Still doesn't work
Here is the launch.log it has changed a little
Log: Log file open, 08/29/15 06:59:16
Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
Init: Version: 12791
Init: Epic Internal: 0
Init: Compiled (32-bit): Jan 29 2015 19:31:11
Init: Changelist: 2424394
Init: Command line: CnC-Field -log
Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\
[0000.94] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2015.08.25-18.44.14.log
[0000.95] Log: Deleting old log file Launch-backup-2015.08.26-17.43.22.log
[0001.01] Init: Computer: LUKE-PC
[0001.01] Init: User: Luke
[0001.01] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=2
[0001.03] Init: High frequency timer resolution =2.864707 MHz
[0001.03] Init: Memory total: Physical=4.0GB (4GB approx) Pagefile=8.0GB Virtual=4.0GB
[0001.03] Log: Steam Client API initialized 0
[0001.03] Log: Steam Game Server API initialized 0
[0001.06] Init: WinSock: I am LUKE-PC (
[0001.06] Init: Presizing for 83221 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
[0001.07] Init: Object subsystem initialized
[0001.08] Log: Last hardware survey: Ver=12791, Date=20150828. Uploading again.
[0004.76] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GT 630
[0004.76] Log: Adapter has 1998MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 1791MB of shared system memory
[0004.82] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3
[0004.83] Error: Error, Manifest doesn't exist: ..\..\UDKGame\Script\Manifest.txt
[0004.94] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED
[0005.01] Init: Initializing FaceFX...
[0005.01] Init: FaceFX 1.7.4 initialized.
[0005.10] Init: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3)
[0008.38] Log: Successfully upload UDK hardware survey to in 6.05 seconds.
[0014.40] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 7.36 seconds
[0014.42] Log: 75633 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
[0014.42] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
[0014.42] Log: Initializing Engine...
[0053.56] Log: Missing cached shader map for material Mat_GlowSphere, quality 0, compiling.
[0053.56] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material RX_IonCannonStrike.Materials.Mat_GlowSphere for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0055.68] Init: UEngine initialized
[0056.17] Init: XAudio2Device initialized.
[0056.41] Init: Client initialized
[0060.37] Log: Steam Client API is unavailable
[0061.38] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
[0061.38] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
[0061.39] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
[0061.39] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
[0061.39] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
[0061.40] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
[0061.40] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
[0061.40] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
[0061.58] Log: LoadMap: CnC-Field?Name=Player?Team=255
[0077.73] Log: Game class is 'Rx_Game'
[0078.05] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
[0078.05] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
[0078.39] Log: Bringing World CnC-Field.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2015.08.29-07.00.33
[0078.53] ScriptWarning: Accessed array 'Rx_MapListManager_0.AvailableGameProfiles' out of bounds (0/0)
Rx_MapListManager CnC-Field.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_MapListManager_0
Function Renx_Game.Rx_MapListManager:GetCurrentGameProfileIndex:00D3
[0078.81] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 248: Actor::setAngularDamping: Actor must be dynamic!
[0078.81] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.cpp, line 227: Actor::setLinearDamping: Actor must be dynamic!
[0078.81] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Physics\src\NpActor.c
And in the Launch_2.log (It is the larger of the 2 but hasnt ben updated this month)
[1527.56] Rx: GAME Purchase; character Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_StealthBlackHand by Nod,264,[TmX]MarkSchnayder
[1528.92] Rx: GAME Exploded; Rx_Weapon_DeployedTimedC4 at -12894.34,-7507.06,-21.34 by GDI,260,Truxa
[1528.92] Rx: GAME Destroyed; building Rx_Building_HandOfNod_Internals by GDI,260,Truxa with Rx_DmgType_TimedC4
[1530.66] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld 07/18/15 13:08:55
[1531.32] NetComeGo: Close TcpNetDriver_0 TcpipConnection_18 07/18/15 13:08:55
[1531.82] Rx: GAME Purchase; item Rx_Weapon_NukeBeacon by Nod,264,[TmX]MarkSchnayder
[1534.55] Rx: GAME Purchase; weapon Rx_Weapon_EMPGrenade by Nod,264,[TmX]MarkSchnayder
[1534.55] ScriptLog: #### Current Weapon is none
[1534.55] ScriptLog: #### expl Rx_Weapon_EMPGrenade
[1534.56] ScriptLog: #### Current Weapon is none
[1534.56] ScriptLog: #### expl Rx_Weapon_EMPGrenade
[1537.35] Rx: GAME Purchase; weapon Rx_Weapon_Carbine by Nod,264,[TmX]MarkSchnayder
[1540.92] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.92] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.92] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.92] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.92] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.92] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.92] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.95] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.95] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.96] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.96] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.96] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.96] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.96] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.96] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.96] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.96] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.96] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.96] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.96] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1540.99] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.02] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.02] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.02] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.02] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.02] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.02] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.02] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.02] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.02] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.02] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.05] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.05] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.05] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.06] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.06] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1541.06] Log: SpawnPartMulti: Missing WorldInfo or FractureManager.
[1550.29] NetComeGo: Open TheWorld 07/18/15 13:09:14
[1559.25] Rx: GAME Deployed; Rx_Weapon_DeployedRemoteC4 by GDI,260,Truxa on Landscape
[1560.72] Rx: PLAYER Enter; Nod,270,Player270 from nosteam
[1560.72] Rx: PLAYER TeamJoin; Nod,270,Player270 joined Nod
[1560.72] ScriptLog: [GeminiOnlineService] Getting Data
[1560.72] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] Resolving:
[1560.73] Rx: GAME Spawn; player Nod,270,Player270 character Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier
[1560.73] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] resolved to
[1560.73] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] Bound to port: 50647
[1560.73] Log: CheckConnectionAttempt: Connection attempt has not yet completed.
[1560.75] Log: CheckConnectionAttempt: Connection attempt has not yet completed.
[1560.79] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] TCP connection opened
[1560.79] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] End TCP connection
[1560.92] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] TCP connection closed
[1563.55] ScriptLog: [GeminiOnlineService] Posting Data: password=renegadex&code=1234567&port=7778& Pickup Game&pass=True&type=CNC-Walls_Flying&list=40;10;50;True;0;True;45;True;False;False;Open Beta 5;False&curr=9&maxp=40&rank=0&bing=True&currBots=0
[1563.55] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] Resolving:
[1563.56] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] resolved to
[1563.56] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] Bound to port: 50650
[1563.56] Log: CheckConnectionAttempt: Connection attempt has not yet completed.
[1563.59] Log: CheckConnectionAttempt: Connection attempt has not yet completed.
[1563.62] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] TCP connection opened
[1563.62] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] End TCP connection
[1563.92] ScriptLog: [GeminiLinkClient] TCP connection closed
[1570.05] ScriptLog: #### Current Weapon is none
[1570.05] Rx: GAME Purchase; refill GDI,260,Truxa
[1573.82] Rx: PLAYER NameChange; Nod,270,Player270 to: Raideon00
[1595.29] Rx: GAME Exploded; Rx_Weapon_DeployedRemoteC4 at -15069.90,8516.34,63.05 by GDI,260,Truxa
[1595.29] Rx: GAME Destroyed; vehicle TS_Vehicle_ReconBike by GDI,260,Truxa with Rx_DmgType_RemoteC4
[1595.29] Rx: GAME Exploded; Rx_Weapon_DeployedRemoteC4 at -15024.98,8535.37,49.73 by GDI,260,Truxa
[1595.29] Rx: GAME Exploded; Rx_Weapon_DeployedRemoteC4 at -13176.40,10985.27,-123.19 by GDI,260,Truxa
[1610.09] Rx: GAME Death; player GDI,269,LavaDr4gon by Nod,261,Shahanshah of Persia with Rx_DmgType_Pancake
[1613.69] Rx: GAME Spawn; player GDI,269,LavaDr4gon character Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier
[1613.89] ScriptWarning: 1666.7196 Rx_Pawn_SprintFix_29 received ServerStartFire in Inactive State!!!
Rx_Weapon_AutoRifle_GDI CNC-Walls_Flying.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Weapon_AutoRifle_GDI_37
Function Engine.Weapon:Inactive.ServerStartFire:0073
[1613.89] ScriptWarning: - I'm just in the inventory, so resync client and server
Rx_Weapon_AutoRifle_GDI CNC-Walls_Flying.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Weapon_AutoRifle_GDI_37
Function Engine.Weapon:Inactive.ServerStartFire:03A7
[1614.76] Rx: GAME Purchase; character Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Marksman by GDI,269,LavaDr4gon
[1621.46] Rx: GAME Death; player GDI,267,[TmX] XMadkill40 by Nod,261,Shahanshah of Persia with Rx_DmgType_Pancake
[1621.86] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Pawn'
Rx_Controller_SprintFix CNC-Walls_Flying.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_SprintFix_11
Function Renx_Game.Rx_Controller:CheckClientpositionUpdates:0022
[1621.86] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Pawn'
Rx_Controller_SprintFix CNC-Walls_Flying.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Controller_SprintFix_11
Function Renx_Game.Rx_Controller:CheckClientpositionUpdates:00D7
[1626.75] Rx: GAME Purchase; refill GDI,260,Truxa
[1627.22] Rx: GAME Spawn; player GDI,267,[TmX] XMadkill40 character Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Soldier
[1629.39] Rx: GAME Deployed; Rx_Weapon_DeployedProxyC4 by GDI,260,Truxa on Rx_Building_Barracks_Ramps
[1630.29] Rx: GAME Purchase; character Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Hotwire by GDI,267,[TmX] XMadkill40
[1630.69] Rx: GAME Purchase; refill GDI,256,DoctorB0NG
[1631.89] Rx: GAME Deployed; Rx_Weapon_DeployedProxyC4 by GDI,260,Truxa on Rx_Building_Barracks_Ramps
[1632.59] Rx: GAME Purchase; weapon Rx_Weapon_Carbine by GDI,267,[TmX] XMadkill40
[1633.72] Rx: GAME Purchase; refill GDI,256,DoctorB0NG
[1634.42] Rx: GAME Deployed; Rx_Weapon_DeployedProxyC4 by GDI,260,Truxa on Rx_Building_Barracks_Ramps
[1635.92] Rx: GAME Spawn; player Nod,262,[TmX]EWandelart(QS) character Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Soldier
[1636.76] Rx: GAME Deployed; Rx_Weapon_DeployedProxyC4 by GDI,260,Truxa on Rx_Building_Barracks_Ramps
[1638.99] Rx: GAME Deployed; Rx_Weapon_DeployedProxyC4 by GDI,260,Truxa on Rx_Building_Barracks_Ramps
[1639.65] Rx: GAME Purchase; refill GDI,260,Truxa
[1649.06] Rx: GA