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Everything posted by Letty

  1. I hate the artillery crosshair as well. I can judge gravity just fine, thank you very much. Crosshair often obscures infantry at long range. This too. Nod Airstrikes are much more powerful than GDI's and Mammoths are the biggest, slowest target in the game. And airstrikes kill engineers pretty well.
  2. Whoever designed the chat and voting system seems to have been inadvisedly optimistic in their judgement of how often the average player reads the text at the top of their screen. Just sayin'
  3. If you are in a Mammoth you probably have a pretty good idea of where the Airstrike is being called at. Unless a beacon was just placed and an Airstrike is covering it, you are the target.
  4. Don't fight mammoths, fight the engineers. Anything with engineers healing it = unlimited health. Anything without engineers healing it = limited health.
  5. Isn't there mention in the Renegade campaign of the Ion Cannon being a recent development? That would pretty much seal the deal and line the campaign up with the 2nd half of TD. Mobius sure doesn't look 60 and he doesn't move like he's 60. Vehicles and equipment looking more or less like TS instead of TD is simply rule of cool. Lots of units in TS were simply better looking. In any case, all other evidence says that Nod fell off the radar and devolved into a handful of squabbling factions at the end of the First Tiberium War. They were not taking over major cities and destroying GDI head-to-head like you see them doing in Renegade. And Kane was completely gone until the Second Tiberium war, there is no doubt about this. Quote the manual all you like, the game itself is what matters. Kane died at the end of Tiberian Dawn and returned in Tiberian Sun.
  6. Both of those positions are basically irrelevant, because an MRLS or an Artillery that exposed to the GDI base is going to get absolutely destroyed by the players you are fighting. For the APC rush you are intentionally choosing the worst route to rush from (tib field) and still getting in as GDI. I don't see what the complaint is? For the walking through the tiberium path, you are clearly drawing the fire of the AGT and any team that isn't pants on head retarded will notice you. That means you lose. Walking a very obvious path and drawing fire = nice in theory but useless in practice. It can't shoot unless you move closer. Though I would agree in general that Turrets are too effective of an anti-infantry weapon in Renegade X (along with most splash damage sources in general). It's very, very easy. Circle around to the bunker, drop down and harv walk in, hide behind debris and get to tunnel. I literally managed to do it the first time I tried it out. Do I need to make a video?
  7. IMO, it's a very good idea to load every map in skirmish with 0 bots and just try different approaches into each base. Goldrush in particular is much bigger and more complex than the other maps available, so its understandable that a lot of players haven't really fully explored the limits of what can be accomplished. I bet half of people playing don't even realize that there are infantry paths behind both the tiberium fields. As GDI you can get back there as a Hotwire, Harvwalk a bit into the nod base, duck behind some vehicle debris and end up in the Nod tunnels. And you're going through a back path where Nod almost never goes and which gives you almost no exposure visually. If anything it's a much stronger attack than Nod running straight up to the barracks in plain view.
  8. I'd say Mobius's hair being white was an artistic decision to distinguish him as the father of Sydney, else he would look more like her Husband.
  9. Check the Nod base, there is a fairly large underground tunnel that leads from the edge of the airstrip to right under the Ob/Ref, with a 3rd exit that can get to the Nod PP (you have to ninja behind rocks to avoid an obelisk shot, but it's the back of the base where you will probably be safe for the 5s wait). And to mention it again: You can beacon from below the airstrip in the tunnel, Nod is incredibly weak to this attack. Tiberium field->AGT is definitely more than possible, it's a very short distance to drive. There is a large obstruction near the tiberium fields that can be used for cover and a quick repair before the final charge. I wouldn't be opposed to widening it a bit though.
  10. Manual notwithstanding, the tech in Renegade is clearly Tiberian Dawn based. The Renegade campaign directly parallels the Tiberian Dawn GDI campaign in many places. The cinematic for the first mission of Renegade even goes so far as to show a Tiberian Dawn recreation of the battlefield before changing into a 3D view. Plenty of other cutscenes or area designs are directly recreated from Tiberian Dawn. Either there was a secret Tiberium War (renegade) in between the 1st Tiberium War (dawn) and the 2nd Tiberium war (sun), which as far as I know is not mentioned anywhere else and during which both sides experienced no technological advancements before catapulting to 2nd tiberium war tech a few years later, or the manual is in error/things were retconned. C&C was never perfect about fitting things into a timeline anyway. Tiberian Sun officially lasted lasted less than 3 months, which is pretty ludacris.
  11. Keep in mind that the Core Defender existed in Firestorm, and CABAL was basically an even higher tech Nod. But no, walking mechs are completely out of line for Tiberian Dawn, which is what Renegade is.
  12. But people disarmed them in renegade and it worked well didn't it? Or did you just turn around when you saw mines. If an enemy is rushing you the rush generally fails if they have to wait for 20s outside of the enemy base. They usually carry nukes. And? As I said, SBH nukes are far worse in maps without base defenses at all. Compare Goldrush to something like Walls, where a nuke ontop of a building can be defended by Sakuras sniping engineers from the center. Get a Marksman and shoot her then? I smell free points. Good luck throwing rocks at a tank. You're doing next to no damage while they can one shot you. A single headshot will take off ~25%, and you are free. It's not hard to lie in wait until the Sakura exposes herself to snipe someone else. There is no written rule but that's what happened in all the vanilla maps and isn't that kind of the point? There's maps with full base defense coverage, maps with no base defense coverage. Why not a map with in between? Variety of maps encourages variety of tactics. I'm sorry that I'm not patrolling the base 24/7 You may not, but your team should be. If you are playing a 16v16 or a 20v20 then both teams should pretty much always have a few players on every route pressuring the enemy in the middle. Checking out players who appear to be on your team running back into your base should be a fairly common operation. Mines are intended to be the last line of defense, not the first. Even if a spy gets in, unless they are a technician (do technician spies exist?) they still have to plant a nuke to kill a structure, and that's just a repeat of the SBH scenario. If anything spies are imbalanced in GDI's favour. GDI spies can easily get into the Nod base through the underground tunnel and (spoiler) ion cannon the airstrip from underground. I have yet to actually face a Nod team who even had a chance of disarming the tunnel beacon.
  13. Repair guns take *forever* to remove mines. Way more than enough time for your team to respond. If a team of characters is attacking then you should need a team of characters to defend, this is entirely reasonable. hahaha, what? This is literally what mining was designed to do. Next I expect you'll complain about armor being OP and then say that using anti tank weapons is just a bandaid "fix". You can see a SBH at short range. Not a problem. And a SBH sneaking through hardly dooms your entire game. This is going to scare you but there are entire maps where SBH can sneak everywhere. Get a Marksman and shoot her then? I smell free points. Please find me which page of the Holy Handbook of Renegade this is stated on. But as I said, individual characters don't even need to be hit by the obelisk. A Hotwire can get into the Hand by ducking behind trees without problems. They can also jump in the water and get to the airstrip or the refinery (and from the refinery to the obelisk) without any difficulty at all. The only time you have to get hit is if you are rushing as a team, at which point one character getting hurt a bit won't matter. Spies - Yes, you have eyes don't you? APC rushes - Are you even reading my posts so far? Most of your buildings are so far back behind your defenses that the distance to be traveled alone makes them unrushable.
  14. GDI certainly has an alternative. They can easily rush into the Hand (1 obelisk shot can't even kill a high tier character), or shoot it from afar with gunners. A solo character can also get to any structure in the Nod bad without being shot. Furthermore keep in mind that Nod has the underground tunnel in their base, an APC can drop off people at the edge of the airstrip and they can run through the tunnel into the obelisk or refinery without being shot at. Nod can only rush into the bar without being touched if GDI doesn't mine. If GDI doesn't mine on a map where they need to mine they deserve to lose the game. This isn't imbalance, mining is an essential part of the game and both sides are expected to utilize it where needed. Then don't play Hotwire. Be prepared to lose if no one else on your team will. Having characters ready to respond to an enemy attack on any entrance is rather critical on all maps, not just this one. Yeah, that's basically a joke. The amount of time it takes means any half-assed team will respond. The only character that can take down buildings solo effectively is the technician/Hotwire. See above tip on APC rushes through the Nod underground tunnel. For Nod the path from the tiberium field to the AGT is much shorter as well. I rather like the tiberium fields. It's far back enough that the enemy controlling the center can't automatically destroy your harvester every time, yet it's also not perpetually safe like in Island. More granularity in map control is a good thing.
  15. Mines are limited, if you mine the bridge you don't have mines in all the buildings. Not to mention mines are disarmable. Base defenses are supposed to cover the whole base IMO. But the whole point is that you don't need to mine all the buildings. Mine the infantry entrance and mine the buildings near the vehicle entrance. You don't need to mine the WF/PP/Barracks, how are the enemies going to get there? Nod would need an APC with several thousand HP to cross the distance. Of course mines are disarmable, your team also has eyes and can see when an enemy is doing so. Base defenses covering only an incomplete part of the base is one of the best things about these maps. Having multiple avenues of attack while still having a strong passive defense against being overrun by vehicles makes for a fun game.
  16. Mine the bridge and you won't have any problems. Mine the bridge btw. Did I mention mine the bridge? You should mine the bridge. As GDI I can get into the Nod base without being shot by the obelisk, requires at most a 5s hiding behind a tree for the obelisk to cooldown. In fact, I can reach ANY building in the Nod base on foot. Power plant, refinery, airstrip, you name it. Swimming in the water does need to be fixed. You can do it by jumping over the rocks by the GDI side. GDI can easily mine this as well though. You have more than enough mines in the 30 limit to cover both, the only buildings susceptible to an APC rush are the AGT and one side of the refinery, so that's 4 spots to mine.
  17. Have you tested this with other characters as well? I've had instances of shooting at non-moving targets that should have hit and caused no damage. IIRC one of them was a crouching Mobius.
  18. People still think the MRLS was buffed? And that it is better than the Artillery? That's hilarious. The MRLS was nerfed. Before you could fire behind walls without exposing yourself. Now the MRLS has to expose itself for several seconds, which with their paper thin army is more than enough to annihilate it. Artillery was massively improved with the arcing shot, as you can now easily target Engineers behind enemy tanks and destroy them in a few shots. Blast radius is way up to let you destroy infantry, while the MRLS's lock-on is basically only useful against Aircraft, who are already paper thin and better killed by snipers. And the MRLS is further gimped by the fact that any use of it in the field will lead to a timed C4 from a SBH immediately, meaning any lengthy push is going to see MRLSs dying left and right. Aside from the SBH the dominance of the Arty over the MRLS is Nod's biggest strength IMO. Any map that Nod can establish map dominance with Arty and not throw it away is a map Nod will win unless GDI pulls off something quite spectacular.
  19. It doesn't have to be stupid visually either. It's entirely reasonable for a nuke to not detonate (nukes requiring very precise activation and having numerous failsafes) and the ion cannon could end up improperly focused, turning into a nice big light show. I'd love to see those happen.
  20. The main thing to keep in mind is that they are exposed in the open. They have no MCT to speed repair time and engineers repairing them are dead meat for snipers. I agree it's a bit OP, but not against mammies. Mammies SHOULD die charging across the open so slowly towards the enemy base while under defensive structure fire. My main concern is that the turrets shred APCs like nothing. An early game APC rush should always be a viable tactic IMO.
  21. You can walk partly into the silo and place the beacons inside. Check there.
  22. I'm not disagreeing with that, I'm just cautioning people to take a hard look at where they spend their money and what the alternatives are.
  23. Being randomly spotted by someone across the map due to dust is kind of a PITA and makes stealth tanks just a role of the dice. I don't think it would be overpowered to make it completely invisible with no trace at range. Sure, make it kick up dust if boosting. Though honestly boosting need to give more speed increase to be worth it.
  24. If you strafe with a target their head is no longer moving relative to you. Try using the pistol a bit more, you'll probably come to like it with a bit of experience. Even if you don't like the silenced pistol then the machine pistol can serve your needs. Gunner is absolutely amazing against infantry at up to mid range (anything within the range of your AR), the splash damage ensures kills. Honestly I consider him the best character in the game for all around awesome. In an anti-infantry role he can 1v1 anyone fairly competently as long as he isn't fighting across sniper range, and against groups he is the best bar none with his ability to hurt multiple targets at once. Against Heavy Armor he actually does 50% more DPS than the Personal Ion Cannon. That's insane. A $400 character outperforming a $1k character at what the $1k character is supposed to be best at. As for SBH, the SBH rifle actually does more DPS against Heavy Tanks than a Rocket Launcher. Not sure on the exact amount but it's definitely more damaging. Nevermind the obvious tactical advantage of cloak. Also remember that when you pay for a higher tier character you aren't just paying for their weapon, but also their greater health pool.
  25. I've played dozens of matches so far and only had my tank stolen by my own team once. Sadly, it was a mammoth I'd stolen from GDI, which was promptly driven out into Field and lost. And pretty much the whole team bagged on the guy for doing so, probably a newb mistake that he won't do again. People are completely horrible about losing their tank to the other team though. I get if you are GDI and don't realize that SBH is a thing, but Nod should not be losing tanks to GDI. But w/e, silly newbs doing silly things.
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