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Everything posted by Wyldcard

  1. I understand that part but wouldnt it be easier to put them all in one zip file? Like the example i posted & tyvm by the way for taking time & effort to explain this all...
  2. Oh ok, thank you all for the quick, polite & descriptive responses, i do appreciate it & sorry it took so long to respond back. I thought it automatically subscribed you to a thread when you posted but it dont. Now i understand why there is more than one file, but. i still wonder why there is more than one file. An by that i mean i play alot of UT2004 also & ive never seen a mod set up w/multiple files to adjust one thing. Its always been one file & then when you get into the game you can adjust what you need from there, but now im realising that UT2004 is very unique in their adaptation of modding. They even have their own name for them, their called Mutators on there. The word/name Mod is also used but its used to describe a file that changes the game its self or converts it to a whole new game like UT2k4Halo. Theyve used the Unreal Engine & converted the game to Halo, w/vehicles, buildings, weapons & everything. Anyhow im rambling, ive been up all night so ill say thank you again & ill "Catch Ya On The Battlefield!"
  3. Why does this & other files have so many different ones of different sizes when you click the download button? (see example below) Theres nothing saying anything about if each is a newer version than the previous or is some how different in any way. Please explain what the differences are if any & why theres no explanation to begin with? Im confused yes, but im also asking because when other new players come here looking for files their going to be just as confused & very possibly might just say F'it! & leave. An were trying to get as many ppl to play this & spread good things about it right? Well this is one way to possibly lose some. Im only thinking of the game... Mod File Name - Rx_Mutator_LowGrav 1.0.0 Rx_Mutator_LowGrav.uc 781 B Rx_Mutator_LowGrav.u 3.4 kB Rx_Mutator_LowGrav_-100.u 3.4 kB Rx_Mutator_LowGrav_-200.u 3.4 kB Rx_Mutator_LowGrav_-300.u 3.4 kB Rx_Mutator_LowGrav_-400.u 3.4 kB Rx_Mutator_LowGrav_-500.u
  4. Wyldcard

    Mod Exposure

    I know this is an old thread but did it ever get done? Im a Renegade X & still am a C&C Renegade player, but i was a UT2004 player & have recently started playing it again online on Public servers & on my own server. I love both games so much & i was actually just looking for a mutator for UT2004 that adds the vehicles from either the C&C version or this awesome updated/reworked version. Theres some out there but their complicated to add into the game due to the fact you have to add them thru the Unreal Editor. It would be great if it was done & if not whoever is doing it might think about finishing it. Theres still an unbelievable amount of people playing UT2004. These 2 games C&C Renegade/RenegadeX & UT2004 both are a testiment to making a great game that can survive time & changes yet still have a huge following over 15 years later & still look great compared to todays games. Thanks in advance for reading this..."Catch Ya On The Battlefield!"
  5. AWWWWWW Man! Nothin but bad luck on my end. I got it installed, updated & up & going finally, but guess what now?...........My pc isnt the same one i played on before & this one wont handle the heavy graphics, even with everything turned down as far as they'll go i can barely move......even the music is choppy when it plays..... I'll hopefully be replacing it soon after i get working again soooooo, i guess i'll just check in every little while & see whats new till i am able to play again......
  6. When i try to use the " All the Maps on the Test Server (1.7GB) " i get this page -
  7. OMG! It worked absolutly great. Im getting ready to finally play again. Thank you everyone for your help ......Yo Joe!
  8. Thank you, i hope it works
  9. Ok, ty both. Another question is, whats the best size image to use for the cover photo? Its kinna big lookin
  10. Hi, returning veteran player. An this is a perfect topic for my problem. I installed the initial game its self, then it launched & started to update/patch. Well its stuck now, its been on the same thing for over 3 hours now (please see picture incl. w/post). Any help would be appreciated, thank you...
  11. Im not sure if this is the right section or not but its my best guess, lolz. Anyhow, i looked all over the "Profile Settings" & the forums for my answer first but couldnt find it. So i was wondering what are the "Sizes" for the profile Cover Photo & the Profile Avatars? It shows a file size of 0.78 MB for the avatar pic but doesnt give an actual "Image" size for either. As im sure most of you know the file size versus the image size its self can be a big difference...
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