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Everything posted by Angelo

  1. Well most modern games have a player maximum far below 64, I guess while 64 players was feasible a few generations back with lower amounts of graphics etc. nowadays it's much harder to up the maximum player number. Just saying you might wanna prepare mentally for 64 players not happening in this iteration of the game.
  2. I only skimmed through your posts Koni, but from what I read your idea sounds very similar to Allegiance. Have you ever played that game? http://www.freeallegiance.org/ Space battles with one commander on each side researching technology, constructing facilities n stuff while all the other players fight in space ships. A map consists of several different sectors linked by gates. There's also bigger player controlled space ships on which players can be gunners n stuff. Several different roles like scouts, bombers, ships to lay minefields etc. and several different factions with different traits and aesthetics.
  3. This would be a major change to how the game plays. Away from the original concept and towards another FPS sub-genre entirely.
  4. Here's another: http://pastebin.com/9xjVw2H5 I like the game itself but the constant crashing I'm experiencing really starts to turn me off from wanting to play I am NOT playing on Ultra Settings btw.
  5. Guys make sure to post your crash logs over at this Thread to help the Devs narrow this crashing-on-map-change business down: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72041
  6. Here's mine: http://pastebin.com/EWjyvi5T PS: the bot question to register on the Forums threw me off, I tried "Totem Arts" "totem arts" and "TotemArts" before finally realizing my mistake. I hope I'm not alone because I feel a little dumb now ;D
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