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  1. Kiwhite

    Few questions

    It’s crazy seeing some Rene action in 2020, might try to play on both renegade x and old ren this weekend. I’m guessing not enough people to actually do some clan wars though
  2. Kiwhite

    Few questions

    1. Is there a lot of activity on the servers? People still play? Clans? Clan wars? 2. Is there servers dedicated to sniping? Did free aim make it back in to renegade? 3. does anyone still play old ren online?
  3. How did free aim break ren? lol... the majority of the highly skilled players on clanwars.cc used free aim. Never was there any complaints about it back then. Only thing I can even think of is way way back you could crack and glass shoot in the tunnels on islands as a sniper, but most servers had the modified versions of them maps where you couldn't do that anymore.
  4. Free aim had such an impact in the original renegade, game feels totally different without it. And its definitely not a good different lol...
  5. Hi guys I'm an old school Renegade player and I just now stumbled onto this and I absolutely love it. I read the FAQ and is said free aim was going to be incorporated into the game but I cant seem to find the key binding for it? So is there free aim or not? And will there ever be any sniper servers ?
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