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Posts posted by sdsz11111

  1. Many players might have this issue: when using vehicles with secondary weapon - like Mammy, Apache and Gun turret, you always need to pay close attention to the secondary weapon reloading. And instead of focus on the target, I often more focused on the reloading bar so I can know when to fire the missiles.

    It would be much better to add a "reload-complete" sound, to indicate the secondary weapon is reloaded. Or maybe add a reload indicator on the cursor?

  2. In the last game I can saw cloaked sbh - not the translucent one that you can discovered when you get near. But in the original red suit, discovered from far distance. The targeting box didn't appear when I aimed at him.

    My teammate didn't discovered him as I did.

    I played walls_flying and this happened twice. Maybe a model problem?

  3. It seems the flame weapons no longer counter infantry in RenX. Flamethrower is now a close-range anti-vehicle weapon, instead of anti-infantry weapon...

    But comparing to grenadier, it still so much under-powered.

  4. I don't see why this should not be allowed. But I also don't like players that do this.

    It's selfish and borderline team hampering since your basically hogging up the proximity mine limit just so you can halfway kill an enemy tank.

    Mines are better spent defending your base. Not as an offensive tactic.

    Now, if you want to use remote C4, then by all means go ahead. (Remotes and mines don't share the same limit in RenX as far as I know.)

    Agree, better use it on some well-defended maps such as field.

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