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Everything posted by booleeas

  1. Bump due to new updates
  2. Here are the list of balance and ideas to improve the game. 1.) Sudden death mode -Both sides go immediately to Heroic. Both sides are tired of stalemates and want the game to end. I've wanted this for a while and if the sides are very balanced it would be a cool option. I could see teams agreeing to this at the start as well for fun matches. 2.) Eyes Balance -Everything about the map is balanced quite a bit more now except for the rock above the NOD tiberium field. For some reason it gives GDI a huge advantage to have cover and be able to target the harvester without dodging out of cover as the GDI path. I've noticed the sniping advantage is huge as well as NOD doesn't have a spot they can easily snipe inside GDI base as GDI does to Nod on the map. I would suggest removing it although its been there for quite some time. I would opt for the entrance to be similar to the GDI side. The AGT also hits NOD inside the tiberium field and should have its range nerfed. The obelisk can't hit the entrance of the tib field... -I had 66 vehicle kills on NOD team and we still lost the map. I killed so many vehicles on a 32/32 battle and we still lost. The infantry path route kept having protection and could easily keep NOD vehicles in by using a sydney hotwire combo from the safety spot. Nod doesn't get the advantage and I noticed how this kept NOD baselocked heavily. Without it I imagine this map would have an awesome balance. -Another item I noticed is the tiberium field is basically a double advantage to hold and GDI has no issues on the map. It would make sense to move the tiberium silo to the back area of the caves up above so Nod could cap it and have a lot more balance rather than give the leading team a double overpowered bonus, especially on a tiberium shared field map. 2.1.) Lakeside Balance -Move GDI missile tower from war factory to ground. It's unbalanced that gdi can guard the tower with a proxy mine or two on the war factory ramp and I've noticed vehicle lock ons and targeting is difficult to hit the tower before missiles hit the war factory. 2.2) Under NVN -Update BH pipeline to be similar to Nod's pipeline. BH pipeline with sbh triggers obelisk multiple times whereas Nod is only triggered once when reaching the first building. 3.) Sydney and Raveshaw -Make them both fire at the same rate 4.) Misc Nod balance -Give Nod a stronger vehicle like tick tank. Noticing Nod can never push on large maps like Outposts or Eyes because there's no tanking vehicles and the flame tank is more of a suicidal truck for maps like Storm. Tick tank for medium+ maps. -Stealth tank more acceleration power to dodge, slight speed increase. *-Keep vehicle view on MRLS closer up - Reason for this is sbh on most maps sit afk and with the view update I've noticed I can easily timed c4 vehicles and they don't notice as before they can see you lay c4. This is nice as it balances the sneak ability of NOD and should be considered moving forward to make sbh less useless than base assaults. -There needs to be some balance between artillary and MRLS in terms of infantry killing. A 1v1 fight will be a stalemate but I notice whenever techs are involved, the MRLS has a huge advantage to kill techs by hitting behind walls, adding massive splash and having a significant pull against repairs especially around corners where the artillary can't hit hotwires the MRLS can hit technicians. Sure SBH can "counter" this but in large battles I notice the sbh can't do anything effective, Sakuras get MRLSed fast and Nod retreats due to MRLS having anti infantry mobs which GDI can use much more effectively. The only map I notice this seems to change on is islands X where Nod can arty mass and for some reason hold GDI back more than most maps. 5.) Crates - Invisible Tank Crate - Cloaks any vehicle the driver gets into - Iron Curtain Crate - Short time of invincibility - Building Crate - Ultra rare revive a building crate - Golden Gun - One bullet, kills any ground unit or vehicle with 1 bullet. (10 damage to any building) - Double damage crate - Increased damage for 10 seconds - Scrin vehicle crate - Ultra rare Scrin tank drop (TBD) ?.) Commander Binding The difficulty in commanding is sometimes just remembering all the binds. I've become very efficient at it but there are two solutions Give all players the commander options so they can see the command keys at all times. Maybe enable all players to have abilities just to give players the chance to learn it or add it in a "tutorial mode" Add bind options in the menu so players can build a custom commander key binding. I'd like to have my perfect commands ready -> ||move here, follow me, fall back, cruise missile, emp, smoke, harvester stop, harvester waypoint|| all in one menu. Also on this note fix the harvester waypoint and stop command. Noticing command fails if harvester is dead and is extremely annoying to wait for it to respawn when team is begging to change. Gains negativity against commander when you literally can't as its bugged while dead and people expect immediate results. ?.) Snipers -Make jumping give a large sniper spread while zoomed in. Rock/ledge jump shots are very over powered. ?.) MCT Terminal Ideas -Mid level defense structure - Spawns 1-2 anti infantry turrets maybe in unreachable area that can be destroyed but also repaired to help hold mid ground. -Vehicle Repair Center - Heals all vehicles on map small amount -Tech center - Unlocks ultra hero characters armored sydney and raveshaw -Buy terminal center - Unlocks a center of the map buy terminal to refresh health or change class. -AI Barracks - Generated 1 anti tank infantry, 2 anti infantry and respawns every 3 minutes. Auto heals not in combat. 6.) Other - Buy EMP grenade - Not sure what the background was on taking this out earlier. It would be nice for NOD and GDI to be able to buy a single use grenade again for $400-$600 range in special rushes for the extra time bonus to strike or provide cover in small rushes. Many infantry could make some more interesting rush tactics but are usually limited by the AGT/OBBY maps and should be allowed to cross some barriers for the expensive cost of a new class. Feel free to provide feedback on why we shouldn't have this. I'm curious why it was taken out. 100.) Will add more later. Going for drinks. Peace!
  3. Someone was saying they kill allies with similar damage that aircraft give. I also tried transporting a vehicle with one(no driver) and the vehicle just flips off the hovercraft. I also wish there was a way to make the hovercraft door open and close.
  4. I was thinking of a lot of ideas for the game and here's what I came up with. Please post your ideas below as well and I'll add to the master list below. Game-modes Buildings Vehicles Veterans Other ======================================================================================= ====================================================================================== GameModes Zombies-This would bring in a huge crowd of players. Imagine giving the AI melee weapons and having a 16vs16 zombies and you would be autoswitched to the zombie team if you die. Place mini-terminals on the wall to purchase different weapon groups. Unlockable doors for areas ect... Team Deathmatch- Just players or add vehicles as well. Need custom small maps. Keep global score. Co-opOld Campaign Style Maps- Co-op to take down the AI and do objectives. It would be awesome if we got some of these going again. With the new tiberium sun mods, imagine a mass assault on CABAL's fortress with the core defender awakening! Call Of Duty- I know people hate this, but if we want to bring in crowds, we should give them a gamemode more similar to their style. I remember playing Renegade on Kamuix's server and I loved his customization. There wasn't custom builds, but he had pre-made different units that costed much more than the originals. I imagine Renegade with a similar Perfect Dark64 type of buy menu to customize your class. *Separate idea-Another fantastic thing about Kamuix's server was that you could construct full size buildings! As a real engineer and renegade engineer, I loved being able to spawn buildings for support around the map to assist in holding position or building a bad ass base. ======================================================================================= ======================================================================================= Buildings Capturable Buildings/Purchase-Terminals- These would not be free refills either. It would cost 100-400 to refill your armor. This would be interesting to have on larger maps where running around takes a long time. Imagine one inside the middle building on Gold Rush. The SDK needs more building models. I have Solidworks but no actual 3d modeling software or I'd help with this task. The Editor needs more buildings like different bunkers, sniper towers, or helipads ect. A COMM center would be cool and when its taken down your radar and airstrikes or ion cannon would go offline. Along with the Kamuix building your buildings on the map during gameplay, additional tiberium sun defense buildings would be cool such as the Nod Laser turrets to replace the rpg turrets. Pre-loaded buildings with defense towers inside them would be cool as well. RANGE variable on defense towers. Few people know about the true range of the towers, but if you ever go in the editor, you'll soon realize 3 miles away isn't safe. ======================================================================================= ======================================================================================= Vehicles Airlift vehicle such as the Tiberium Sun Carryalls would be interesting. Amphibious APC- Would be nice since the hovercraft aren't working. I'm constructing a D-Day Map. Suicide recon bike or truck. ICBM vehicle- Would be great scenario for co-op. Cyborg Reaper vehicle - a vehicle with both nets for trapping pesky infantry and missile launchers but very weak to sniper fire. ======================================================================================= ======================================================================================= Veterans It would be cool to have a leveling system in game. Server would give perks to players for playing longer such as a small increase to clip size, night vision, health, damage, weapons or loadouts. This is universal across most modern games. Xp would keep players inclined to keep going. ======================================================================================= ======================================================================================= Other AIRDROP- Imagine a mode where the vehicles are airdropped every so often to limit or design different battles. ARMOR/Health/Guns- I know this is in the works as I've seen the crates in the editor. Weapons Hud- I know there's the small hud in the bottom corner, but it doesn't do it for me. I love the original top weapons hud where I can easily seen the weapon+associated number bind. This would be neccessary for being able to pickup weapons as the current hud would suck. Map Hud- The mini-map is too small. A customizable or larger map would be nice to have.
  5. booleeas


    Down with no flaming vehicles rule? The tiberium flechette and autorifle are bullets piercing through the chem suit. The chem spray just fills the atmosphere and burns those who aren't covered.
  6. Sounds good. I don't have time to watch all 66 episodes of Lets make a Renegade map. I'll try to figure out how to make 2 landscapes. Its my 2nd day on the editor.
  7. Jog, very nice work! I was wondering if you know if it would be possible to create the firestorm wall? I don't know if there are some free 3D editing tools to create objects, but I'd gladly collaborate with you on some projects. I'm just getting into the editor myself and its great to see the work being done. Another object we need to make are gates for those walls. I see you've sort of got them down, but maybe there's something like it someone's done in a different game. Keep it up! Btw, I'm making a D-Day map and I really like some of the aspects you have.
  8. Hey Kenz, Great tutorials! Could you make one on tunnels? I can't figure out how they deleted a portion of the texture map on Whiteout and created a tunnel. Is there a way to place 2 layers for the paint editing? It would be nice if you could clear this subject up. I've got a neat map in the works that I need to finish some tunnels on
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