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I'm Osama

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Everything posted by I'm Osama

  1. There all. Watch and do something.
  2. Easier then on no-snow maps, really.
  3. I really love the developers of this game, they done huge work on this, but i think posting glitches in funny style shouldn't hurt them, but should provide game becoming better than now. But if you all srsly think that it is neccessory to upload this glitches in PRIVATE mode only for Devs, i will think about it.
  4. Heyya, second part. Link: P.S.: waiting for 4.03.
  5. I agree with first post in same points. So, mine list: Reduce credit income from damaging and repairing by 20% 30%; Give more points for killing infantry while being infantry; Make Nod vehicles little more useful (now there all shit, only flame tanks can do something); Make all explosions (like vehicle shells) do much more splash damage to infantry (bcs i can't kill rocket soldier with 10 splash damage shoots, but he can kill my veh with 10 rockets, lmao); Add shahids to Nod infantry.
  6. It wasn't bug or skill bcs for this complained a few people in two games.
  7. Swahhh, i think problems have only you, if you're not interested in playing without cheats. Thanks, will know next time.
  8. Kid. Maybe, but 60 seconds (or something like this) - too small and there no way to record demo when you killed by cheater (it can be only one time, but it IMPORTANT). Replays like it made in CoD, Dota 2 etc. - really needed feature (but maybe hard to realize it).
  9. Please, add replays ingame! There only this way to catch cheaters (players cant play with fraps all time ). Also it will be good, if developers add anticheat or something like normal players accout to prevent cheating from already banned cheaters, when they connected like guests (no steam). They can reconnect endless time, isn't it? Watch this video: Link if not work: As well this guy used glitches (yes, yes, i know what you want say ): Thanks.
  10. Hi. I think i can be banned for my youtube channel, rofl, but i will post there all glitches which i know. I want a good game without bugs, but glitchfinding and using it first time funny for me, so... This glitch associated with wrong collision detection, watch video: Link if player doesn't work:
  11. Hey, i have this in my Firefox (using AdBlock, JS on): (Images from slider in header of site moves down, behind the site content).
  12. All have this bug, not only near WF, half of map in this textures.
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