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Closed Beta Testers
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Posts posted by Calvin

  1. On 9/5/2022 at 7:06 AM, Sailarc said:

    I don't rule out that some people use sniper guns just to kill. At least one of the reasons why I use the sniper gun is that it can efficiently kill the engineers behind the enemy tanks from the side of the battlefield...


    Another reason is that I think most EU players have not experienced it. When you play the game with 250+ ping, the sniper is relatively easy to kill enemies (short TTK), Driving with high "ping" is disastrous, especially for high speed vehs(eg. recon bike)

    I usually snipe for this reason too, except field because of the fun sniping combat you can have in the tunnels. When they don't sit in the back of their base which most snipers do nowadays, they can be extremely useful at taking back the field, Reservoir for example if those snipers actually moved out and played properly, the reps on field would have had a bad time. Which would likely result NOD to take the field and eventually win. I was on the enemy team though that match 🙊

    I think the snipers are fine, it's just the playstyle that some people have makes it extremely annoying to play against, hardscoping one point, sitting far away in the tunnel on Field for example. But to change snipers because of people playing like this is a bit much. However i do agree with the fact that it's super annoying and making it so that snipers cant get away with sitting at one spot anymore hardscoping all game would be nice.

  2. i grew up watching my whole family play games like Renegade - Red alert - Zero - Generals etc everytime when the pc was free i would open up the C&C Pack and tried every game within the pack. Renegade was always the game that stood out for me even when i watched my family play the game i would just sit behind them and learn it. I played the shit out of old renegade pretty sure i have around 5k hours in that game if not more.. later i heard about a closed beta that was supposed to be a newer Renegade. I applied for closed beta testing talking to Jam a lot and i finally got in there. instantly i fell in love with the game! i died a lot and wanted to get better to compete with those amazing players at the time. I must say i was a little disappointed at first because there was no free aim (im pretty sure the idea originally was to add free aim don't quote me on that) It really felt like renegade but even more fun you could get side arms and everything sounded and felt so cool. the fps was amazing back then and even with a literal potato i got 60 fps 40/50 when recording. my love for it went down when the nerfs and changes started going down.. it slowly started becoming a different game (as of now it's not even renegade anymore just a different game) i had issues with that nobody likes change at first especially when you're so used to old ren where it's snipers are OP? deal with it. EA was harsh in that clearly. I took a long break from this game i think it was about a year, and started playing again that's when i gave the game a long try and instantly fell in love with it again. the devs made this game so awesome, i do wish some changes didnt happen ofcourse and i do wish they stayed more like old renegade but i adjusted and i am having the best time playing. Huge thanks to the devs for making this awesome game, but stop making poi nerfs.. thanks 😂

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  3. 8 hours ago, Syntharn said:

    I wouldn't be against turning team switching off in conjunction with forcefully moving players in order to balance, far as i see it balancing always was its intended use anyway. I don't know any particular players more so than any other, for those that do maybe this is a big deal.
    But being yanked from one side to the other, that will upset some people, especially if you are invested enough into the match to have a top score.

    this! aslong as the balance happens at the beginning of each match this should work just fine. And just watch for people constantly re-joining to be on another team. Could just make it a rule but i don't know how well that would work out, worth a try certainly 

  4. I made this topic with the purpose to show my gameplay to the people that think i might be cheating but it changed to this kind of topic again. 

    @Ryz  sadly i cannot control people like reaper to not swap to my team even though i don't think he swapped just to be on my team.  but still a very nice post well said! 


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  5. 1 hour ago, JoeBrogan7 said:

    Interesting choice of words. Take a poll in-game and see what players prefer. The last few that were taken that I can remember, most players voted for >40.

    According to this poll, people who prefer 40 players or less is at 49%. So your position isn't even in the clear majority. Calling our position "a couple people" is misleading at best.

    I don't take polls seriously ingame, i know that a lot of people just press f1 for the lols.

    I know there are more people. but certainly not the majority and the 40 player supporters mostly already left the game ~ 

  6. 1 hour ago, Guest NoPopularOpinion said:

    It is ok if you want to get better in a game and I dont say dont try to get better, but the most people just want to play to have fun and relax, and what this does to newbs who play it for the first times and then meet you is also clear what happens - they delete the game and never come back - because they say: "there is a aimbotter and the mods do nothing" (short version). They think you get covered and it is accepted in the community that there are cheaters. Thats not my personal opionion, but I heard it several times, I dont know skill or cheating - I dont care about that - the results count.

    The best thing would be, it would be possible for you to play on a server with similar skilled people.

    From my point of view this is going nowhere and I dont wanna post again, because it is useless - I have that feeling you dont want to understand what triggers your gamemates to play against you and just feeling like the victim or you wanna have a medal to make people mad and take them fun of playing? I dont know and care, for me it is easy: If I dont can play tank on maps with you, I just leave the server.

    You have to live with such discussions like that when you play as exposed as you are.

    I play to have fun and relax too, we were all noobs when we started i got destroyed when i started too. If people leave because they're getting destroyed i don't think any FPS game would fit them... Nowadays every game is one big sweat city. in every game there will be players that stand out in skill specially in small communitys. for example in fortnite you have the extreme building pro's - in cod you have the quickscopers - in apex legends you have the insane movement and aim people destroying everyone in the lobby. here you have a handful snipers that seem to love playing infantry and are quite good at it. something you wont be able to control in a small community. 

    I understand what triggers people but we're not all the same and i refuse to completely change my playstyle because people seem to keep dying and get mad. they should work on staying calm and realize it's just a game. and if you play to have fun and relax by using free infantry or tanks or repairs you gonna die anyway. if not by a handful of "skilled" players you'll die by tanking pro's or anything. 

    Besides i think everyone should be able to play the way they want too play, you don't see me name calling people that kill me with their tanks or mines or whatever. if you die. ok happens move on. it's just a game 😄


  7. 8 hours ago, Guest NoPopularOpinion said:

    I dont know, if poi is cheating (my personal opinion: this low res. stream proofs nothing) or just very high skilled (btw: why is no one else on a approximately skill level?) whatever the outcome is the same, people leaving because they have no fun and for newbs could be so frustrating that they stop playing the whole game (I read a lot of chats like this: "F... this game just aimbotter, I quit..."). I just playing this game since a year, because I loved old Ren, but in the time where poi took a break was much more pleasant. Sorry poi, I dont want to be personal, but that's what you trigger to other players, and not just with me. And this victimhood that you're taking on, I don't understand.

    BTW: Are there any measures against hacking from players? For example, are there any server validations that files are not manipulated?

    I used to play a lot of old Renegade literally everyone in that game sniped because it was so broken and easy, ever since i remember i used to be very good at sniping in that game too got banned a few times for suspected cheating. but i never got called names or people telling me to die because of my playstyle or calling me psychotic because of my playstyle too. I myself got killed so much by people like @Gaysha @Canucck @boxes @Minji  @jpjtyld @Sarie but i never called them names for it. if anything my competitive side wanted to be a challange for them and i practiced for years. i remember renx also had sniper servers i would just sit in there and practice against bots or other players. 

    And those people leaving the game when they get killed those are most likely the casual players that don't aim to get better, if you want to get better at a game you have to learn and die A LOT. it doesn't come just like that. 

    as for the "victimhood" i got kicked about 10 times in 2 days. if you wouldn't find that annoying and unfair when you're playing fair and doing nothing wrong... i dont know what to tell you. 

    Also this is some of my sniping in OLD renegade too if you want to see: 


  8. Every map on 40 player count feels completely fine they just don’t want to adapt to the so called “less action” player count anymore ~ 

    I hope the devs/server owners are finally just gonna work on the game performance instead of what a couple people want.

  9. Why would anyone that’s not a casual player want to play a game where they get 30fps on maps like Eyes - hourglass - lakeside - under - walls. 

    When they can get 144 FPS constant FPS in apex legends or 200+ in overwatch? Or even in the newest call of duty over 90. I also have a 970 and a decent cpu I don’t get constant 60fps on 60 playerlimit even when I play on 800x600.

    It blows my mind that people think it’s better with 64 players, even the devs keep saying its not supposed to be this high and I don’t understand the devs that they keep accepting it the game is SOOOO much better with 40 player anyone that plays since the closed beta would agree with me 

    It not only effects the FPS but also the ping, people really need to stop thinking about what they like but what’s healthy for the game and to make it grow again renx was in its prime on a 40player limit and I’m sure a lot of players left when they suddenly got stutters FPS lags in the game when the 60player cap came around. Ffs a lot of people love this game but the performance for casuals and competitive players which you NEED to grow a game and keep it running are leaving because of it.



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  10. I been getting accused a billion times in game someone told me to share some gameplay on the forums

    I was using a buggy at the beginning with the intention of defending the harv. ended up getting a lot of kills with it changed into sakura and started sniping from the pipeline.They really need to change that spot it's kind of broken. 

    The quality is shit because i was playing on 800x600 Stretched. to see if my fps would be much better and to see how i would perform

    Sniping starts at 7 mins

    but yeah enjoy ^^


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  11. I normally get like 50/60 fps but when im recording or streaming 20/40 fps depending on the playercount 

    I agree the movement in this game feels terrible the stuttering is very annoying to hit people with especially if they're a fast character very hard to hit someone like that, but i think we all have this issue. Makes it alright i guess 🙃

    I know the tunnels on under lag so much specially the nod one, up the pipeline it lags too when you walk up to it. It usually gets worse when you run up to something or when something explodes. and theres a lot more places and times where it does this but i can't come up with them all on the spot.


  12. I think theres nothing left to discuss in this topic any further. 

    I hope whenever i return this game will be fun for me again. 

    It can be locked. 


    Hope to see you all ingame at some point, im ready to fully leave this toxicity behind. 


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