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Everything posted by Boemanerds

  1. > Increases the damage of the LCG > 50% No
  2. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =604444859 Gotta stack those APCs
  3. This is why I say I disagree with the sensors, at least on how you put it here. I feel that letting the entire team know exactly where a intruder would be via a dot on screen would be way overpowered. I feel that if the sensor beeped like the ion/nuclear beacon, but louder instead would be balanced better. I have not seen(At least in my time playing) a single SBH take down a building at any health. Whenever I try a solo attack as a SBH, I usual get gunned down the instant I set foot into the building. I usually see these rushes done with 3-6 SBH at once. Plus if I was to see a SBH walk into one of my buildings, I would be doing everything I could to stop him.(Shotguners work very well in buildings) I should elaborate on this. When I say it shouldn't be able to protect a building by its lonesome, I mean that it shouldn't be able to defend against entire assaults like the watchtower. I feel that even if the turret was destoryable by a single person, other players would rush to the defense of the building due to them hearing the gunfire. If your team is even trying to win, its already impossible to attack a building by your lonesome and expect to succeed, even with a nuke. Whenever I defend I usually grab a repair tool and use that after I fought off the intruders, unless the timer is quite low on the C4/ion/nuke, then I switch to a engi.
  4. In my opinion, I feel like the deployable sensors would disrupt any sneak attack made by ether team. Although annoying for GDI, I find it very satisfying to pull of a successful SBH attack on a building. (Sorry, not sorry) The turret idea sounds ok, although it shouldn't be able to protect a building by its lonesome.
  5. I haven't heard of ravora but I use Tunngle since it allows LAN connections for hundreds of games. For its C&C community, it has around ~10-2 players on at any time for C&C3, Kanes Wrath and any of its mods. I have not used CnCnet mainly because I haven't played any on multiplayer for the older games in the series.
  6. For fans of the tiberium series, there doesn't seem to be much discussion about playing any of its games which is a shame. I know that the multiplayer services went down with game spy but I could set up some lan games if anyone is interested.
  7. Today playing as NOD, i found this little bug that placed me on top of the sky box. What I think caused this was me bailing out of a Apache as it exploded at the top of the sky box. And they thought Orcas were annoying http://steamcommunity.com/id/boemanerds/screenshots/
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