire, while the aimbot spins them around aiming for the head of player after player, and you see laser light show like crazy. I know LCG does good damage, but headshot after headshot and instantly targeting player after player is so obvious. Just do something about it so we can play fairly.
  12. Could have been AOW, but I swear it was Marathon. I remember other people complaining about changing maps/surrendering cause people didn't want long games even though they were on marathon. I could be mistaken though. Edit: And thank you.
  13. Take the timestamp of my post (4:44 PM EST 03-Oct-16), subtract 2 or 3 hours. Look for Under and Tunnels.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................profit.
  14. I don't remember the exact time, but it was a couple matches before the timestamp on my aimbotter post. Under was the first map, Tunnels was the second. On the CT Marathon server.
  15. No fucking way, he was aimbotting. Nobody spins 360 degrees around constantly firing and getting all headshots with LCG. It doesn't happen without aimbot. I've seen it so many times. I'll Modrequest next time I see it.
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