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Everything posted by RelentlessChaos

  1. Also, when I verify the files it says, "Renegade X was successfully verified to version open beta 5.367". but I still do not see any servers in the launcher and it still says that it cannot find the installed version.
  2. I download the installer and then I let it do its thing, but when it finished it goes right back to "it looks like you are trying to install for the first time or something is corrupted". If I try to press no since I already pressed yes the first time, the launcher says could not locate installed game version.
  3. Just because I play does not mean I play the game 24/7. I am already playing less of Renegade X since returning a little over 2 weeks ago. I am in a love/hate relationship with Renegade X. If you saw the unedited version of this video, the game would probably not look good or appealing to non-C&C fans. Please don't get upset regarding my opinions of the game.
  4. I was in that game as NOD, we did great defending the HON.
  5. So do this every time? Because it just happened again long after resetting game.
  6. Every time I boot the game, my graphic settings are set to default.. How do I fix this? (edit): It's not just the graphical settings, but all settings are reset.
  7. I've been playing daily for a few days, but today after a new map was selected.. the game crashed. Now, every time I try to join a server, I make it to the loading screen and crash with the error in the title.
  8. The game itself has something wrong with it. I have a 3570k @ 4.1Ghz, 16GB of RAM, and a 1080 SC at 1440p and I still dip into the 30-49 fps range in heavy combat, even on the very low preset.
  9. Yeah, kind of what I said earlier about there is too much to take on. In other words, vehicles, infantry, helicopters, base defenses, mines, etc. Definitely this the more I play, I can't stand half of the maps since they seem to give an advantage to GDI. Example = Under... Nod just gets camped at their base entrance with mammoths and MLRS.
  10. So on Lakeside, I tried to jump off of a hill and into the tress, but doing so made my character float for a very long distance. I'll have a video to share of it soon.
  11. That's exactly what I said in the OP, people stay in order to experience that first person perspective in the C&C universe. That's the only reason I stay despite all the frustrations that the game has to offer each and every match. Yes, a tutorial would be nice and would help out new players. Overall, I really don't see this game appealing to new players at all. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see the game gain some popularity, but I definitely do not see that happening. Again, I'm almost certain anyone who continues to play this game does it because they grew up with RTS C&C games or also played the original Renegade.
  12. I know you are a developer and all, but are you aware that there is also a first person view feature in both Renegade & Renegade X? The only games that allows you to be in the first person view within the Command and Conquer universe (one of the biggest selling points). Hence the reason I chose to say first over third.
  13. 10-7pm PDT.
  14. Maybe it's because I'm older now compared to when I played the original Renegade back in the day, or maybe I was too young back then to realize the flaws of this game. For Renegade X, these online matches can be extremely frustrating or never ending and tedious. I think one reason for that is the fact that people spend several minutes just trying to kill each other.. in other words, is it me or does everything in this game have a 1% accuracy rating? If not that, then barely anything does damage so it takes forever to push the opposing team back. Honestly, I'm not sure what it is that makes these matches so hard to finish off. Perhaps it's just the fact that there's too much to take on when trying to destroy enemy buildings. Anyways, what is it exactly about this game that keeps people playing? Is it just the nostalgia factor of the original Renegade and being in the universe from a first person perspective? That's probably it for me.. otherwise, I would rather be playing a real FPS or RTS C&C game.
  15. So after playing some more maps, I believe it's the newer maps that are causing me major performance issues. I have not played since Beta 4.x so maps such as Fort and Walls (Snow version) have bad performance for me. Older maps such as XMoutain seem to be fine overall. Although, there are still some pretty bad dips once in awhile.
  16. Even on the very low preset, I get severe framerate drops into the 20s on certain maps or during intense combat. My rig = 3570k, 1080 SC, 16GB RAM, 1TB WD HDD, 1440p.
  17. How has the game progressed since BETA 4.02? I've been taking a peek at the launcher over the past few days and I never see anyone online except for 1 full server @ around 12pm pacific time. Although, my ping for all these servers are pretty bad (100-300). I'm from Cali.
  18. I played this game a lot a few months ago before summer. It was pretty active. I wanted to check up on Renegade X so I re-installed / updated it recently. Although, every time I check there are barely even seven players within a single server. Is Renegade X dying out?
  19. Don't... troll the feed? I don't even know what to say about that lol. Am I the only one btw, that intentionally gets on in the deader hours because I like 14v14 more than 20v20? I doubt he's trolling. RypeL got sick of working for this game a while ago, and heck I'm surprised he came back to it at all, I thought he said he was done with it. Where is everyone else? Is RypeL the only programmer left? I see nobody besides mappers ever say a thing at all, which leaves it all on his shoulders. Damn. Straight from a developer.
  20. Yeah, airdrops seem to prolong the already long matches.
  21. Haven't been on in like 2 weeks, got burnt out on it I guess. Probably due to match length.
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