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Everything posted by Drury

  1. Wolverine confirmed
  2. I wondered where exactly the setting is stored, thanks.
  3. Because you forgot to hit the F key.
  4. On another forum someone else had suggested Mammoth MKII walker, as a separate gamemode where Nod has to do side objectives to stop it from entering their base, such as blowing dams up to flood it and such.
  5. It's actually just regular fog, not smog.
  6. Expected this to be a topic about alcoholic beverages, thankfully that is not the case Besides C&C games (duh), my fav game is OpenTTD. If it rings any bells and you're looking at my avatar in awe, no, that is actually TTDPatch If it doesn't, then I guess you could say it's the game in my avatar (even though it's only visually identical). I used to play a ton of Worms Armageddon multiplayer. I hope they are all doing well, it's a nice community. Needless to say, Worms Armageddon is the best in the series due to many years of fancy patching by pseudo-official modders. Don't let anyone tell your otherwise. Team Fortress 2 is my latest time killer, and it even has a built-in no-life-o-meter, which is showing 3000hrs at the moment. I hope it's broken, but I really like the game so I'm not sure. I'm looking forward to Titanfall, RenegadeX comes in handy meanwhile. What's interesting is that I've never got around to playing the original Renegade, even though I have had it in my scope since release. Then X slapped me in the face and before I knew it it was downloading itself. Gorram bugger got me hooked.
  7. The way I see it, Nod in general is like glass cannon. You have to be smart to use their tech, and you get rewarded for that. Problem is, if you try to play like GDI and try to fight your way through a choke, it won't work, you lack the needed firepower. Basically they lack power in direct combat (specifically the armor needed to survive), but are good at ambushing and guerrilla warfare. Rather than using big guns to fight, they prefer to sneak behind and backstab the foe, quickly and deadly efficiently. And I think this aspect is a bit underdeveloped. The way Nod is now, it seems like they tried to nerf the things that made a glass cannon out of Nod and what you're left with is more like glass peashooter. They are supposed to be these "cowards" that hide and then strike when you least expect them, avoiding engaging in 1v1 fights because that wouldn't end well for them. You can still do that as Nod in fact, but chances of success are slim because they nerfed their weapons so hard it won't ever work. Their anti-vehicle infantry, flamers, used to be much more effective at this than their GDI gl counterpart for a reason. Nod use their vehicles not to fight superior GDI ones (with an exception of stank, which utilizes guerrilla tactics for this purpose), but to quickly rush their base and end the fight when they least expect it. Flame tank was made for this. They should buff damage potential of Nod, and make their units easier to take down. That's kind of the core design behind them.
  8. Didn't that idiot think the new Thief was good? Right, because someone liked something you didn't hes a idiot? No, but TB in general has skewed views on games. Here's his general formula: Is the game free? It's a gem. No matter how bad it is, it's a free game and that makes it good. List all flaws, but make sure to be positive. Unless the game is utter shit like Big Rigs or something of the sort, TB won't say it's a bad game. Of course, Renegade is a good game, but I bet you my guts he hates every bit of it. I just know him too well, he's like fish out of water in a game like Renegade (admittedly, most new people are, but not all of them hate the core mechanics nearly as much). Is the game an indie game? Try to be positive as much as you can, but use price tag/game design quality ratio. TB is actually a decent indie game reviewer for this reason. If the ratio is too bad, the game is bad - he doesn't try to hide his feelings nearly as much as with free games. Nothing unusual here, he doesn't want to make indie gamers cry, that is of no benefit for him. Is the game popular? Get extremely picky, try to be against general consensus. Bring up what nobody has brought up before and show it as a shining example of why everybody is a flaming idiot except you. Get a ton of "free minded" people to watch and like your video, because "free minded" people want to be different from those "sheep" liking/disliking games that are good/bad, "according to them." I actually like that TB exists because he does do a good job stirring the pot, but if you want someone to tell you whether a game actually is or isn't worth getting, multiple better options come to mind.
  9. This, I agree with. The game should tell you how exactly your vehicle got destroyed, beacon alerts should have a unique flashy HUD icon so you can't overlook them and a flashy timer next to it. Everything else, please no.
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