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Everything posted by Nappy

  1. Nappy


    LoL =P yeah def UT3 PS. Blue... nice weed smoker sig
  2. QUOTE (SpaceJockey1979 @ Feb 24 2009, 07:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Demo Tanks would be rediculous!!! should add the M.A.D. tanks from Red Alet I Aftermath taht would be even MORE amazing
  3. QUOTE (renchamp @ Sep 28 2008, 09:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the ob hits walls too... not as often tho
  4. Wired Mice def r better I have a Razer Lachesis " * 4000dpi Razer Precision 3G Laserâ„¢ sensor * 32KB Razer Synapseâ„¢ onboard memory * Nine independently programmable Hyperesponseâ„¢ buttons * 1000Hz Ultrapolling / 1ms response time * On-The-Fly Sensitivityâ„¢ adjustment * Variable true dpi setting adjustments in increments of 125dpi * Always-Onâ„¢ mode * Ultra-large non-slip buttons * 16-bit ultra-wide data path * 60-100 inches per second * Ambidextrous design * Scroll wheel with 24 individual click positions * Zero-acoustic Ultraslickâ„¢ Teflon feet * Gold-plated USB connector * Seven-foot, lightweight, non-tangle cord * Approximate size: 129mm (length) x 71mm (width) x 40mm (height) " EXTREMELY comfortable comes with software to adjust just about anything on the mouse including vertical and horizontal sensitivity and quick switch profiles that you can switch through in game The only downside (for sum) no way to add weight so it ends up being very light and a lilttle slippery Honestlythe best mouse I've ever touched let alone owned
  5. Nappy


    oh wow... i don't think the email subscription worked properly... never got an email about replies ok sounds good... just ordered a new laptop should be here within the next 3 days and then i will start working on the C-130 when i get a chance oh and i found an ingram that i made 5-6 years ago and im posting just for the heck of it (and bc its the only1 i could find) i made it in High School (freshman year) with AutoCAD in my drafting class so please excuse the simplicity (even tho the gun is rather simple to begin with)
  6. SWEET!!!! already a fan!!! facebook: Jason reichle WOOT WOOT!!!
  7. kind of interesting point very simple very obvious very needless topic on these forums
  8. WoRd... haha i just finished watching 1 of the vids and was about to ask =)
  9. Nappy


    I'll go ahead and take that as a no... don't worry about it i'll just start working on something of personal choice and post it once i get my new laptop
  10. Nappy


    I can't salvage anything off my laptop HD so im going to have to make one. Rather then waste time making a pointless model that will never be used would you mind telling me a vehicle that hasn't been started yet This way if everyone likes the model then it can be used for the mod and i can start working on the next one
  11. Ever since I saw the pics of Renegade 2 I've been itching for it to come out (which may never happen) =( When my best friend came back from PSU I brought up renegade and how i wished they would come out with a second one. Then he told me about Renegade X and i was ecstatic
  12. Nappy


    QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Jan 21 2009, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> of course... once i get my new comp i'll make some and post them or if i can salvage anything from my laptop hard drive i'll put them up
  13. NO LAG!!! FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE I CAN PLAY RENEGADE AND NOT GET TICKED EVERYTIME I TRY TO WALK AROUND A CORNER i hated the old engine and im glad UT3 is being used (would be one of my first picks) graphics (always a big plus with modelers) and im very happy to see the (true) CnC community working and growing together
  14. Nappy


    Hi everyone I've been following Renegade X for the past six months. Ever since I herd of the project I've been wanting to help out, but unfortunately because of my course load and working full time i haven't been able to offer any assistance. I have recently been laid off and surprisingly have very easy courses this semester (thanks to some lazy professors) I would like to offer help with any vehicles that need to be made or finished -Nappy Prerequisites: 3ds Max 8 Information Technology - Game Design (current student) Familiarity with UT 2004 engine (haven't touched UT3) Renegade Fanatic
  15. Voted!
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