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Posts posted by Samjampirate

  1. It is programmed in, but currently turned off.

    They are seriously thinking very highly of adding in player drops. Moreso ammo/health/armor, less so weapon pickups. On original ren servers, weapon pickups had to be disabled for SBH. It is also highly snowball-y. But, it is definitely possible, and may work with a percentage rate or only with certain weapons or out of crates or something.

    wow, awesome! thanks for the quick reply! i completely agree with the ammo, health, armor pickups, that would be a welcome addition to the game. and i would humbly recommend keeping the option for enabling/disabling weapon pickups in server settings for admins, but i'm sure you guys will work that stuff out. Regardless, this is an incredibly well put-together game and it'll gather hundreds of hours of happy gaming on my part in years to come! from a long time commander, you guys have all my blessings! :D

  2. So i don't think this was covered in the FAQ, although the backpack addition may cover it... Anyway, I'm wondering if you're planning on keeping the same weapon pickup/weapon drop system that was in the original renegade. specifically, upon death the unit drops their primary weapon. So far, i have to congratulate all devs on this f2p masterpiece that perfectly captures the spirit of the original renegade (save for maybe the old school blocky graphics) but i'm not complaining ;). Regardless, this single aspect made the original game's multiplayer infinitely more complex, adding the possibilites for infinite ammo in the field, trophies of kills, hybridized classes, and so much more. And to be honest, the original was IMO pretty balanced with this feature. I simply loved being sydney with a repair gun and P.I.C :) cheers! :cool:

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