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  1. http://steamcommunity.com/greenlight/
  2. Does it cost money for your content to be hosted by Steam? Also there are numerous legal hoops they have to go through for this to work. BUT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TRY YOUR HARDEST TO PUT IT ON STEAM.
  3. NUUUUUU!!!!
  4. I love it. especially when I'm pwning my clan mates.
  5. brian9107-={SF}=-
  6. aye lad. I too has recently bought unreal pack for 16.00$ It will work.
  7. Personally, I would not want a Renegade 2. I want a renegade with much better graphics(RenX).
  8. This mod has a huge potential. It's based on a extremely good and addicting RTS/FPS game that is still alive after 7 years. Even people who never played or heard of renegade will get addicted to this mod. This will be one of the best mods out there. Heck, it might even be the best mod! Good job guys. Keep it up. Hope you finish it soon.
  9. no macs dont have viruses....cuz nobody bother making one for mac. whats it gonna do? crash one person's computer?
  10. all hail the almighty google!
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