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  1. Thats sad, hope you have a good computer, graphics card wise and such. Renegade X is incredible, and is only getting better every day!
  2. OMG???? Release???? I Just Can't Wait For That!!!!!! (Oh wait i can, damn schoolwork has to spoil it!) Looking great guys!!!
  3. Ahhh :o , Homosexuality, believe me, i only touch women, and i'm not going into details there.
  4. Thx M8 :blink:
  5. Where did u download hourglass from? I got UT3 & wanna play hourglass!
  6. Thats Good To Hear!
  7. yea thats a good idea, the other problems i can have is that it says the download time expired when im only halfway through the download and then the service provider charges a fortune for somthing i did not get! But i agree with the bittorrent option too.
  8. Oh yea, and btw, how big is renegade X gonna be? cause i have problems downloading gigabites! maybe release small parts of the mod and update it! :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:
  9. When can we start to expect a demo of this mod? IM SOOOOOOO FUCKIN EXITED!!!!!!
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