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Everything posted by Chlenix

  1. A friend of mine had the same issue. Uninstalling the game completely and then reinstalling it solved the problem.
  2. Old but gold
  3. No, i have this button on and still launches 32-bit. Anyway, what's the point of adding 64-bit if it is very buggy and not supported by devs?
  4. After testing the game, i can say that there is no more freezes when the map is loading - i can see the loading screen, but it is the same for every map. Also i get no sound bug at 64-version. It should be fixed in the next patch.
  5. So i read the 5.29 changelogs a bit more carefully and now i'm going to test the 64-bit version. But still no map previews at 32-bit.
  6. Can i have the link for downloading 64-bit Renegade X binaries? In files section there's only 32-bit version. Got the same problem, no map loading previews, but on 32-bit version of the game.
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