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I just have a game I solo holding the bridge choke point in goldrush when my HoN was gone(i'm the only tech left)... I just suddenly saw someone throw a emp nade at those mines and it got destroyed !!! .... what the balance reason behide this? a hotties holding c4 remote and a emp and clear through mines field winthin 5 second and the best of if he don't need to show up just spend a emp nade and gg (i got to move back to repair something in other base for like 30 second and my base got blow up...coz those easy noob friendly emp nade? I off this game from now very excited new feature!
that game I massing airstrike as sbh at the peanut top(I spell correctly?) got 2-3 kill everytime lol,I shit go for snipering if my mouse is not that bad... I think riding on aircraft should be somehow fixed...sometime it just too powerful to deal with (maybe my fps problem I barely able to shootdown anyone on air,ride on a tank is much easy to kill it.
due to insane difficult level of airstrikeing a building to dust,I request we might try it sometime in future for historical record,like 32 ppl airstrike the same building is fun
buy back building was a very bad idea if you assume you are the losing team and you somehow sneak in a guy blow up the winning team production building.Congrad...the winning has been point whoring half a hour and just buyback that building in 10seconds and enhanced their defend/mines...gg ambush/turnaround
can the bridge side in goldrush fix for both Nod and GDI? b4 0.3beta,nod can jump to water from the left side of bridge on GDI base and avoiding guard tower fire now that jumping spot was fixed you can't get on that side of the bridge (but u can still walk on the right side...) but on Nod base you can still crouch down near the right side of stone bridge and wait that obby fire then run for 1 second and jump to water...nothing will shoot you when you swim to pp or behide airstrip it hard to see thing inside water in renX if you not specify look at it . while sbh give balance to allow some better defend on GDI base...but this easy go into water spot don't require invisibly not counting guard tower will shoot at your SBH when you walking in GDI bridge(not all area of the wood bridge) when you swim across the mid-area (bar and pp island to WF and ref.the gurad tower will shoot at you as well because it much taller then Nod slow turret. RenX also added sprint which enhanced the turret problem...it basically useless against GDI inf
I wish they removed the alarms sound on destroyed buildings...it getting hurt if you on marathon and have to fight /refill inside a burning and alarms WF for like 15mins (have to up the volume to hear nuke sound...)
It work on any thing underground i belive, you can place ion or nuke at whiteout tunnel to kill mlrs /art on top,it actually cheap then spaming art/mlrs from base and got killes by sniper etc
I draw a picture for my suggest(plz forgive my poor drawing skill) I think the centralize on cave battle ,but give a much bigger room for vehicle to roam on the big map will be much happen for most player(there are somewhat wasted on this big map ,not much area you can drive a vehicle) allow both side (top/bottom) vehicle pass tho the middle save with the danger of getting ambush by infantry should bring some new flash to the play,I choose to close the bottom(south) part of the base for vehicle to going out only is because that will become 3 way open for vehicle rush...kinda a bit too much,the short vehicle can shoot at base building already tho controlling that spot still give a lot tactical resource. and I forgot to edit the first picture,that green vehicle ramp should have some gap in between so infantry can walk in/out the base,you can also do APC drop there (need someone distract AGT/obby)
in field ?I remember that was a few week ago I just want to fake at the end game and killed 4 mobius lol it can delay tank push in some place, so it not totally fake beacon sometime(I wish the blast area could be bigger for some tactical nuke.
Keep the bridge plz,no jump on vechicle is not mesa II
I would like to suggest in the next verison we will add the hotties/tech name in the mine(include remote for eng too),doing so will help us spot those aonnying team hamper dropping mines all over the place...it about every 10 game there are someone keep doing overming(not nob .but actually put on no-man place.) Another thing is fix the ladder bug in xmountian
First of thx for the update What I want the most bug fix for newmap(that ladder rocket...) Fix anti tank mines took up the C4 slot ,which coz player can't refill their c4 after he used up 2 anti tank mines,I often have to kill myself so I can equit with C4 again. a few more map with AGT/OoL (I don't get why most player like to play with map without tower,missing a big part of the game,that also contribute to sbh op because everyone play Wall...) Give back my lovely 100 round laser rifle,I like to play as saboteur and hijacker as sbh so much(I really good at doing dirty work),currently the 30 round laser rifle just don't come with enough firepower to kill a low hp tank/half dead person without reloading,It force me to buy weapons to ...*reinforce* my sbh,they aslo supposed to some good vs tank in old ren,bascially a upgraded auto rifle.sbh become very limited to C4 and nuke cheese because of his very bad gun(on top of that a laser weapon with recoil and long reload time...>.<) can we remove that 4 ammo chip in Ion cannon and railgun?it take the same amount of time to reload if I'm no mistaked. maybe it was a newbie question,when I right click with Mobius volt gun it give me a secondary fire but drain faster also stuck at 40 round ammo and not firing nor reloading... most of weapons have unneccessary spread and recoil,I know it not reality and look strange,but this game was more about tactice and strategy, Especially not about playing with your gun spread partten like many FPS game today. firing auto rifle upward too much,it bascially give unfair advantage when you fight in tunnel at higher ground level,it also difficult to shoot at above your head.I belive technology was so advanced in reg that people get ride of recoil of gun lol and we suing nano bullet thus having 100 round per magzine. rocket soilder need ot hold more rocket...16 is not really enough for offensive mission,I only use that on defensive because I have to refill too often. Very nice on mini gun officer,But i have almost no experience in old ren about this class. please add a function to show the amount of over mines of each players...many guys like to team hammering with over mines... new idea to move the silo on field to tunnel (e.g. only only a master control terminal inside the tunnel) curruntly once you have the open field, you wil auto gain that silo and tunnel war become throw mines war(having tank shooting in tunnel all day),put that silo inside tunnel would give better reason for a team to balance and take control of both income system in that map. new tech building that create special vehicles in that middle of map,it was especial useful on map without defence struture ,it like you lose the ref,if you can keep silo up you are mostly fine,now we have a tech building at the middle of map that you have to get there to purchase vehicles ^^ seem very fun. some tower/gun station that need people to function like whiteout. final note I only played the old ren for 1 year,I want to ask is that GDI replaced the Tiberium automatic rifle and flechette gun? coz that sydney and patch acutally good for GDI balance,it balance out the leak of stealth and chem in inf game especially in tunnel war gunner can answer most of you anti armor need,having patch that do good damage on everything is overlap of role.GDI mid class inf was better with role...deadeye ofr sniper,gunner for tank,and patch for super crazy inf combat(I belive tunnel was a big part of strategy and balance in old ren.) I belive we can consider put those thing back as same as old ren and wait for some funny stuff happen. right now laser gunner seem a bit too good at anit inf... too much wall of text...that all for now thank oyu for reading