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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Ethenal

  1. Fortunately, I think it's safe to say this will never happen (at least by default), because everyone knows - boink or bust!
  2. /thread I bought Renegade when it came out (and I was like 8 or 9 years old), but I completely agree with the above post. I know what you mean, people playing this game for the first time are obviously going to have some (potentially absurd) ideas of how things should be, because as we know the original Renegade was quite unlike most other games, and RenegadeX isn't much different. However, we can't just tell them to fuck off and die because their opinions are wrong. (which is of course, contrary to the definition of the word "opinion") I'd actually like to see the oldies mix with some new people, not just a rehash of the (occasionally quite confrontational) Renegade community.
  3. That app looks like C# to me and I was going to experiment with a C# bot, any chance we could get the source to the RxCmd app?
  4. Damn zunnie, that actually looks really cool! I especially like the Carryall lol! You should make some TCW co-op maps! :>
  5. Voted!
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