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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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  1. Looks like an interesting map, looking forward to trying it out sometime!
  2. It's a known bug, but it's not game-breaking by any means. So it's not exactly a top priority. It works just like always, it's just invisible to only you.
  3. Possibly have both a Day and Night version just to keep the scenery a little less repetitive? I'm not sure how long that would take, but I think it'd be a cool thing to have.
  4. Electrifyer809


    It's great to see a new clan reaching out to Renegade X. I look forward to seeing you all in game. Is there a specific clan tag to identify you all with?
  5. Even if the owner attempted to make a miraculous comeback, he'd be trying to revive a graveyard. Of course, there's a long and complicated answer with bitching and drama involved, but the clan essentially split into a few different groups, and the ones who stayed with Matrix watched as it fell out from under them.
  6. Either way, I think that this could quite possibly be a good opportunity for clans to get themselves back on their feet, without the stress of a server.
  7. As of now, no, Renegade X doesn't support Mac OS. Even if it did, it generally wouldn't run very well, so you're better off with Windows anyways.
  8. Don't forget _error_ has been beta testing the game before it even got released. He knows what he is talking about. Key word in there is community.
  9. I really don't think you should be fighting with a developer about a community you know pretty much nothing about.
  10. Protection from DDOS attacks involves stopping them from breaching the server. EKT has gone down all day every day for weeks. Currently CT is the only server capable of stopping the attacks, and you shame it for being offered to you, as long as you don't enforce your community upon it?
  11. So you want him to use his hard-earned money for another community to profit with players? That alone is BS, much less after what's gone on between them.
  12. I'm seeing a whole lot of "Save the communities, not the game!" responses. You're trying to save a community while the entire foundation it was built on, RenX, is falling apart at your feet. You're basically trying to hold a house together while there's no foundation underneath. If you're really more worried for your community, why are you still here? You're obviously not going to help here because this game isn't the thing you care about. You're being given what you need, and turning it down because you can't slap your logo on it.
  13. If you look though, storm columns had a significantly higher price
  14. No offense, but the ideas I see you pitch all the time are mostly ridiculous. There is only 1 map in the entire game that has flying and base defenses, before eyes their was none. That is what was ridiculous and so are you . BTW whiteout, ALA hourglass had base defenses in the original ren. And hourglass was one of the worst maps to ever come to Renegade. Plus, somebody is already doing a remake of it.
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