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Everything posted by Ska-Ara

  1. Ska-Ara

    My Stuff

    This is the stuff i currently working on. Long time goal is to finish all the important buildings/structures from Red Alert 2
  2. Ska-Ara

    Soviet Terrordrone.png

    From the album: My Stuff

  3. Ska-Ara

    Soviet SentryGun.png

    From the album: My Stuff

  4. Ska-Ara

    Soviet TeslaCoil.png

    From the album: My Stuff

  5. Ska-Ara


    From the album: My Stuff

  6. hey.. hope its ok to show my stuff to. i bought a anycubic mega and made some modells too. heres it the RA2 Allied PP
  7. short break here , need help of havoc which is very busy right now. but i think in 1 or 2 weeks it will be make a huge step nearly finsihing sry for this delay but good thing need time it will be result in a much better experience than now meanwhile is start a new vehicle, will show it if is ready to show up
  8. yea its a common problem if the sandbox isnt enabled. you need to start a vote and select the gamemode. but right now the server is deactivated and will be reenabled in the next days with some more improvements
  9. 400 Damage is set, but its actual less dmg cuz the dmg type. we test some battles and some players told me to increase the firerate a bit. i would prefer that anyone go onto the server and just test a bit. then write down his opinion here. so ppls can better discuss about that.
  10. Damage from the sourcefiles was 25 before 400 now but it also fire much slower could be a bit massive but we will see.
  11. Changelog till this moment Speed nearly doubled Turretrotation Speed halfed Shooting Particles aka Lightnings improved Hugh Damage Boost Slowed down the Firerate Tracks fixed Suspension improved Icons fixed
  12. hey Guys, Sarah startet a Testserver for the Tesla Tank. Its not perfect, but already a funny Thing. Just download this stuff http://goo.gl/KYEYNb and follow the Readme. On the Server you can open the Console. Just type in sandboxspawn teslatank.ra2_vh_teslatank and you will get one Have fun. I will improve this tank in the next days to fix some bugs and ugly things
  13. Right now i think that the tank is testable on this Weekend, is there a public testserver where we can test it? And i hope that this will be so good at the end that RenX is take it to the SDK like the some other "experimentals"
  14. ok the editor starts but this error occurs Package UDK_Rain.Materials in RX_Mesa_Main Material UDK_Rain.Materials.M_RainSplash in RX_Mesa_Main MaterialInstanceConstant UDK_Rain.Materials.M_RainSplash02 in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_IonCannonStrike.Textures.T_Mask2CLAMP in RX_ArabDeco_Buildings Package UDK_Rain.Mesh in RX_Mesa_Main SoundNodeWave RX_WP_AutoRifle.Sounds.S_Autorifle_Fire_Nod_1 in RX_Mesa_Main SoundNodeWave RX_WP_AutoRifle.Sounds.S_M16_Fire1 in RX_Mesa_Main SoundNodeWave RX_WP_AutoRifle.Sounds.S_M16_Fire2 in RX_Mesa_Main SoundNodeWave RX_WP_Pistol.Sounds.M9 in RX_Mesa_Main SoundNodeWave RX_WP_Pistol.Sounds.nod_pistol_fire in RX_Mesa_Main StaticMesh UDK_Rain.Mesh.SM_UDK_Rain_Splash in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_Deco_Road.Dirt.MDecal_DirtRoad_Flattened in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_Deco_Road.Dirt.T_DirtRoad_H in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_Env_Water.Materials.M_Rain_Flattened in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_Env_Water.Textures.T_RainScrolling in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_Env_Water.Textures.T_RainSheet_Alpha in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D UDK_ProceduralSky.Textures.T_DayCycle_Rain_N in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D UDK_Rain.Textures.T_RainSplash01_M in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D UDK_Rain.Textures.T_RainSplash01_N in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D UDK_Rain.Textures.T_RainSplash02_M in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D UDK_Rain.Textures.T_RainSplash02_N in RX_Mesa_Main Package UDK_Rain.Materials in RX_Mesa_Main Material UDK_Rain.Materials.M_RainSplash in RX_Mesa_Main MaterialInstanceConstant UDK_Rain.Materials.M_RainSplash02 in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_IonCannonStrike.Textures.T_Mask2CLAMP in RX_ArabDeco_Buildings Package UDK_Rain.Mesh in RX_Mesa_Main SoundNodeWave RX_WP_AutoRifle.Sounds.S_Autorifle_Fire_Nod_1 in RX_Mesa_Main SoundNodeWave RX_WP_AutoRifle.Sounds.S_M16_Fire1 in RX_Mesa_Main SoundNodeWave RX_WP_AutoRifle.Sounds.S_M16_Fire2 in RX_Mesa_Main SoundNodeWave RX_WP_Pistol.Sounds.M9 in RX_Mesa_Main SoundNodeWave RX_WP_Pistol.Sounds.nod_pistol_fire in RX_Mesa_Main StaticMesh UDK_Rain.Mesh.SM_UDK_Rain_Splash in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_Deco_Road.Dirt.MDecal_DirtRoad_Flattened in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_Deco_Road.Dirt.T_DirtRoad_H in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_Env_Water.Materials.M_Rain_Flattened in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_Env_Water.Textures.T_RainScrolling in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D RX_Env_Water.Textures.T_RainSheet_Alpha in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D UDK_ProceduralSky.Textures.T_DayCycle_Rain_N in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D UDK_Rain.Textures.T_RainSplash01_M in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D UDK_Rain.Textures.T_RainSplash01_N in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D UDK_Rain.Textures.T_RainSplash02_M in RX_Mesa_Main Texture2D UDK_Rain.Textures.T_RainSplash02_N in RX_Mesa_Main something critical or just garbage?
  15. ok 20 days are a bit more than "few" but i have a small problem with the new one , first of all, it says that i have old scripts, if i want to compile than nothing happens if i click on no the editor crash instantly. i use windows 10
  16. a few days? in the download section the last one was from 20 days ago, which one is the newest?
  17. with some help of Havoc im very proud to show the result im now trying to get this ingame as look as good like this preview, hope it will look good too
  18. Today i made all the UW work, first time i did this completly by myself. After that i made this test render.. hope you like it hehe i think tommorow i wil l start to make the textures for Ren
  19. Update on some small Details
  20. Hey Guys, im working right now on a New Vehicle for Ren X. This Vehicle will be the Red Alert 2 Tesla Tank. This Vehicle will be published as Single Vehicle like the other Experimental Vehicles in the RenX Stuff (e.g Tesla Tank from Red Alert 1). Some of you might know me from my Red Alert 2 Mod. Right now i dont want to reactivate this Mod. Cuz that i will be a single Work. But i want to make a big difference to my Old work. In the Past i tried to fit my models as close as possible to the Voxel Models. With this Tesla Tank i want to break up with this. It will be more concept like and will have much more details. Heres my Progress so far:
  21. i could help too in modelling, just tell me what you need and i will try my best. but im just availiable for static non organic stuff (my skills are limited ti this) you know my work from the Red Alert 2 Mod. http://ska-ara.deviantart.com/gallery/
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