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Everything posted by Ukill

  1. @Wyldcard click the website link below my name
  2. The source of this mutator is in the *.uc ("Un"-Compiled). The other files are the compiled files. You only need one *.u(Compiled) file to start with. For a better understanding open the file : Rx_Mutator_LowGrav.uc, this is the source for all the files. Inside you will see the variable "GravityZ=-200.0` at the bottom, all the *.u files had the same content before compile except this value difference. I did add this file so you can change this value to any number wanted, ending up in creating your own mutator. An other option is to use the precompiled files. You can change the filename that have numbers (Rx_Mutator_LowGrav_-100.uc) to Rx_Mutator_LowGrav.u Then all the files have the same start parameter : Rx_Mutator_LowGrav.Rx_Mutator_LowGrav I always did name my files as the class inside is, there are some exceptions as you see in here, but then you will see values on the end of the file names.
  3. more then 2 years ago
  4. @DonnyDonVito I dont think that you need to downgrade RenX for it, more important be sure you load the mutator right.
  5. I dont know for sure if the Rx_Mutator_Veterancy_x32 still works, you can load that mutator by adding the option below to your command-line. In the root folder of the SDK are files that you can use as an example, you can remove the "server-part" out of the command when you only play single-player. mutators=Rx_Mutator_Veterancy_x32.Rx_Mutator_Veterancy_x32 I always start them by change the launcher file, mutators that do work for multiplayer will also work in single-player games. No, you dont need to know what map youre gonna play, you justs load the mutator before/while you start the game. You can setup mutators so they only work on some specific maps, but mostly they are not, i know only 2 mutators that are like this. Smarter, aggressive.... i dont think so :). Maybe you make them a lot stronger by changing the weapons. I had the same feeling after i did write this mutator, but on that moment it did work.
  6. This all sounds like a forward/firewall issue within your router, make sure the NAT function of your router is enabled, disable Bandwidth Control Services (Qos), and when you forward ports do both TCP and UDP. What happens if you connect from your internal network to your WAN IP ? For testing purpose configure you router to a DMZ, this will forward all incoming requests to your server, there you disable your firewall and relative software for some minutes. Not sure about the following, but i think it is like : If he don't see any ping then you are nearby him (low ping) or you don't accept ICMP. If you keep struggling, you can ask me for help in the Discord channel of Constructive Tyranny : https://discord.gg/5jHf5Z
  7. @DarkSn4ke Yeah, after one day of trying to change the "Buy option" in the purchase system I cancelled it.
  8. Ukill

    Low FPS

    I did experience the FPS-lock before, a way to rid of it is changing the ( UDKEngine.ini ) config file. [Engine.Engine] bSmoothFrameRate=False MinSmoothedFrameRate=60 MaxSmoothedFrameRate=300 [RenX_Game.Rx_GameEngine] bSmoothFrameRate=False MinSmoothedFrameRate=60.000000 MaxSmoothedFrameRate=300.000000 Now i got ~250+ FPS instead of a locked 60 FPS.
  9. @Henk Like this ?
  10. Good idea @Henk, gonna give it a try, maybe next week
  11. @Luhrian Maybe i will help you, do you remember this image and the question, i think you can create one ?
  12. I remember that i did respond, and was to frustrated to give a long answer , i can explain it now . My response was "Victory", so i understand there is a great chance you did miss this response. Somebody did say, that (Something I don't remember).... was a Victory. This i do remember. It was a couple of seconds after i died nearby the power plant, because 2 people did jump out of there stanks on the same time, and both did choose there own door to disarm the mines and both stanks where stolen , and of course they did drive over the guys and started shooting my 1K karakter, and that long end walk to the other base...And then those guys... In the end...Shit Happens
  13. Thanks for you feedback, I will give it a try later. I was busy with the harvester last week and did got 2 results: - Enter it as a driver, could harvest. - Enter it as a passenger, able to harvest. Will be continued
  14. I created a video to show my result :
  15. Mutator is ready for testing . @Schmitzenbergh waiting for a map .
  16. @Shadow277 Nice!!
  17. What hides behind this name is the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable which can easily be downloaded on the Microsoft website as x86 or x64 edition: 32 bit: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5555 64 bit: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=14632 Usually the application that misses the dll indicates what version you need - if one does not work, simply install the other. I did find the info here: https://www.faqforge.com/windows/fix-the-program-cant-start-because-msvcr100-dll-is-missing-from-your-computer-error-on-windows/
  18. I think that people cheat because they are better than me. When they don't deliver some details/facts, i can only send them to the forum, where the people are that got relative much more experience then i have. This is where i count on. @ghjke did ask if we could go to the channel of @poi ❄ and @jpjtyld channel, that is why i was there too, but the behavior of ghjke was more then just rude. This is why poi and jpjtyld have there own channel on teamspeak now. But sometimes I am totally agree with @Jarzey
  19. Almost the right one, its the K95 http://www.corsair.com/en-gb/corsair-gaming-k95-rgb-mechanical-gaming-keyboard-cherry-mx-brown About the (Brown Cherry keys) switches i am totally happy, i did choose this keys because they are a good middle-of-the-road option, and even they don't have the "Click" thing, you still hear them. The only thing i don't like about the keyboard is the layout. When you type it gives often a feeling that all the keys are to far placed from each other, and often it happens that i run by accident a macro keys, after a year i am still not getting used to the extra (Macro)keys of the left side of my keyboard. So i removed the enter after the "NukeAll" command to protect it from run by accident, but also that does not protect it 100%. For Example : When i hit "NukeAll" key and after "StartFire" key the command line contains: NukeAll StartFire (Enter). And there will be a nuke-party. Handy about this keyboard is that you can set the colors of the keys static or dynamic. For example, i programmed some keys so that they will blink after they are touched/ Also you can create 3 different profiles (Marco/Lighting) which you can select with dedicated keys. Also a nice feature is that you can record a macro to every key and the 100% Anti-Ghosting. Coool, i love special and old keyboards, especially when you can defend yourself with it, then you got a nice keyboard imo.
  20. I dont play often and specially not the last weeks, i was to busy with things as shown below. To the point: As far as i know is the Rx_Weapon_CrateNuke included in the class Rx_CrateType_Nuke. So if you talk with me over things like this and you call it a CrateNuke or a NukeCrate, i really should think they can be the same, but also with this i can be wrong!. class Rx_CrateType_Nuke extends Rx_CrateType; function string GetGameLogMessage(Rx_PRI RecipientPRI, Rx_CratePickup CratePickup) { return "GAME" `s "Crate;" `s "nuke" `s "by" `s `PlayerLog(RecipientPRI); } function float GetProbabilityWeight(Rx_Pawn Recipient, Rx_CratePickup CratePickup) { if (CratePickup.bNoNukeDeath) return 0; else return super.GetProbabilityWeight(Recipient,CratePickup); } function ExecuteCrateBehaviour(Rx_Pawn Recipient, Rx_PRI RecipientPRI, Rx_CratePickup CratePickup) { local Rx_Weapon_CrateNuke Beacon; local Rotator spawnRotation; local Vector spawnLocation; Recipient.GetActorEyesViewPoint(spawnLocation,spawnRotation); Beacon = CratePickup.Spawn(class'Rx_Weapon_CrateNuke',,, CratePickup.Location,CratePickup.Rotation); Beacon.TeamNum = TEAM_UNOWNED; } DefaultProperties { PickupSound = SoundCue'RX_EVA_VoiceClips.Nod_EVA.S_EVA_Nod_Beacon_NuclearStrikeImminent_Cue' BroadcastMessageIndex = 3 } @DarkSn4ke Maybe you can tell me what the difference is, then i can learn something too. But back to the subject, in the end i think the CrateNuke is a good opposite for the "Other" fantastic things you could get, and especially because the mostly at nothing special to the "team", and only feed the hunger of greedy people, that complain after they walk on a NukeCrate. I think it should be a mystery, instead of only getting the "Positive things". I hate the CrateNuke , because you mostly get them when its not the best moment in game, but in the other hand i love the NukeCrate, because they give some fun moments in the game, for example when you plan to have some inf rush and somebody decide to get the CrateNuke, when you see it relative you don't get them often, mostly not, and mostly the leading team does get the crates. I think people that complain are to greedy, u can also choose to not pick the crate, that is what I should ask myself.
  21. I think the crate settings are ok, and i dont see often a CrateNuke, and still waiting for my first abduction. It would be fun if the crate would be shared with the whole team instead of one player. But wait, maybe we can write the name of content on the outside of the crate....Problem solved!!
  22. This is what i did see yesterday for the first time.
  23. I played this evening on the marathon server but did not see any of this, @limsup around what time did this happen? so we can look back the demo records. What i did see today for the first time was that on both side there was a part of the wall missing, but i do think it is a map update.
  24. Crystal clear, Thank you!! @agent
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