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  1. There is something else that might trip up high spec NVIDIA systems, Power Management Mode being set to Adaptive, basically what this does is if the GPU usage isn't very high it'll change the GPU clock speed to a slower speed to save power. This give really bad stuttering in games while it flicks back and forth performance and power saving modes. To fix it, ether select or add the Renegade X executable to the Program Settings list (see the first screen shot in the OP) then find and change Power Management Mode, to Prefer Maximum Performance.
  2. As much as we'd like to, it's not really up to us. We're using the UDK, which doesn't come with source code access, so we aren't able to implement features like that. If epic includes support in future UDK builds then we will most likely support it. It is possible to give UDK games multi-monitor support, the main issue is the FoV ingame is vertical minus rather then horizontal plus, meaning rather then horizontal increasing the FoV as the aspect ratio gets wider. It's decreasing the vertical FoV while maintaining the horizontal one, the result is it chops off the top 1/3 and bottom 1/3 of the display area, looks a bit like this: Where as it should looks closer to this: Now with the UDK and Unreal 3 engines this is really simple to fix, you just need to change AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainXFOV to YFOV, this binds the FoV vertically and makes the game horizontal plus. You'll find this config option in the following file: Renegade X\UDKGame\Config\UDKEngine.ini Now for a few other screen shots followed but some multi-monitor issues I haven't worked out how to fix yet. So the main menu and all other menus seem to be fine, the HUD however is oddly positioned, ideally it wants be to centred on the middle monitor, however typically it's ether stretched or spanned across all 3. In your case it's appears to be left adjusted to centre monitor, but then spanned over the middle and right monitor, which is odd. The next issue is the gun models are horribly stretched, this is again a common issue with UDK/U3 games and it's not one I know how to fix, would need to ask HaYDeN about it. Lastly I'll need someone else to confirm this, but the aim down site model looks a bit big again, might be the fact the FoV of the weapons is wrong. I'll try and see if I can't get HaYDeN to weigh in, he's the guy from the Widescreen Gaming Forum that makes most of the Unreal Engine multi-monitor fixes.
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