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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by stefano119415174

  1. stefano119415174

    New forums!

    can give my Legend: Phase II Beta Testers, i have Confirm application E-MAIL.
  2. We look forward to the release of RENEGADE X
  3. Who's ready for multiplayer? Very looking forward to~~~~~~!
  4. i think,over 50.000 -- 100.000 download ??
  5. Totally agree
  6. Everyone is waiting for the release of REN X BLACK DOWN.....NS WORK
  7. Great update ..★★★ Onwards to release??
  8. http://www.renegade-x.net/forum.php?mod=redirect&tid=1020&goto=lastpost#lastpost Other styles........
  9. mammy is very coooool...... ns work!!
  10. have fun ...ever1
  11. lol nice..
  12. DIRECT LINK: http://img545.imageshack.us/g/game22011010404591860.jpg/ 12 IMAGES MORE ??
  13. waiting..for ORCA and APCHE AIRCRAFT MOD.... .nice guns
  14. Nice work.. 叛逆者-X 冬季最新更新。。。。。。 http://www.renegade-x.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=416&fromuid=1
  15. THX.........
  16. YES...........
  17. hello .........??
  18. Possible add partner sites?? http://www.renegade-x.net Command & Conquer - Renegade X International clan 命令与征服-叛逆者X(变节者)国际战队
  19. Get Rock and Roll go web site.. www.renegade-x.net normal froum OR http://www.renegade-x.net/music.php Music auto star
  20. Thank you for your selfless dedication...............
  21. nice vr. nice ...gj REN X team ...
  22. Why is there no one to play,, :huh:
  23. 1) Your name or alias: [Dragon]stefano 2) Your email address: stefano119415174@qq.vip.com 3) Your server name and IP if applicable: not appli. :lol:
  24. Radar can show the enemy.... :angry: I NOT LIKE............................
  25. g. jo bbbbbbbbbbbbb
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