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  1. @R315r4z0r If the tunnel is mined and if an APC is standing the long way at the base wall entry, then good luck passing undetected with SBH without using the bug. @[TmX]NP212 You clan finds it even okay to place a nuke on top of Refinery behind the fence or to place a nuke at second wall of the GDI Weapons Factory.
  2. The Renegade X Developer team should send an invite to the C&C Renegade Developer team to play a 1vs1.
  3. Are you kidding me NOD has already a big advantage with SBH (3x C4 Terminal or 3x Nukes) and to say now it's okay to use unfair playing with the NOD Stealth Units is either a Fool or a Troll and should be banned to the GDI team. It's always funny to read the dumbass excuses if you point a out player in the game chat doing this kind of things.
  4. Console players are enemies of freedom.
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