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Everything posted by Redline

  1. The end game camera should be done. The loading screen footage is done just needs to be cut from 30 seconds to 5-10. Easy just take the first few seconds of the video I included in the download. The collision, boundaries, landscape smoothing, harvester paths, etc...we're all tested heavily already. The minimap needs to be done, but I am too busy to do it. It's not a sad day I've just lost interest in Renx for now as I purchased other games that I am trying to jump start a YouTube channel with.
  2. Alright the map is done, but I havn't cut down the loading screen video I made or minimap. See the link below for the most recent map version. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byqqd ... XNmT1A5SDQ Someone needs to recompile it I think. I hope someone takes up the mantel on this map as its 98% done. I've grown a bit tired of Renx and have moved on to an Arma 3 Project Life Mod. I also started my own youtube channel Obligatory marketing whore link to my youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV2ZCQ ... ioboydUqFQ
  3. Dat condescension Nothing wrong with people throwing ideas around (even if they aren't realistic at the time) They won't ever be realistic. Let's be realistic +1 Any ideas spitballed on the Ren-x forum about a new game will never be serious until there is a SEPARATE dedicated website/forum. Its my personal opinion "new game" talk fragments the community and hinders the Ren-x effort.
  4. Redline


    Lol what. AoW?
  5. Teaser video! (Using some of this footage as the Loading Screen). Getting some resources from Yagi to work on my own minimap. Also going to use the experience as a way to experiment with full sized minmaps that take up entire screen. Going to try to create a template in photoshop or illustrator. Will publish a new version on this post later today.
  6. Pickup truck needs rear passenger for driveby gunners/officers
  7. I think the keyword here is "eventually" and how long? There are a good amount of dev's, but mostly mappers, and when your developing for free the progress is slow. (That will never be on steam/origin). Perhaps we save the review sites for that 1.0, but I desperately believe Renx needs a blast of 3-6 youtube review videos. In the timeline of in 1-2 months. There is always an endless supply of 1000's of "Game reviewer" youtubers. That feedback is critical to what 1.0 looks like. That uptick in player interest could bring back interest and motivation from inactive developers, and bring new ones too! I think that 1.0 will get here quick if we bring a little spotlight back to Renx. So perhaps we save some of this list, but no advertising is not an option for reaching the best end 1.0 product in my opinion.
  8. You could always just create a tutorial video too. Just a 5 minute video that runs through everything. Or a 10 part video series you have to watch with labeled titles. That way people could download the game and maybe the new launcher has a link to the youtube tutorial. Just force them to watch it the first time they start the game. It would require a lot less actual coding/kismet. You just need 3-4 people to act out scenarios (SBH c4 rushs...MCT rep/destroy...tank reps...getting out of your tank in field...etc...) I think thats the easier option that gives the same info just the player doesn't have to act it out.
  9. This project will never be fully done, and there will never be that golden moment. Its been 2+ years since beta came out. I'm hoping to ride the momentum of a new patch...that will prob have: New Launcher, Artic_Stronghold, Cliffside, Reservoir?, or any other map that is ~1 month or less rdy for release. In regards to commander mod, I'm looking into UI work I could do, but thats months away. I'm taking inspiration from TF2, and BF3/4. I need to get in contact with the old UI dev ideally. 2 Seperate emails will be written. 1 for Youtubers. 1 for Gaming Sites. There is a section in the excel sheet for Press Release gaming sites. Add to it. Find a massive prebuilt list like I did. Its out there. All help in building the excel sheet is greatly appreciated. Thinking of editing CNC_Walls and adding more walls. #Makingdonaldproud.
  10. Just found a massive list. http://videogamecaster.com/big-list-of-youtubers Someone want to copy relevant users from the list above that are interested in FPS, Indie, RTS to the excel sheet? I will eventually...but I want to focus on other stuff for this to work besides populating the excel.
  11. V1.5 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_nllW ... sp=sharing Changes! Hopefully the last X_x Test plz. Let me know.
  12. Thanks ruud. Found the offending blocking volumes. Will post a version tonight.
  13. No they don't. Anyone is free to ask a youtuber to cover Renx. Totem art can't control that. But I am working with Glacious (dev) and plan on including a new video he is working on in the msg. Of course i'll post it here. Afterall I'm crowdsourcing this effort, but will do the bulk work. Efforts will be coordinated so duplicate msg's are not sent. Additional columns of info will be added to the excel.
  14. Redline


    A discussion in the wrong forum section. A thread name that copies and helps to derail my efforts to actually get more players. An apology laced with insults. A duplicate thread complaining about dev's not doing stuff you want done. Dev's come and go. You want stuff done, become one. Thats how it works here.
  15. "easily done" most people don't realize that what your asking might seem easy to the uninformed. In reality it's a 10 hour project to edit the flash files and icons, and scripts in the purchase menu to be able to customize it and add new vehicles. With very few people who have knowledge of Adobe flash, User interface work, and the one who originally did the purchase menu is inactive. So for someone like me who has that software it's one thing, but another 5 hours of learning how the purchase menu was scripted and put together is another thing
  16. I appreciate the suggestion. it's just digital advertising with reach more people, a more targeted market, etc, etc... we have 9 youtubers so far. Im hoping anytime someone posts here they are adding more names to the excel sheet. The purpose of this thread is to build that list. Or you could do this at your comicon
  17. mmmm I guess....but that's a bit off topic. The best way to effectively reach a multiple new markets of gamers is youtube. Can we please focus on that in this thread.... I need 100-200 youtubers on this list for this to work. Also adding contact info to game review sites such as kotaku, ign, etc...would be a good idea too.
  18. So I'm ready to upload a new version except I'm getting random blocking volumes when i am in a vehicle... I remember someone else had problems with invisible walls, could it perhaps be from a rock or two nearby? Cliffside has many rocks...like volcano amount of rocks...
  19. I'll add another 10 guys to the youtube list this weekend. We really need language specific youtubers too. (German, French, etc...) not just the popular standard english speaking guys. Focus on medium sized youtubers (30k subs-300k), people that cover indies more often, etc... Remember these guys get emails from dozens of devs every day asking them to check out their "super awesome new game". And yes. We are going to build more walls, walls 24/7 servers...and MAKE NOD PAY FOR IT.
  20. I would prefer you delete your comment. Help or don't post. Advertising is a good thing period. Youtubers provide better feedback then any of us fanboys. I'm looking for positivity in this thread about showing off the best of Ren-X. The game will never be "finished". If this was a trump rally we'd throw you out.
  21. @unnadog. No need to be salty...I'm just making progress. As I said it is just my opinion there is no authority in my words. I stand by my post and that the info is pretty spot on. Also I'm not here to advertise my kickstarters, I'm here to help Ren-X move forward (not backwards or start over). It is my opinion a "reskin" is not viable, the scarce resources and developers that exist should be focused on refining and expanding ren-x. Not being on steam or origin hasn't stopped Ren-X so far. So lets embrace it. Witcher 3? A youtube campaign is the best option here, no need to hate. Not being on steam is a disadvantage that can be turned into an advantage when creating a unique story to tell youtubers. Send me a PM if you want to talk more.
  22. I CAN'T SHOOT!
  23. Do you want America....I mean Ren-x to be great again? Do you want more than 2 populated servers? Do you want more variety and gameplay choices from multiple servers? Then Ren-x needs more players. How do we get more players? Advertising. Youtube and Twitch. Free & Easy. So how can you help? [sERIOUS REPLIES ONLY] Add the contact information of your favorite youtubers and twitch streamers to the google excel sheet link below. Focus on smaller to medium size (15k-250k subscribers). Language specific (german, french)...and Indie specific youtubers are also a prime target. Very low success rate for 500k+ subscribers, but we should try a few. DO NOT CONTACT THEM YET. I will write up a formal request / message. CROWDSOURCED SPREADSHEET LINK https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing Once we get a few youtubers on board. We bring them on to teamspeak for gameplay or a PUG. They create a review video, and everybody wins.
  24. Lets wrap this EA talk up once and for all. This is my opinion, but pretty much whats going to happen. 1. Ren-x will never be on steam or origin. 2. EA will not interfere with Ren-x as long as there is no money involved, and we stick to the original deal. 3. If you want to make a standalone game similar to Ren-x, but not use EA assets (C&C name) then this is not the place for it. Start your own website, and privately contact people for that project. You want 0 association with Ren-x. 4. From what I see there are few developers who would want to start over from scratch just for the sake of steam/origin. All the main developers and active people have their own day jobs. Lets focus on the game we already created and bringing it to the next level. In short. We got our answer from EA. So lets move forward with Ren-x. 1. Ren-x is not big and subsequently EA doesn't think its worth its time because it has a very small player base. 2. Ren-x has few players because it has no advertising 3. The only way for Ren-x to truly move forward is for a MASSIVE youtube / twitch campaign. 4. Once CNC_CliffSide is released I will begin my youtuber campaign. 5. Then we hold PUGS with youtubers. The 2-3 weeks following total biscuits review of Ren-x in 2014 translated into 800+ players. If you want Ren-x to become big. It needs to be advertised. Simple as that. I've done 2 kickstarter campaigns before and was a marketing administrator for other video game projects so I know what I'm talking about. PLEASE ADD YOUTUBER CONTACT INFO TO THIS CROWDSOURCED EXCEL SHEET. DO NOT CONTACT THEM YET! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
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