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  1. Why is this even allowed in CT servers? It is obviously an exploit, there is no argument about it. This was impossible in the older version of Renegade.
  2. On many occasions, running to the panel makes me automatically open the weapon panel because of the fact that 100% of all people the "W" key is the forward movement. It needs to be changed for another letter or a number? But it needs to be changed, I bet I'm not the only one with this issue, even sometimes I accidentally buy an EMP grenade, which is pretty annoying.
  3. It's fine as it is, coming from the original Renegade, you just need to react and repair asap.
  4. They wouldn't know that you can repair a building faster at the panels either.
  5. Oh didn't know there was a list, thanks for giving me the link.
  6. Really? Oh well didn't know that my ping affected the movement. I try to play on US servers since I live in Canada and thanks for the answer.
  7. Why not ask Frank Klepacki, the creator of the music, the authorization of using his music in this video game? Maybe he's the real owner of the music and we can say to EA "Go fuck yourself".
  8. Just finished a 3 hour sequence of playing the game, I'm not disappointed at all! Felt just like it's predecessor.
  9. For example the GDI APC is way too wobbly when driving it, it goes all over the place. I feel like the vehicule, except for the Buggy, should move like the Mammoth.
  10. I can't wait to try this game, it is currently downloading! I've played a lot of the original Renegade, and I had tons of fun with it. Also, why not ask Steam to put this game for free on it?
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