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Posts posted by ZTDELTA

  1. they don't because people don't know to do it yet. arties firing inside buildings hurt quite bit and it used to shake the buildings too. plus any direct hit was instant kill.

    they can spawn in other buildings, and if you're the in their base seiging with tanks, there's no way they're gonna get back inside without getting shot or run over.

  2. I propose the notion that we ignore the opinions of anyone who has not played the original game.

    I'm serious =P. Former players who are coming back for the updated graphics and gameplay can contribute plenty on what parts of the the old game needed fixing/balancing, and what was so magical about the original game that absolutely needs to stay. They know what Renegade is supposed to be like, as well as what could be improved.

    Newcomers while welcomed to grow the community do not contribute imo, they have no reference except for Battlefield or COD, and that's exactly what we want to avoid, to keep Renegade Renegade and not another clone. They should just shut up and learn the game first before whining about the boink and stuff.

  3. This is utter bullshit. Makes beacons too easy to plant knowing all you have to do is get to the final 10 seconds. This is an absolutely not in the spirit of the original renegade. In regular renegade, it got quite intense when you finally killed off the beacon defenders and had 3-4 engies disarming it at the last second..those moments were worth savoring.

    Now even when the sbh is dead and there are 2-3 engies who are disarming it and its sitting at 0% w/ 8 seconds left, and you can't do didly squat...that is just wrong.

    I've been both a victim and perpetrator, laughing at the enemy team when they get to it too late and know its inevitable. This is really a design that ruins the spirit of the original game.

    Whoever thought of this idea of immune beacons needs to be shot.

  4. Even a week or two ago you had almost full 64 players on jellyservers on the original game. I was one of them. I played extensively during my hs days from 2004-2008...that was when renegade was around its peak.

    It was never as popular as the battlefield series but always had its group of devoted followers.

    To this day I still have fond memories of the sound "you have connected to a renguard protected server.... Yo! (Server message)"

    Back then I frequented stormaow, black-cell.net sniperonly and unrules. Unrules was where all the cool maps were at...like a 50+ map rotation

  5. Seriously...for any1 who's a renegade vet this is extremely depressing.

    Light tanks trying to duke it out with mammies. No1 playing engineers. No organized sweeping of buildings for beacons/ prox mining entrances. the list could go on.

    also raise the damn vehicle cap >_<. Even right now Jelly servers on old renegade run more than 10 vehicles.

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