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Everything posted by Tovias

  1. That sounds great, it would make people play more Rocket Soldiers on Walls.
  2. I would like some suggestions regarding how to mine HoN in maps where it has those side-stairs. It's like a god damn nightmare to watch over that building. btw, sorry if it was already addressed, I just did a quick run throught the topic.
  3. That skin swap still sounds like something completely unnecessary, and let's follow this scenario you are describing. If by "you just arrive to the scene" you mean the game as a whole, then your first move, this is me assuming tho, would be either, plant your ass on the base until you pick up the pace of everyone or head to the battlefield and support however you can the charge, then this question appears: How fucking blind you have to be to not spot your god damn team vehicles? Also, here is a tip to tell what's friendly without turning your mammoth around, look at your minimap. This is the go-to method for me when my paranohia has me on the edge.
  4. You want to ruin one of the most entertaining infiltration tactics ever (Right after harvie hug) just because petty worries. This work for, like, five seconds to me. Then someone runs over me.
  5. Don't get in my way! Don't get in my way! Don't get in my way!
  6. Since the patch I started to feel like these weapons were for either, defence or support weapons for fairly weak characters, like the obvious Engineers or even SBH and Snipers. I do miss having my Heavy Gun all the time but I don't think you are suggesting something better, Tiberium weapons shouldn't be even common.
  7. Why not just increase the chances for the biggest benefits for the team with less buildings? For example, if GDI is lacking 3 out of 4-5 buildings it will have more chances of receiving a vehicle or a character instead of just money or a stroke. Of course, I am talking of a medium boost of chance, not of 50% of getting a mammoth.
  8. Damn, it would be nice to have the Attack bike but it would require even more invisible walls.
  9. Why don't we make Spies have glowing flags on their heads as well?
  10. The hope of the losing side is that the winning side is so overconfident that an engineer can easily go pass their defense and blow their buildings as well. If you lose these "critical" buildings then you might as well just accept your failure and either, leave the game and let people who actually want to play do their thing or accept it and move on with the game. I've seen GDI recover from losing WF and Bars on Whiteout by just using the overconfidence of the enemy. Also, crates. Crates are the biggest saviour for losing WF and Bars. I don't get it, the point of losing a building is that you fucked up and have to live with it, if after losing Bars and WF you are going to give up, then why even play the god damn game?
  11. Sounds like you need a large dose of git gud, mate. More than once I've run over a Stank because the idiot believes he is completely invisible, they do show if they are close enough to you, the thing is that when you drive a mammoth your attention is everywhere but on your surroundings, hence why they can barely see the god damn air strikes incoming most of the time. And regarding SBH, it just sounds like you are shit at spotting their ass, most of the time is the same deal with STanks, the average SBH thinks he is hot shit and tries to go past you, more than once I've killed or spot one becaues they think they can go in circles around me, bunch of fags.
  12. git gud you nerd
  13. What if you try and git gud?
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