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Posts posted by Lostalot

  1. The grunts aren't the best infantry, everyone knows that, there's a reason most of them are free. But if you're lacking credits or your HON/Bar is down wouldn't be nice if they had a few perks to keep it interesting, we've all played a game when both infantry buildings are down and it gets a little stale. Let's mix it up and give us a reason to keep playing.

    What I propose is simple, give the grunts perks. These perks aren't game breakers and only have a small chance to trigger (1%) but they do mix it up and keep it interesting.

    The purk list:

    Soldier - 2nd wind - When reduced to 0hp they instantly regenerate back to 100hp

    Shotgunner - Double-Double-Barrel - 4x as many pellets come flying out

    Grenadier/Flamer - BOOM! - When reduced to 0hp they explode as if they had c4 strapped to them

    Marksman - Mortal Shot - Insta-kill!

    Engineer - Durka Durka - When placing C4 it attaches to yourself...

    Officer - Rainbow Smoke - Their smoke grenade detonate in clouds of red, green and blue smoke.

    Rocket Trooper - Nuke Trooper - The rocket explodes with a nuclear blast (buildings unaffected)

    Now before you panic, remember, it's a 1% chance. So we'll be seeing these effects once, maybe twice, per match. That's not to say we can't include a server side setting to adjust the chances.

  2. Chats about Moderation actions taken should be posted to the appropriate Server's Website rather than the RenX Forums, since this forum is regarding the game, rather than individual servers.


    I've seen Mammys and Flametanks randomly explode in their own base when at full health, players drop dead mid-sprint and yesterday there was a new-guy who got kicked for mining in the 'wrong places' whilst we were in the middle of explaining it to him in chat (the humorous point being his mines were getting crazy kills).

    Tanks Exploding - Vehicle Death is recorded in the log, but it doesn't output to in-game since this could be a rather large amount of spam to the kill feed, and it can already be quite busy.

    Players Dying mid sprint - This could be due to being killed by a sniper, especially 500 snipers, who have no visible bullet, and you can easily miss the kill message especially if a lot of people die in the same time frame. However if you don't see a killer attached to the kill feed, they could also have taken damage from the environment, although Died, does occur if a Mod/Admin kills a person, the player does not get listed in the kill feed as the Mod does not "Kill" the player, the server does.

    Kicked for Mining - Mine Banning is a valid method of handling these situations, since if the player was new they are unlikely to be kicked for just Mining issues. Although this would be better off being discussed with the Server Administrator to ensure the mods are following the rules rather than discussed here.

    Also all use of the commands are logged I believe by default, although that can be changed by the server owner. And many moderation bots that link to IRC would also record Mod/admin commands used.

    So Mods and Admins can be held to account if necessary, but these situations should be dealt with on the server's website.

    I'm not talking about specific mods/servers (although I did give examples of mod actions that have occurred on a specific server), I'm talking about them being held accountable regardless of servers.

    Vehicle deaths have no purpose in the kill feed, but if a mod kills a vehicle it should be.

    Died should be shown in the kill feed with the mods name if they triggered a modkill.

    The same goes for modkicks.

    If mods are going to commit actions they shouldn't be obscured, it only leads to abuse of power. If your actions are above board you have no need to hide them. Transparency is the best way to protect both mods and players.

  3. find out which mods were in-game at the time.

    Some mods have been called out on this behaviour and it's usually devolved into a "it's our server if you don't like it leave" level of arrogance. I don't want this to turn in to a witch-hunt though, most of the mods are pretty cool.

    A little transparency would go a long way though since it's hard to catch unless you actively see/experience it and it would make the mods more accountable for their actions. Especially when multiple mods are online since you don't know who's doing what.

    xxx modkilled xxx

    xxx modkicked xxx

    Is all it takes and should curve the power-tripping, if it doesn't then people will be able to point fingers.

  4. Cheater players the banned forever in IP/HDD Serial Number / MAC & ID Install game.

    IP are perfectly valid for bans (since they are submitted by the user when connecting) but the HDD serial and MAC ID are consider personal property under European law so there might have to be a rather lengthy T&Cs and some form of registration to not fall on the wrong side of the law. Install IDs might be valid but they often use MAC/Serial numbers when being generated to keep them unique...

    Steam IDs are fine, since steam took care of all the legalities when you signed up for the service, but then you start excluding non-steam users.

  5. The Mammy/Heart-attack was the same player, he'd buy a mammy and either die running towards it or it would blow up when he finally got in then he'd die, this actually happened 2 or 3 times with the mammy (the map was field and the agt was still up so c4 is very unlikely in all incidents).

    When people have the mysterious heart-attacks it tends to be in 'runs' where they are happening continuously to the same player far to close together for it to be coincidence. I've even had it happen to me when a buddy was giving my SBH a boost on his APC to the air-stip rooftop (on volcano) (questionable territory I know (especially when some mods permit it) but to modkill without explanation doesn't clarify the situation).

    As for the miner, the only mines he was replacing were his own when they got blown up, any mines he 'replaced' would have been because other people had placed mines during the interim and I doubt that were intentional, the guy was fairly clueless.

  6. 30 seconds is sometimes too short, e.g

    I want to quickly drop a log in the toilet, that is not going to take less than 30 seconds.

    Ok, say you've gone to bomb the harbour... are you at your keyboard? No. That means you are away from keyboard. I have no qualms with the timer being 60 seconds but anything longer than that begins to defeat the purpose. If you still feel that it is an issue I suggest you look into sock-pooping...

  7. Recently I've seen possible evidence of a mod or two going power-crazy. Some of this may have legitimate reasoning some of it may not but it's beginning to border on harassment.

    I've seen Mammys and Flametanks randomly explode in their own base when at full health, players drop dead mid-sprint and yesterday there was a new-guy who got kicked for mining in the 'wrong places' whilst we were in the middle of explaining it to him in chat (the humorous point being his mines were getting crazy kills).

    As I said, some of this may have a reason behind it but if a mod is going to have a zero tolerance policy they should be accountable for their actions.

    Simple things to add to the log.

    xxx modkilled xxx

    xxx modkicked xxx


  8. Or we could simplify the whole process.

    Add a new vote option for kicking afks, they get the message:

    "You are about to be kicked for non-participation, press F1 to continue playing."

    Be generous, give them 30 seconds to respond and if they don't hit F1, kick 'em. If they do hit it give them immunity to afk kicks for 5 minutes. If someone has an afk-bot hitting F1 for them intermittently you can vote kick them the normal way and even their bot will vote against them.

  9. - lacking the skill to jump inside the strip tower (wait the beacon is 'glitched' inside the tower they say)

    You know, it also takes 'skill' to get vehicles on the infantry path on lakeside and tanks on the battlements in walls. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

    Pot meet kettle.

    As for the rest of the structural arguments:

    - HON/WF are both tall structures with two entrances and a roof top.

    - Strip/BAR are both low profile structures with a single entrance

    The structures balance against each other, the only place GDI have an advantage is in the HON having such a large distance to the nearest terminal from its lower entrance and with the actual strip being so big. The best way to balance them is extra terminals in the HON and by making the runway invulnerable but keeping the big red pad vulnerable to attack.

  10. Rather than just having a quick painless surrender can we have a new mechanic implemented.

    When a team surrenders the game keeps going... now bear with me... 10 seconds after surrendering a nuke drops on a random undestroyed structure of the surrendering team, 10 seconds later, same again, and again, until their entire base is levelled and the round is over.

    Or if you're so impatient, have an ion cannon attack every structure of the surrendering team at the same time.

    Why end with a whisper when you can go out with a bang?

    Stealth nukes and mass ion assaults... what's not to love.

  11. I see people complaining about instant kill by headshot, and no body mention the instant kills by regular body hit?

    Because the units that can insta-kill with a bodyshot can't be killed insta-killed with a bodyshot but could be insta-killed by a headshot.

    Picture this: You drop your hard earned $$$ on Havoc and proceed to one-shot every lesser enemy coming your way shrugging off wounds left and right. Then some guy gets smart, buys a blackhand, waits, and paints your brains all over the wall in one-shot right back at you. "That's not fair" because he's spoiled your ability to feel like a god.

    The more credits you drop on your infantry the greater your ego.

  12. Can it be fixed so that C4 detonates in vehicles?

    As it stands you can be tagged with C4, run and hide in the nearest tank then emerge 30 seconds later unharmed. What I propose is if you're tagged, run and hide, when the timer expires the C4 does its damage to the vehicle you are hiding in.

  13. It promotes camping and camping is scrubby.


    But nah, there's another ramp for vehicles to bombard out. Just go a bit further to the sides

    Those vehicle ramps need extending outwards by half-a-length anyway so vehicles can defend their entrance from there. What sort of design put a defensive platform out of sight from what it's meant to defend...

  14. Whilst I love the infinite ammo of the LCG it does feel stupid having to switch out batteries, batteries are rechargeable so why don't we have self-charging guns?

    Give the laser weapons a recharge bar instead of an ammo bar, similar to grenades.


    100 rounds in the magazine and a recharge rate of 5 rounds per 0.5 seconds when you stop firing.


    30 rounds in the magazine and a recharge rate of 3 rounds per second when you stop firing.

    Feeling generous:

    We could even extend this mechanic to Repair-guns, Sydney and Mobi

  15. Lets face it, stanks are out-gunned, out-ranged or out-manoeuvred by almost every unit in the game. Their greatest asset is their stealth armour which makes them good for vulture kills, acting as a deterrent and infiltration; but even then they can be defeated fairly quickly if caught out.

    Stanks need a boost, we don't want to make them killing machines but they do need to be improved for their job. A good speed/manoeuvrability boost should do the trick (not APC levels, light tank at best), this would help stanks fulfil their roll; chasing down the weak and performing ambushes/hit and runs. Improve their weapon range a bit and they'll be able to pick on the flanks without having to get in range of the central column.


    You could just give them a passenger seat like every other vehicle ;)

  16. The railgun literally has a scratched out GDI symbol on it... look at it next time you reload the railgun

    Didn't you know. It was a Nod deep cover agent who designed it while 'working' for the GDI, used their resources to build a prototype, burnt the lab to the ground and stanked off back to Nod with said prototype in his possession.

  17. I cant tell why/when its jamming and i cant replicate it yet but something is wrong with it for sure. 3-5days ago i even managed to completely jam the railgun, i couldnt shoot reload or do anything with it.

    The PIC and Railgun are both experimental tech' of course they're not going to function perfectly, it's understandable the railgun performs more consistently though, Nod are more technologically advanced.

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