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    Sammy Bananas

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  1. RenX used to play fine on my pc Booted it up and it kept wanting to download a 8000kb file from the ekt server takes forever so i reinstalled still doing the same thing, and when it completes i just get kicked out and have to download all over again
  2. I mean shit, I play on huge garrys mod servers and only a handful of people actually talk on their mic. I dont like stopping to type, and most of the time im not paying attention lol. Those little voice commands are my saving grace
  3. Yeah mirror matches are pretty normal in all games. From what I've read, a map where NOD has captured a GDI base would be pretty sweet with the appropriate cosmetic changes and what not. I like the crude NOD tagging idea, because in CnC they throw that paint up pretty quick when you capture a building ya know
  4. I went 18-0 today dude, just need a balance of luck and skill lol. (Kills dont matter i know) Find a role you are good at. Can't go wrong with technician, get yourself an AC and you're on your way to getting points and a few kills. Plus they are absolutely vital to your team, making you more useful than if you were just getting stomped on every time you exit the base. Also, playing defensive offers less of a learning curve.
  5. I wish i could upvote this lol But yes that is a hilarious glitch
  6. If you purchase the AC as sydney and switch between the two rapidly, the PIC will just disappear. Sometimes it will show the crosshair, but no beam. Sometimes the beam will do no damage after this glitch. Also the chaingunners zoom brings it to your face and will play the sound but no bullets come out, mostly when you try to aim while already firing. My favorite characters seem to be the buggiest.
  7. Yeah this also happens to me when I'm frantically mashing the mouse. Noticed that today actually.
  8. Yeah no matter your specs this seems to be an issue. Ive tried on multiple machines. All nividia graphics cards though. Mostly with vehicles. Although that's just the unreal engine it seems like. Nether(quite an interesting survival game btw) runs off the unreal engine and their vehicle lag is even more atrocious, but exactly the same. Maybe its a coincidence?
  9. I purchased an apc earlier today while my team was buying tanks, not a single apc game out of the war factory. Yet I had reduced credits. So, id have to agree that they might be built a little too quickly.
  10. Yes to all of this. And hmm maybe reduced prices on adv. technologies. Like 850 for sydney or something
  11. Do they collide? Or spectral lol?
  12. Repair guns should certainly have infinite ammo. Itd severely alter gameplay if they didn't. Imagine the frustration! Ohh no i didn't disarm the beacon because i ran out of ammo or my gun overheated. Rage inducing i assure you. Especially with what seems like reduced repair rates.(maybe im trippin) And honestly, everytime I get low on ammo while playing walls, i just snag up a refill crate. It seems as long as you are low, the crate gives you what you need. Just like when both wfs are destroyed the crates just start making it rain vehicles. I don't know if this is intended or not, but i find it happens too often to be a coincidence.
  13. Make the mines purchasable to all classes Anti Personnel Mines instead. Expensive. Low stacks. Higher blast radius. No damage to vehicles. Unaccessible after Hon/Rack destruction. Or make tech buildings give you a tiberian shard mine(400 cost) that has typical mine explosion with added tiberium poisoning and slightly extended radius.
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