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Posts posted by IamDH

  1. Well i got the same feedback from most of my friends trying to get them to play this game but for me having played this for a few years now don't really see the game the same way and is why i feel its hard at times to put myself in a new players shoes, but i agree, something could be done but im just not sure what.

    I do not believe I am alone with this. Admittedly, i do enjoy fast-paced twitch shooter games

    It's unfortunate that you weren't enjoying yourself that much! While I certainly want lots of people to play Renegade X, it is somewhat of a niche game, and may not be for everyone. To kind of address some of what you wrote though:

    I think the addition of recoil is what makes for such long TTKs now (not that they were that short in the old one really either). After more playing/pondering I don't think I'm a big fan of the recoil. When I first learned of it I wasn't excited at all, and while it's not as bad as I anticipated, I'm just not sure it adds that much to the gameplay (and really only works to strengthen already strong hitscan weapons).

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by dull vehicle fights. If you mean it's hard to break lines because of an engy repair fest on vehicles, then you (or a teammate) has to simply go and kill the repairers (I recommend grabbing a sniper as it works rather well for this).

    This is affected by server size though, and depending on the number of players playing experiences can vary wildly. I personally prefer 16 or 24 player servers, although 32 isn't that bad, but can become spammy (and I think gameplay already begins breaking down a little bit at that point). That's not to say that there shouldn't be big servers, as some people really enjoy that, but I think Renegade was designed around 8-16 player teams.

    It's also really important to keep in mind that this is a very team oriented game, and that there are roles to fulfilled and that that makes or breaks a team. It's still very early in open beta and many people are (re)learning the game, so it will take some time before people get accustomed to varying degrees of teamwork by default.

    Ultimately though, I hope you stick it out and at least give it another go with perhaps some different/altered expectations. And if you still don't like it, well, perhaps unfortunately this game just isn't for you then.

    On the long TTKs: I too believe that recoil has probably added on to this effect. Even without the recoil, i don't believe 3-4 seconds of firing while strafing is a bunch of fun.

    Dull vehicle fights: What I meant is there is almost no strategical aspect when it comes to tanking. This is also due to the relatively small maps. Certain things/tactics such as flanking don't work as well when you are pretty much forced to take a certain path. I recall a map (the smallest one, not sure of name) that had only one exit and everyone kept on playing peek-a-boo, the only person who went forward died. The buggy seemed relatively fun but the helicopter seemed awful. After a few seconds of launch i was killed shortly after the "lock" sign was displayed and i felt as if i got one hit...in a helicopter. This also occured after barraging him with rockets but i believe my aim was off. The point i'm trying to make is that from the small amount of experience in a helicopter, i found it very weak and had little to no idea about the controls yet.

    Server size: Well, i believe the availability of both larger and smaller maps should counter this issue.

    Just to clarify: I will stick with this game and check regulary. I like it in general but there is a certain game (not sure if im allowed to mention the name) which has more vehicles, larger scale, more fluid/tactical gameplay, teamwork and good graphics (and no, its not battlefield :))

    Another issue i would like to shed light on is the awful lag i keep on experiencing.

    I don't understand what everyone's gripe is with such a high TTK. That's my favorite aspect of Renegade because it rewards consistent aiming skill. If anything I think they need to decrease the damage of Arties and Rockets on infantry.

    Well thats your opinion. I personally find that it slows down gameplay dramatically leading to bordom and 5second strafe battles

    So basically you want to spend more time just running around instead of the fast paced action renx brings?

    Not sure how you reached that conclusion. I'm basically asking for a larger map with a faster paced game

  2. Hello. First of all i'd like to introduce myself, i'm a rather (okay, a VERY new) new player and i thought i would like to voice my personal opinions about the game. You may not agree with me and that is perfectly fine. Before i proceed: I would like a constructive discussion, i am NOT here to bash the game or try to make it a remake of other certain games

    I found the gameplay rather dull. Meaning, the tank battles were very dull and the scale of the game is relatively small. There was also no map (not sure why?) and i disliked the tutorial as I feel many aspects of the game were left uncovered.

    I'm not trying to make this game a CoD or BF remake but we must all acknowledge that there are certain aspects those games performed well and this game could use. It takes multiple seconds to kill someone. I understand this is to prevent it becoming a "twitch shooter" but this is a bit too much dont you think?

    I think the maps should be made larger, more air vehicles should be added and perhaps a larger amount of weapons.

    Tl; Dr

    I found the game rather lacking in most combat aspects. I am well aware this is a remake of the old version of the game but why shouldn't there be any room for change? My first impression of the game was "meh"

    Thank you for reading and please dont troll or say anything about my grammar

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