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  1. aircraftkiller is a name i havent seen for about 10 years lol
  2. i can't get it to work, can you tell everyone how you did it?
  3. yesterday i had less than 15 health and i became stealthed, but it took much longer than normal
  4. you can buy a xim mouse translator and have an easier time aiming than a controller user
  5. http://i.imgur.com/26XDkvz.png
  6. its not weak at all, you just have to hit center mass or you end up needing like 2 more shots for every semi-hit
  7. possible boink replacement haha
  8. it can be done in tera but i believe it requires spoofing... either way as long as someone has it figured out all you'd need to do is drag and drop directories liking your games vanilla is fine, letting people choose vanilla or mods pleases everyone though
  9. im sure there can be a workaround, after all why not, it was possible in renegade and not everything is done with malicious intent replacing boink with http://vocaroo.com/i/s03CRO7WsVDX would be a good start replacing prox/c4 with this http://vocaroo.com/i/s0OULHA5JibZ http://vocaroo.com/i/s11mcV5ZmKhS for chaingun, imo the current sound is ridiculous
  10. as soon as we can mod the sound effects and skins of the game, it'll all be fine thinking of replacing my boink sound with one of the electrified death sounds from fallout tactics
  11. pubbing is not a good measure of balance
  12. aw shucks no hacking? guess i can't join then had some good games with people on the teamspeak, looking forward to the next time! i'm rusty as hell at the game and dont mind being told what to do, for the record
  13. http://steamcommunity.com/id/bornonboard/ looking for people to play with / clan to join
  14. hey, 20 yo, fluent in english/swedish played renegade back in the day now i'm looking for people that want to play the game with some degree of tactics
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