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  1. Map looks amazing guys, I love it! By the way, Firestorm, what program was used to record that?
  2. Are you looking for a community idiot? If so, I am perfectly qualified to fill the position.
  3. If it shows up in the main server list with the rest of the servers, that would be great. That way, the server is available to all UT3 players. The servers would fill up way more than if they were just available to the people who know about the mod.
  4. So Renegade 2007 servers will appear in the same server list as all of the other UT3 servers? Not like Ren Alert how it showed up differently?
  5. Well, like, is there going to be some kind of dedicated server download? Or are we going to have to download the whole version of UT3 and Renegade 2007 to run a server? If it is possible for someone to work on a Dedicated server file sooner or later that would be sweet. Just a thought.
  6. Retarded random question: When the modding is done, how are people going to go about running a server for Renegade 2007?
  7. Hey, I was wondering if it was possible for you guys to put in a few other vehicles maybe? Just a thought, you know, so this doesn't seem like it is just a supped up version of Renegade, add some new stuff to it?
  8. Looks pretty sweet man!
  9. Minipyro45

    GDI's APC

    What about the fact that a gun turret that is normally mounted with a person operating it will be moving and shooting on its own?
  10. Well I was thinking this thread would become alittle more than just a question about a server. There might be a UT2007 server in mine and theaer's future, not sure at the moment. I would like to ask him if he would possibly be interested in hosting the mod? If that is ok with you guys ofcourse.
  11. Hey guys, I was just wondering if someone here will be hosting a server running the mod when it is completed? Gotta have a good place to enjoy it, ya know. ^.^
  12. Looks pretty good, but you may want to make the bottom of the R (where the 07 is) a tad bit shorter. Just an idea.
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