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  1. You're welcome to join us sometime good sir
  2. You are welcome to join us for sure
  3. agreed wrong thread my man
  4. our clan is always looking to expand our player base youre more than welcome to swing by our teamspeak (traffic for this game is pickign up now) join up with us and kick some ass in this game.
  5. combine your forces with us and then between all of us we can make a really solid team just hop into teamspeak sometime and we will figure this out PLENTY of channels to be made for this game
  6. we are always looking for players to join our team here. Before we invest any time into clan wars we want to make sure we have a solid team. Once that is done we will get squared away with it.
  7. I'll be on playing soon. During the day sometimes I have work
  8. We are not signed up on clan wars yet. We woukd prefer more people before doing such a thing. We are a small player base for this game at the moment. But we will grow. I assure you. Just takes some shout outs from me and players into the teamspeak.
  9. Glad you liked it. Once the server is known more we will have more players very soon. Give it time. Small player base means better communication. Hop on in guys!
  10. You can always check out my thread for a clan
  11. So a match will end and all will be good then the server tries to change maps, boom client side crashes and when joining our server after a match ends you are redirected to another server. I can post logs in a bit but anyone have any clue. I copied and pasted the script word for word for the map rotations Edit I get an error "The program can't start because the d3dx9_43.dll s missing from your computer. Try to reinstall" However im looking at the file right now in the folder.
  12. Also our server is up and running for renegade. Ip Little to no lag. It's been great so far
  13. Both are working for sure. Try a proxy with the site and the raw ip for teamspeak will be have been down for you when restarting the server or something
  14. Our renegade x server is live. Ip
  15. youre welcome to join AGN were starting very small but we will grow into having more players my info is posted below ts - ts.aggressivegaming.org http://www.aggressivegaming.org
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