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Everything posted by Soylentgamer

  1. I love the boink, but I do enjoy customization too. Just think of the possibilities, replacing the boink with the sonic ring sound, TF2 Heavy saying "Dead!" or the CoD hitsound.
  2. I know that. I am sort of PC pro certified. I'm just tired of waiting 5 minutes to start up. That's also why it's lower priority to processor and memory.
  3. I have good connection, only ~30 ping, it only happens when I get trapped between two friendly vehicles or between a friendly vehicle and a wall.
  4. I mentioned that they should make maps that are balanced but not symmetrical, like dota's map. Then RypeL said that it would be cool to make a moba gamemode since I mentioned Dota.
  5. What happens is if you get pinned between a wall and a friendly vehicle as infantry, you'll end up "phasing" through the vehicle, and you will be able to move around at high speed like you are using a speedhack. Then when the vehicle backs away from the wall you get moved back to where you were.
  6. It wouldn't really be a MOBA like per se, but that sounds like a fun mode too.
  7. I have found that if a friendly vehicle pins an infantry against a wall in the correct way, the infantry will get speedhack like movement. I'm afraid that I'll get kicked or even banned from a server if that happens to me too much.
  8. I would love that considering my past of Dota play. Might get some hate from the SMITE community though, considering they have a TPMOBA. We'd have to do something to distinguish it heavily from their game. Really we'd just have to implement a slightly different credits system and add AI controlled neutrals/lane "creeps" Maybe tweak the defense damage so that they could be potentially destroyed by the creeps and we could do something like what Heroes of the Storm did with the Dragon Knight as a system for adding vehicles. We definitely don't want something that is basically an already existing game that is made in the Command and Conquer universe.
  9. Creeps, shop placement, yes, that has a huge effect on the game. Ward locations don't provide the same vision. You can do the triple pull trick on the radiant side and not the dire, access to certain parts of the map have different timings, it has an extreme effect on the gameplay. There was a time when picking Lycan was instant GG, loss if picked on radiant and win if picked on dire. They are incredibly different, and playing on each side is a completely different experience.
  10. New setup CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K @ 3.30GHz GPU: EVGA GTX980 Superclocked ACX 2.0 Memory: Crucial 4GB DDR4 2133 X8 MB: MSI X99S SLI PLUS Same cheap HDD, cheap DVD drive, Sound card cut out, basically higher raw performance, but less other features, These i'll throw in later.
  11. ....I wouldn't call a character that can out out damage Gunner vs. vehicles, kill multiple infantry in a single clip, and do decent damage to a building's MCT alone a one-dimensional. Under-utilised, yes, but that's about it. Also, McFarland isn't even close to being 'broken' anymore...the hell game are you playing? Also, I'm 90% sure that the explosive resistances of the Flamethrower and Chem Trooper didn't make it over to RenX unless they snuck them in at some point. Spam a Marksman maybe? Marksman doesn't even need to aim that well...just spray in most Sak's general direction and they'll either move or retreat. Just don't be the dumbass that tries to head-up fight a Sakura with the Marksman then complain they're OP. #WhereDaGunnerRush #PatchOP I think the direct taken damage from flame/chem is still standard (C4 attached directly to them, direct hits from rockets) But AoE damage is reduced I'm sure.
  12. I think the maps should be designed like the Dota map. Not symmetrical but balanced. The problem is that is hard to achieve. Work has been done on the map since '04 and it still isn't perfectly balanced.
  13. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yoJ ... sp=sharing Just wanted to post this here. This is the computer that I'm planning on building. I have a fairly large budget (thank you summer job) But I wanted to post it here so that I'm sure that it's sound and will operate properly and will be able to run RenX. Cheers ^.^
  14. From what I heard it wasn't very well organized in comparison to other clanwars, only like 8 joined per team or something.
  15. I'd have to admit that it's outdone by many other weapons against infantry, but it still is strong against infantry. Plus the projectiles are a bit slow, but that's only ever a problem against maybe buggies and sometimes aircraft, unless you're really awful at leading.
  16. I think it detects your steam username.
  17. Thank you GIMP
  18. If anything the Tactical Rifle is OP. No it is not. See? This is why I love Patch! He's so OP and nobody realizes it. Excellent damage on all fronts, good sustain, great range (especially if you are good at leading) all for only 450 credits!
  19. If anything the Tactical Rifle is OP.
  20. So this happened on TmX the other day.
  21. Soylentgamer

    game pc

    Okay, I fiddled around and found a computer you could build that could work well. Case: DIYPC Skyline-B Black Steel HDD: Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 ST31000528AS 1TB 7200 RPM Memory: 4X G.SKILL NS F3-10600CL9S-2GBNS (8GB total) Motherboard: ASRock B85 Anniversary CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 Haswell Quad-Core 3.3GHz Power Supply: 650W Dual 12V Rails Power Supply for HP Compaq 5188 2625 5188 2626 5188 2627 ATX GPU: Radeon HD 6970 Grand Total: €598.69 Includes cost of SATA cable and Thermal paste.
  22. Soylentgamer

    game pc

    I personally think any i3 won't be great. I'd look up benchmarks of video cards vs price as well, the rest seems sound, 8 GB memory is more than enough unless you'll be recording or something. The video card and CPU are probably what you'll be concentrating most of your money on. Overall I'd reckon building your own computer is the best choice of action rather than one premade. It takes a little know how, but it's nothing you can't learn through a bit of quick research.
  23. Although stalemates can be annoying. I had a match on islands where we both only had rax/hon, we cratecamped until we had an APC, loaded it up with engies and tried to rush hon, still unable to take it, and repeated at least 3 times. The point is that neither of us were making progress, and it was a marathon server so the map had no time limit. Nothing was happening at all, and most of us were getting sick of failed attempt after failed attempt.
  24. IMO the volt rifle isn't as underpowered as you say it is, in defense it actually isn't bad as you can sustain it's ammo hunger by refilling in base, it's better against infantry than the PIC/Rail unless you have really good aim since Rail/PIC is burst, I would have to agree that it's range is it's severe handicap though. It could use a buff, and the others maybe a small nerf. I see Volt as being the jack-of-all trades of the 1000s being able to do good damage against vehicles and infantry, PIC/Rail being the antitank, and Ramjet being the anti infantry. Currently though the Ramjet does good damage to vehicles as well. I personally think the Ramjet should deal very weak vehicle damage, but other damages remain the same, PIC/Rail returning to the 1 shot 1 long reload, but increase the damage to make it deal similar DPS to make it weaker against infantry, and the Volt's range increased and spread decreased a bit.
  25. I often panicked when the beacon had already been disarmed but there was no cue that it was so I agree that there needs to be an improvement on that regard. Direction damage indicator does exist, just it's a bit different, such as tiberium put damage on all directions, and when an explosion damages you it points towards the explosion and not the source of the explosion.
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